Archive for December, 2011

Well, Lookie Here

December 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lookie here what Jim Sensenbrenner is having for Christmas dinner.

You know, I can’t imagine a better Christmas gift in the world than having a morbidly obese Republican congressman call  you and say, “Please forgive me, for it is I who is the large ass.”

Thanks to David for the heads up.

I Just Love Sassy

December 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Well, it appears that Minnesota Republican Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch had to resign her seat because of an “inappropriate relationship” with a subordinate male staffer.

Amy Koch: Slutty Gay Hater

That’s a real shame because Koch was a giant big ole massive supporter of the Defense of Marriage Act.  You know, the one where gays can’t enforce their agenda to destroy marriage in America.

Enter John Medeiros, a proud gay man:

John Medeiros, who curates an LGBT reading series in Minneapolis, wrote an open letter to Koch, saying he is sorry gays and lesbians have destroyed the institution of marriage and contributing to her inevitable relationship with a subordinate staffer.

John apparently has the distributorship rights on funny in Minnesota.  He wrote:

“These recent events have made it quite clear that our gay and lesbian tacts have gone too far, affecting even the most respectful of our society.

We apologize that our selfish requests to marry those we love has cheapened and degraded traditional marriage so much that we caused you to stray from your own holy union for something more cheap and tawdry. And we are doubly remorseful in knowing that many will see this as a form of sexual harassment of a subordinate.

I flat out big ole sloppy kiss and hug love you, John Medeiros.

You can read the whole letter here and snicker yourself silly this morning.

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

Christmas Greetings From My Longest Serving Customer: Kellybee

December 22, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Dear Juanita,

I tell ya, The US of A is a great country. You don’t have to be particularly smart or talented to be rich and famous…case in point:

What a gig…have a large media corporation pay you a gazillion dollars to make half-witted comments about Christmas cards and dogs…where do I sign up?



Dear Kellybee,

Here’s my card —

Well, I can understand Sarah’s concern, Kelly, because – after all – Obama is a Kenyan and all.  But how about Daddy Bush’s card?

Or Dubya’s card —

So, I guess we should all be glad that Sarah didn’t use her “family, faith, and freedom” to criticize Mrs. Obama’s posterior.  At least, this time.  I think she’s saving that for Easter.


Yep, Her Posterior is Bigger Than Your Brain

December 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republican Congressvarmint Jim Sensenbrenner is not fond of First Lady Michelle Obama’s eating initiative. But mostly he’s not fond of her rump.

He told the woman that Michelle should practice what she preaches — “she lectures us on eating right while she has a large posterior herself.”

Okay, so what’s he doing looking at her behind? I mean, that just ain’t proper.


Now I know Michelle is going home tonight and crying her eyes out that Sensebrenner and Rush Limbaugh do not think she’s physically attractive. I mean, I’m pretty sure she wakes up every morning hoping that hot guys like Rush and Jim think she’s a nice looking woman. I’m pretty sure that’s her whole goal in life.

And you wonder why there’s gridlock in Washington? It’s not about ideas to make America great. It’s about kneecapping Barack Obama. And even attacking his wife will do.

So, I suggest Sensebrenner apologize before we get a bunch of women spend a week pointing and his butt and giggling.

The Daily Newt

December 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Poor ole Noot.

He has never done anything wrong on his own account.  Remember when he had affairs, but only because he was passionate about America?  Not nooky, you understand.  He was passionate about America.

So now the reason that he appears arrogant is because he’s assertive and assertive people appear arrogant to lesser people.

And to this question:

Mount Pleasant resident Taylor stood up and told Gingrich she thought it was presumptuous of him to declare weeks ago during an ABC interview that he was going to be the nominee.

The Noot answered:

“I used to be an analyst at Fox and every once in a while a reporter will ask me an analytical question and I’ll forget I’m not an analyst, I’m a candidate,” Gingrich said.

Holy crap, this guy has more excuses than the attendance office at Woodrow Wilson High School.

And if you’re somewhere you can listen to grand silliness, this is a treat.

Thanks to RexWin for the heads-up.

Hook ‘Um Dumb

December 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The University of Texas College Republicans apparently applied for acceptance on the smartass provision in college admittance.

In a little-known regulation passed in the middle of the night in Ardmore, Oklahoma, Texas Democratic members of the House on sabbatical passed HB 208-A which mandates that the lowest SAT score on campus is required to the president of the University of College Republicans.

So far, that’s working out pretty good.

A month ago, the president of University Republicans at UT tweeted, “Y’all as tempting as it may be, don’t shoot Obama. We need him to go down in history as the WORST president we’ve EVER had! #2012.”

She stepped down because having a rap sheet with the Secret Service does not look fabulous on a curriculum vitae.

One month later, the new bimbo president  tweets —

Yep, that regulation is working like a fifty dollar screwdriver.

Good luck in the job market, Cassie.

Thanks to Old Mayfly for the heads up.