Way To Really Give Your Racism a Parade Around the Country, Texas!

February 04, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

A week ago, the Texas Secretary of State, who is appointed by the Governor, announced that 95,000 Texans who are registered to vote are not citizens.  There were cannons, waving flags, confetti, and all manner of hub bub accompanying this startling announcement.  Donald Trump even tweeted it.

They then turned these names over to the Texas Attorney General and sent the names to Texas counties so the counties could mail these people letters telling them that they had 30 days to come in and present proof they are citizens.

Now the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, and the Governor’s office are quietly picking up the pieces of a press release shattered by buckshot.

The list was made by first obtaining a list of people who have applied for driver’s license and said they were non-citizens.  They took 22 years of those records and cross referenced them with people who are currently registered to vote.  Wow, 95,000!  Ain’t that somethin’?

Oh dear. They completely forgot that some of those people may have since become citizens but not told the Texas Department of Public Safety. They aren’t required to do so.

Texas naturalizes about 50,000 people a year.

And, they didn’t see if the names matched the right person. Nor did they prove these people had even voted.

The whole damn thing proved Republican leadership in this state is about as helpful as a dumpster possum.

Soon after, the citizenship review effort would buckle, revealing itself as a ham-handed exercise that threatened to jeopardize the votes of thousands of legitimate voters across the state. The secretary of state’s office would eventually walk back its initial findings after embarrassing errors in the data revealed that tens of thousands of the voters the state flagged were actually citizens. At least one lawsuit would be filed to halt the review, and others were likely in the pipeline. And a week into the review, no evidence of large-scale voter fraud would emerge.

Cameron County’s list went from 1,600 to 30, then it went back to about 1,200, and now it’s being looked at again. Sixty percent of Harris County’s was dropped within days. McLennan County was told never mind and their whole list was withdrawn.

In my county, 2 of the first 10 files reviewed by the county were people who filled out a voter registration form, clearly marked non-citizen, and had never voted. They never should have been on the voter roll in the first place but that’s the county’s fault, not the person who filled out the form.

How much egg do Republicans have to get on their faces to serve breakfast and shut the hell up?  Apparently, quite a lot.


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0 Comments to “Way To Really Give Your Racism a Parade Around the Country, Texas!”

  1. To the people the original post was aimed at the egg never broke. The 95,000 illegal voter message is fact, the rest is just too complicated, fake news trying to obscure the fact that 95,000 voted illegally. And where’s the damn wall, anyway?

  2. El Lagarto says:

    “helpful as a dumpster possum.” Stealin’ it.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Voter fraud? How about election fraud? Floriduh, Aladamnbama, and last but certainly not least that orange tainted fraud sitting in President Obama’s former office. Election fraud and voter suppression are the issues, but of course the snacilbupeR can’t see what is wrong there.

  4. The Electoral College should be abolished. Every individual vote should count.

  5. Kenneth Fair says:

    My ex-wife might well be on Harris County’s list. She came to the U.S. legally, applied for a green card, and had a driver’s license for several years before she was naturalized and started to vote. She’s since become an election judge. Nothing she did is illegal in any way.

  6. When bringing up election fraud, don’t forget Georgia, where one of the people running for governor was the guy in charge of deciding who got to vote and where and when. Even then, he didn’t win by much, which tells you by how much Stacey Abrams SHOULD have won.

  7. Soooooo, not election fraud but VA is feeling over our own racist yr book crap. Kind of glad the hypocrite opposition screwed up its dirt digging pre-election so we at least got a Dem admin before it hit the fan…….

  8. Linda Phipps says:

    Sarah O, please, we are heartbroken. The troglodytes are also attempting to smear Fairfax.

  9. Feeling was supposed 2 be reeling above. Yeah, the swamp creatures missed a huge opportunity with that yr book photo so now they are falling back to making stuff up to go after Fairfax. It’s a play they know all too well……sigh.

  10. And just why is the Texas Secretary of State, who came up with the list, put his blessing on it, and announced it with a smirky smile, still occupying the office? We should be parading around his office building with pitchforks and torches!!!

  11. This was one of those watch the bouncing ball things. Not at all amusing!

  12. What a terrible thing to say about dumpster possums!
    At least they help get rid of some garbage, instead of just creating more. And they’re kinda cute, in an overgrown rat-like way.

    But they are destructive little varmints, constantly spreading trash and causing a commotion. Still way more evolved than Republicans.
