Wait! Wait!

March 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If you’ve been living under a rock for the past 48 hours, I have to inform you of some very grim news:  Sarah Palin is the new Judge Judy.

Vice Presidential DebateYeah, that’s something we need.  A woman who knows nothing about the law and whose family gets into brawls regularly and who obviously drinks a little too much and who can’t be understood in the English language and who has failed at every other teevee attempt to have a “reality” show.  Honey, she ain’t even in the same zip code as reality.

Personally, I think we should wait until the next president to decide if Sarah Palin can have a teevee show.

Thanks to Bryan for the heads up.


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0 Comments to “Wait! Wait!”

  1. hahahahaha I cannot wait.

  2. In a weird and timely coincidence, Gawker reports “Pornhub Just Launched a Free VR Channel and It Is Wild”.

    Since the last online “channel” on which Sarah Palin had a program went belly-up — the Sportsman Channel — one might surmise she’d jump at this opportunity. After all, hasn’t she had an uncountable number of middle-aged men saying she’s “hawt” for the past 8 years?

  3. Welllll if in fact this show ever hits a cable channel, watching it will consist of 30 wasted minutes of your life. Think about it.

  4. Judge Judy pulls down $47+M/year on that gig. If I had a crack at it I would do it too.

    Call me perverse but I would actually look forward to Palin putting herself under a microscope where is required by herself to render decisions on difficult or even dramatic issues.

    Sometimes I think she would do OK but the rest would be worth the price of admission. What better fodder could you ask for if your business is picking apart the conservative shibboleths, id, mind-set and world view?

    A lot of it would depend on if she hired a got-Cs-or-better law school graduate and followed that person’s advice. But I doubt that would happen.

  5. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Third turd’s a charm, right?

    In 7th grade we had to take aptitude tests to suggest the top 3 best career paths based on our answers.

    My test scored: 1)florist 2)nun 3)judge

    I wanna challenge Sarah Palin for that judgyship thing on teevee. Apparently, I’m just as qualified.

  6. I guess the TV execs see an opening ’cause it’s obvious to them that Prezident-Fuhrer Trump will be putting Judge Judy on SCOTUS.

  7. austinhatlady says:

    The article says Palin has “common sense wisdom”. I’m stunned.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    “Common sense wisdom?” Palin? Only if common sense = exclusive self-interest, meanness, and inability to think straight. If she had any common sense she’d shut her gob and get a real job. Diner waitress is about her speed (and many diner waitresses have more common sense and are a lot smarter.)

  9. I got a chuckle when I first heard about this, but it has a distinct dark side. The elevation in status of people who have no legitimacy, education or experience is destroying our democracy, plain and simple. Caribou Barbie is an idjit, but she’s not a harmless idjit.

    Every time I find myself to the south of a north-bound horse, Sarah, I think of you …

  10. RepubAnon says:

    The sad thing is that they’re picking a judge based on entertainment value rather than skills. Judge Palin will make viewers think that courts are all about personalities rather than rules.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Will she be doing the first season adjudicating her own family?

  12. bud malone says:

    It’s unfortunate but accurate that our school systems have not succeeded with a segment of society. Palin catering to that group with their fevered minds will be short lived.

  13. Can we wait for the first paternity case to be brought before the court of the Wasilla Hill Billy.
    A complicated case of which of the mother’s brothers is the father of her child. DNA will not give us the answer, only the fine discernment of Judge Sarah will do. Stay tuned, after commercial break we will hear from the character witnesses. None other then Aunt Ma and Uncle Pa.

  14. She has to “meet with stations” AND “make a pilot” And (most important) “sell it.”

    If by some miracle it ever does make it to tv, I give it one short pitiful season on a low-tier cable station before limping off to oblivion. Pretty much like her other pathetic efforts. She is just too lazy, stupid, and untalented to succeed.

  15. the Sock Puppet is like a zombie. it never dies! it only fades away for a bit after the show is cancelled and the network goes belly up.

  16. Finally!
    A judge who will see things from the defendants point of view. Perhaps she’ll regale us with personal stories similar (or not) to the cases that come before her.

    “Ohhh honey! I myself have dinged up a fridge pretty good throwing cans of Pork n’ Beans at Todd. Case dismissed!”

  17. Speaking of Todd, I have no love for anyone in the family, but that was a really horrible accident he had. Too bad he doesn’t have wife who will put his welfare ahead of her stupid ambition.

  18. RepubAnon. A judge picked for entertainment value rather than skills? Please try to stay on topic. We’re not talking about Clarence.

  19. El Gonzo says:

    I wonder if they’ll hang a moose head behind the bench so there’ll be a match for the one sitting at the bench.

  20. And it will all be scripted like the best wrestling and reality shows. The hardest part will be getting her to remember which one is guilty.

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Get Dan Fielding from Night Court to be the prostituting attorney for her,of her and buy her. I believe she even has her own bible to swear victims in on.

  22. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Somewhere in Georgia a trailer park misses her.

  23. @Henry

    I don’t know. I gotta lotta words for Clarence and the other members (and former members) of the RATS, but “entertaining” is not one of them. Of course, neither is “skilled”.

  24. RepubAnon: Since a very large slice of the American populace is voting in enthusiastic droves for a presidential nominee on entertainment value alone, why shouldn’t the TV hucksters figure that they would go for a “judge” on the same basis?

  25. Micr. I know what you mean.

  26. Old Mayfly says:

    Lorraine in Spring, in the early ’50s I took a required High School aptitude test to discover what employment I should seek. I scored highest in “outdoors” and “science.”

    My faculty advisor suggested that I learn bookkeeping.

  27. maryelle says:

    That will be one gargantuan waste of time which I will avoid like the plague. I’ll stick to Madame Secretary, thank you.

  28. e platypus onion says:

    Snowgrift Snoozie will also need a tanning bed in her office and the show needs to be near enough to Lake Loose Seal so she can drive home every night and still collect a per diem for Red Bull and moose chili.

  29. Linda Lester says:

    Not anything I would be watching–it will shut down after the 1st pilot–I have already quit watching Judge Judy as well as she has become so nasty, I can not stand it.

    Sarah is just another re-run!!

  30. gabberflasted says:

    I will watch! Only if her robe has sparklies.

  31. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Old Mayfly,

    Outdoor science bookkeeping sounds lovely. 😉

  32. None for me, thanks.

  33. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ladies, here is Louis Gohmert, ready to take you back to those ‘good’ old days of the 50s.


  34. Marge Wood says:

    Nefer, I saw that too. Make a pilot and sell it. Since she really can’t talk and make sense, she already has to have done a sales pitch to get that far. Now she has to rent a studio and figure out what to do with all that equipment. She prolly could make good tips working at a fancy restaurant, if she needs to make money.
