Update on Scalise: Knowing Your Klansmen

December 30, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal on Republican Majority Whip Steve Scalise.  He now says that he did speak to that group but

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., said Monday that he did attend a conference of white nationalists as a state legislator in 2002 but that he didn’t know the nature of the group and that “if I knew today what they were about, I wouldn’t go.”

Well hell, I guess so.  You also probably wouldn’t have robbed that bank and cracked boobie jokes in church if you had known that you were gonna get caught, you damn fool.

You know, you’d think maybe the white hoods with eye holes would have been a clue.  Or maybe the fact that they paid you with confederate dollars. Or all the shaved heads and swastika tattoos – and that was on the women! Did you think that people doing the Hitler salute were raising their hands to ask questions?

Holy twinkies in heaven above, Skippy, are you saying that if you walked into an Isis terrorist meeting you wouldn’t notice?  If that’s the deal, we sure as heck don’t need you in congress.

Even blind man would know he was in a room of rednecks from the smell of Aqua Velva and Axe body spray.

And here’s the clincher.  David Damn Duke was the keynote speaker.  Where the fool tarnation did you think you were – a GQ Spiffy Dresser of Year awards ceremony?

Dude, resign.  Now.  This morning you went from being a racist to be a racist and a damn fool.  You’re not going to make it to lunch without adding liar to that.  And by dinner?  I see disgraced coming.


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0 Comments to “Update on Scalise: Knowing Your Klansmen”

  1. I bet, in retrospect, Eric Cantor is looking pretty good to them right about now.

  2. Angelo_Frank says:

    Why is it that I don’t see many of his supporters objecting to Scalise attending such a conference?

  3. Stoopid’s rate of acceleration is breathtaking. And totally in defiance of the rules of physics.

  4. Chloe Bear says:

    Thrown under the bus by David Duke.
    Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke said late Monday that his longtime political adviser, Kenny Knight, was “friendly” with House Majority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) in 2002, and cited that relationship as the reason Scalise accepted an invitation that year to speak at a gathering of white supremacists.


  5. Angelo has pointed out the crux of the matter: This only adds to his creds in the Republican’t party. Despite their denials, that’s what these old white guys are about. One only has to remember the way they have treated our President. This isn’t just about partisan politics, it’s racist to the core.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Wonder how Cheetos Man is enjoying his vacation. Having convinced Michael Grimm to resign, he can move on to singing a chorus of “what can we say about Stevie.” Boehner is probably is conference call with Reince and the boys about their new image.

    Sorry boys, Piyush called in: “party of stupid.”

  7. Maybe his memories of history kinda zipped past all that. You know, if folks didn’t have to raise a bazillion dollars to run for office, maybe there would be less of this sort of baloney.

  8. Isn’t not knowing you walked into a clan worse than knowing you walked into a clan meeting? I mean, do you want your #3 in power to be that admittedly clueless?

    Or as JJ so elegantly phrased it, the man’s a “damn fool.”

  9. @ maryelle: Bullseye – had Mr. Scalise stated opposition to racism in a believable way, he’d have lost votes. This way, everyone knows he’s racist – and he can get further points by bashing anyone pointing it out as liberal liars.

    What he really said was that he’s smart enough to stay with the dog whistles rather than clearly stating what he really thinks. This is, after all, what the Republicans learned in the 2014 elections versus those of 2012.

  10. So doing what Scalise did is not as bad as what Grimm threatened to do? And doesn’t get the hammer dropped on him by Captain Orange? Somebody clear this up for me. I can’t spike my eggnog any stronger than it is now without setting the couch on fire.

  11. Corinne Sabo says:

    Everyone in Louisiana knows who David Duke is.

  12. There have been any number of other shoes dropping in this situation and Scalise is too stupid and immune from embarrassment to realize it. He claims that he only accidentally ended up addressing that EURO group without any background on them and now only wishes that he had Google back then to smarten hisownself up on this bunch. Well, that speech was in the early 2000s. Google had been around since 1998 and within 4 years was the number one search engine. His excuse for not using Google? He had only one staffer to do everything for him. Aw, horse pucky, Steve-o! You just considered yourself too damn important to do lackey work! Frankly, I think there will be even more shoes falling such as some outfit digging up something racist that Scalise said, wrote or did. At the very least, he absolutely cannot claim he did not know who David Duke was or what he stood for — or on.

  13. Angelo_Frank says:

    Y’all knew this was coming…

    GOP Rep. Steve King: Scalise Just Acting Like Jesus By Meeting With White Supremacists

    Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa), a leading conservative in the House, said in an interview Monday that he stood by Scalise and believed that many conservatives in the House’s hard-right bloc would do the same.

    “Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners,” King said. “It’s not the healthy who need a doctor, it’s the sick. Given that piece of Scripture, and understanding that Scalise probably wasn’t staffed thoroughly, I could understand how something like this happened. But I know his heart, I’ve painted houses with him post-Katrina, and I know he is a good man.”


  14. This sounds like a great SNL sketch in which Scalise remains blissfully ignorant of who he’s talking to in the midst of a full-scale Klan rally, giving a speech full of statements that unintentionally sound sort of racist.

    I liked his quote about Google. I was 17 in 2002 and everybody used search engines. A lot of people used Yahoo, of course, but Yahoo would even roll its searches into the Google search engine by 2002. It wasn’t 1992.

  15. Corinne, every informed voter in New York City knows who David Duke is, let alone everyone in Louisiana.

  16. Wa Skeptic says:

    Scalise has said time and again that he was “David Duke without the baggage”. He knew exactly where he was and who he was talking to, and so did everyone there.
