The Racists at Night Are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas

November 28, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Take your imagination over to Fort Worth, where men are men and sheep are scared.

Fort Worth is about 10 years behind all the other big cities in Texas because they don’t cotton to that there book-learning stuff unless it’s Jesus approved.  Texas Christian University is there.

So, anyway a Muslim man accidentally got appointed – surely they wouldn’t do this on purpose – as the vice-chair of the Tarrant County Republican Party.

And the shame of it all is that it’s so near Jesus’ birthday.

Hissy fits abound! There’s horrors unfolding at the campfire.

Some in the party say Shahid Shafi, a surgeon and city council member in a Fort Worth suburb, may be more loyal to Islamic law or not supportive enough of the party’s pro-Israel platform.

They’re using the Sharia word. They also object to a precinct chair who is married to a Muslim man and another female precinct chair who has nothing to do with Muslims but they don’t like her because she might be a Democrat. And they don’t like the man who’s party chairman ether. Hell, they even have an online petition to remove him as chairman.

All this was brought about because Beto won Tarrant County and they feel secularism breathing down their skinny upright and uptight necks so they decided to eat each other.
It might be worth a ticket to Fort Worth just to stand in the back of the room and with them build a fire.
Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.
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0 Comments to “The Racists at Night Are Big and Bright, Deep in the Heart of Texas”

  1. I gig as many of my Trump supporting friends as I can by telling them that I have become a Trump Democrat. They all seem puzzled. So I point out that Trump has almost single handily destroyed the GOP, and I support him in that effort. Now, Trumpistas in Ft. Worth are turning into little Trumps, trashing their own. We all should shout out a great big ol hurrah to those people.

  2. Woooooo.

    Truly, truly whacked…

  3. I sure hope that the Tarrant county Democrats are manning the phone banks right about now.
    And I imagine that if it hasn’t already begun, doctored up pics will start showing up on Facebook of the offending folks in traditional Muslim clothing, with MAGAs claiming it’s proof. Cause……SHARIA LAW!!!

  4. I don’t know how to link y’all to an image, but there’s one of a guy lugging a bag of popcorn half the size of a Volkswagen, captioned, “Sorry I’m late– had to get enough for everybody.”

  5. Let’s tell them that the Mayor of London is a Muslim, and the Prime Minister of Ireland is the son of Indian immigrants and openly gay. I want to see their heads explode, even if it is them damn aliens who don’t know any better.

  6. ”Those behind the move to oust Shafi…say this is not about RELIGION but whether Shafi is loyal to ISLAM and ISLAMIC law…”

    Yeah. That’s it. Bwahahahaha……

  7. Which goes to show you – Fort Worth is the Mississippi of Texas.

  8. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It could be worse. What if Dr. Shafi were an atheist?

  9. Besides the really satisfying pleasure of watching these people flay each other instead of liberals, this could be the beginnings of something constructive.
    A third party.
    If enough of them want to try inclusion to attract voters, then the ensuing “persecution of traitors” by the “{pureblood} true believers” might be enough to turn enough moderates away from what their party has become.
    What the hell, a guy can hope.

  10. Yeeshh! Just imagine what these “pureblood” princes and princesses could do if they were to let go of these self made distractions and fed the poor, housed the homeless, etc. as advised in the Gospels. Christians they ain’t but they gotta work like a team of dogs to distract from that lack.

  11. Sharia Law is being used as a scarecrow for the hungry-to-be-fearful, who make up the Right. Actual Sharia law is, in fact, like Christian Canon Law: each denomination (and often in practice, each congregation) has its own version, that only applies to their congregants. Its not a legal law code, it’s a set of beliefs and traditions.
    It’s a stupid thing to fear that it will be applied to everyone.

  12. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Start your morning with some humor:

    “Those behind the move to oust Shafi, a surgeon and Southlake City Council member, say this is not about religion but whether Shafi is loyal to Islam and Islamic law or connected “to Islamic terror groups.”

  13. “A Muslim, a Jew, a Christian, A Hindu, a Pagan, and an Atheist all walk into a coffee shop. And they talk, laugh, and eventually became good friends. I’m not telling you a joke. It’s what happens when you’re not a$$hole.”

  14. @Micr #11:

    That’s my experience…

  15. When will “Christians” understand that each organized religion has its own set of laws that govern practice, credentialing of clergy and relationships among adherents? In Islam, it is called Sharia; in Catholicism, for example, it is called Canon Law. I don’t hear Republicans moaning about Canon Law. Sheesh.

  16. Why did the chicken cross the road?

    To get the hell out of Fort Worth!

  17. A few years ago, if this guy had been a Catholic, these flaming hardshell Bapissedists would be screaming “Papist Devil” from the steepletops. But now they have sort of a mutual assistance pact with the most conservative Catholics, for as long as they see it as advantageous anyway.
    You’d have to go to Aladamnbama or Rwanda to find more savage bigots than these Reptalibangelicals, our own homegrowed religiofascist fanatics.
    What’s weird is that these hardshell Bapissedists have taken up the medieval Catholic Crusades and Inquisition all over again, and I’d wager that they don’t even know the history.

    If Dr. Shafi had any smarts he’d switch party to become a Democrat. As it is, if he stays there, he’s going to have knives stuck in his back every week; and run a real risk of assassination by one of the Rethugs more aggressive whackjobs (there’s always a few of them lurking in the woodwork).
    And just think, Fort Worth is a liberal paradise compared to many other towns and cities in the redder parts of Texassistan.

    Oh well, Dr. Shafi, you hang out with venomous snakes, you likely get bitten sooner or later.

    Democratic leadership merely has to herd cats around, the Rethugs need to herd poisonous snakes, a far riskier task.

  18. Malarkey, These Reptalibangelicals are extremely similar to the most fanatical of Islamic fanatics. Some Muslim places impose a death penalty on various heretical offenses, like leaving the ‘faith’. These homegrown freaks are getting close to that.

    Speaking of different faiths and Canon Law (I prefer .45cal Cannon Law when necessary– heheh), a very close friend of my family is a well-connected Catholic priest who was born a Jew, some of his sisters are nuns (I have no idea how this came about). He and I, a borderline agnostic/atheist, sometimes fence at theology; he has multiple doctorates and we usually parry to a draw.

  19. @Ranger Jay

    I dream of a world where chickens can cross the road without having their motives questioned.

  20. Why did the possum cross the road?
    To show the chicken it could be done.

  21. @Micr@13, I remember an editorial cartoon of the “religious” factions in the Middle East blowing each other to pieces while in the foreground the atheists and agnostics were sitting at a café chatting and having a fine peaceful time. They could be joined by sensible people of any religion.

    “Religious war is people killing each other over who has the better invisible friend.”

  22. treehugger says:

    JJ, I cannot disagree that Ft. Worth and Tarrant County are more GOP than Dallas and Dallas County are. However, I belong to the denomination that founded TCU and it has for years supported women in all leadership positions and LGBT membership and participation in all leadership positions. Overall, it is a pretty left-leaning denomination. And remember that Dallas, after all, is home to Dallas Baptist University, and the University of Dallas (a Catholic institution).

  23. treehugger says:

    Oh, and I forgot, Southern Methodist University in Dallas as well.

  24. Those so-called Christians in Ft. Worth who are all ginned up about the Muslims are hypocrites of the first order. They use religion as a cover to hide and justify who they really are — mean-spirited, self-centered, judgmental, women-hating racists. They are just flat out nasty people who have found a way to justify their nastiness to themselves and the members of their nasty tribe by claiming to be FOJ — Friends of Jesus.

  25. @easttxdem

    Yeah… I spent some time in Fart Worth too.

  26. Gail in Richmond says:

    Treehugger I am of the same denomination that founded TCU and many other institutions if higher learning. I can validate what he said. A guiding principle is thinking for yourself, with the more knowledge, the better.
