That’s Why I Like Jeanine Pirro – When She’s Wrong, She’s Not Just Wrong, She’s Mountain-Moving Wrong

September 02, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Lord help us all, Jeanine Pirro caught whatever the hell it is that Rudy Giuliana has.

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro said Sunday that she believes various forces in Washington have conspired to “frame” President Trump and bog down his administration with scandal and controversy.

I do not know who these various forces are but I like to think of myself as being one of them.  Please feel free to join me in these happy thoughts.

Right off the bat she says that she knows why Trump was framed —

“The crisscrossing and the incestuous nature of our government in an attempt to prevent the outsider president that we wanted from getting elected is frightening.”

Good Lord, she does know that Donald J Trump is president, right?  I mean seriously, don’t you think it’s probably not smart to say incestuous with Ivanka in the room?  I don’t know for sure what crisscrossing is, but I think it’s one of the top ten words I’d use to describe Trump’s staff problem.

She also thinks that Democrats are guilty of all the things Trump is accused of.  You know, like spend government money at their own properties, kissing up to Putin, putting their kids on the government payroll, letting Jared Kutcher be in change of everything, giving our security clearances like birthday presents, and cheating at golf.

That’s mountain-moving wrong.


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0 Comments to “That’s Why I Like Jeanine Pirro – When She’s Wrong, She’s Not Just Wrong, She’s Mountain-Moving Wrong”

  1. To quote Frank Zappa:
    “Stupidity is more common than hydrogen in the universe. And it has a longer shelf life.”

  2. From my observation, Pirro is always wrong. And at Volume 11.

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Actually, Pirro’s screed is pretty much standard projection for snacilbupeR. It’s just that their projection is always weapons-grade.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Has anyone yet determined the source of that strange noise that appears to be coming from her mouth?

  5. Oh she wants the AG job sooooooo bad. She could at least try to be subtle.

  6. These people spend so much time with their heads up each other’s kazoos that they lose all ability to recognize and evaluate objective reality. I don’t know what can be done with them, but they certainly ought not to be in any position of influence, whether in media or government. The usual remedy– exposing their ideas to the public and letting them be laughed off the stage or quietly helped to some sort of home, as the case merits– isn’t working any longer.

  7. Not being a watcher of Faux News, I have no idea who this woman is. However, her quote if it can be called that tells me her meds need adjustment.

  8. I wonder where Donnie Douchebag’s left hand was when that photo was taken.

  9. P.P. Some things we just don’t want to know. Grins

  10. Aggieland Liz says:

    @P.P. & Paul: we don’t have to wonder, y’all, he came right out and told us where he likes to grab ‘em-in his inimitable crass, vulgar, classless, criminal fashion. Ms Pirro does not look the least bit put out (!)…shudder…

  11. Trump better get Space Force up and running quick. So he can protect himself from Various Forces. A battle in the mind of Jeanine Pirro, where she can hear voices, but only from one side.

  12. Fred Farklestone says:

    I don’t know who is more physically nauseating to me, Hannity or Pirro!

  13. There are probably some people in our extended families who don’t understand why Judge Jeanine isn’t headed for the Supreme Court.

  14. The only cheating at golf I care about is cheating the taxpayer by gouging the government for occupying his facilities every weekend. Remember when he criticized Obama because the presidency shouldn’t leave time for golf? His lips move and lies issue.

  15. Good lord! That woman is not blonde.

    If she’s at Fox News, then one must assume it’s her intellectual fortitude that they have her there for. Which is terrifying, due to its negligibility.


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