Thanks, Obama.

March 23, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you know, Ted Cruz is having himself a little fit about President Obama staying in Cuba instead of going to Brussels and personally shooting a Muslim.

Meanwhile, Cruz and Trump were threatening each other’s wives on Twitter.  Cruz’s people put a naked picture of Trump’s wife on Twitter and then Trump threatened to “spill the beans” on Cruz’s wife.

If President Obama had any respect for the people of Brussels, he would have left Cuba and headed to Twitter to blackmail his opponent’s wife.

Y’all, it’s getting bad when Glenn Beck is the standard of sanity in the Republican Party.


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0 Comments to “Thanks, Obama.”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    How soon they forget the picture of shrub reading a book for 10 minutes after he was told of the 9-11 attacks. Or how about shrub flying over New Orleans instead of going there.

  2. It’s a shame an intelligent Bush wasn’t president. I’m thinking of Laura specifically.

  3. @Larry from Colorado

    I just don’t believe for even a tiny slice of a second that Bush 43 read a book. Now posing for a photograph somehow holding a prop that was a book, maybe. But read? Never. Too many big complicated words.

    NoLa was the statement event for 43’s Presidency. Air Force 1 circled low over the city a time or two and departed. Inside, he said “Hmmmmm. Lotta water. … Let’s go home.”

  4. Uncle Dave says:

    After he wins the nomination perhaps someone will publish a nude picture of the winner, Trump or Cruz, it really doesn’t matter. Now try not to think of either of those images.

  5. Uncle Dave: You are a bad, bad man. Now, I have to go find the bleach for my eyeballs.

  6. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Even worse, the Pres went to a baseball game which is entirely unAmerican. (Even looking at a photo of Cruz creeps me out.)

  7. Marcia in CO says:

    It does not matter a whit what President Obama does or does not do … according to the RWNJs it isn’t right no matter what it is. All the RWNJs want is war and more war and they don’t much care with whom!!
    The very idea that an American president or resident, for that matter, should go to a baseball game … well [said with a humpf] that is just not a good gesture at all! What nerve to do such a thing!!
    Dear God, give us strength!!

  8. and it is Obama’s fault that Trump’s 3rd wife posed naked……how else was she gonna win such a prize?

  9. @ micr. He did have a book. Just never got around to coloring in it.

  10. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    If I remember correctly that book was upside down that he was reading to the kiddos.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    “The Pet Goat” is part of a reading series KJ’s grandparents bought him. Fortunately KJ’s reading skills exceed those of Dubya.

    AKLynne, I’m not sure Laura qualifies as an “intelligent” Bush. She did marry Dubya.

    Unless Donnie and Teddie are swapping not so recent and airbrushed photos of their wives, I might need to cancel my twitter account. It would be too funny if the FBI visited those two idiots for distributing porn. Teens have been prosecuted for less.

  12. Cruz and all other rePUKEians have and still are showing themselves to be idiots on a grand scale.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    Both Ted and Don panicked. This is not what we want at the helm.

  14. charles r. phillips says:

    Not to worry. Soon, the long knives will come out.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist, the goat’s reading skills exceed those of Dubya.

  16. Mary in San Antonio says:

    I have a Republican cousin who was ranting all over Facebook about President Obama going to the baseball game in Havana rather than going back to DC. When I challenged him about what he thought the president could do in DC that couldn’t be done from Havana, he had no answer, just that the “optics of him going to a baseball game looked bad.” So what if it was an historic visit to a country no sitting president had visited since 1959; he should have gone back to DC and done whatever. What do you do with a Republican (and Drumpf supporter) that cannot understand history in the making. And this cousin is a teacher in Indiana. Scary!

  17. Old Fart says:

    Here’s the problem:

    If you are like Drumpf, the concept of long term partnership building (like making a coalition of the willing…) involving cordiality does not compute. If the relationship doesn’t involve shrill tyrannical bombast, lording it over the scurrying toads, then…

  18. And how many rePUKEians went to Brussels? And by doing so the accomplished what??? It would have been much better if the rePUKEians would have gone to Brussels and stayed till it was over…we might have been lucky!!!
