Message to Kevin McCarthy: Stop Bullshitting about Spending

February 04, 2023 By: El Jefe Category: Debt Limit

McCarthy and the TFG Wing of the GOP are suddenly clutching their pearls and swooning over federal spending and budget deficits under the Biden administration.  And during such pearl clutching, they keep citing “$31 trillion in debt,” and that “we need to get spending under control.”  At the same time as he’s introducing turmoil into every American’s life by threatening the global economy, he’s decrying causing turmoil.  Saying he wants “government to work,” he’s guaranteeing on several fronts that it doesn’t.

The debt is currently about $31 trillion dollars, which sound like a huge number, right?  It is, but let’s look at it in perspective.  US debt was at $20 trillion when TFG took office.  When he left office, it was $28 trillion, caused by a gigantic tax cut to billionaires, a huge spending spree on his wall, defense spending, and bungling of the pandemic response which caused the highest unemployment rate in history as well as collapsing the economy.  In fact, that $8 trillion increase represents 25% of all US debt today.  And it goes without saying that McCarthy and his Trumpist friends increased the debt limit THREE TIMES without conditions during that same period of time to fund the TFG spending spree.

So Kevin, let’s stop bullshitting ourselves about spending and the debt.  The facts are that when there is a GOP president in office, spending and deficits don’t matter.  When a Dem is in office there’s nothing more critical than spending and deficits with a 24/7 hysteria over spending.  This is blatant mob style hostage taking to keep their base whipped up going into 2024.  Like 2011, Republicans are once again threatening the GLOBAL economy to extract unspecified spending cuts (except for threatening seniors with cuts to social security and medicare, AGAIN).  Obama learned the hard way not to negotiate with hostage takers.  Thankfully, Biden was there and learned that same lesson.  All McCarthy deserves from him is the middle finger.

I’m personally sick to death of McCarthy’s bullshit.  I know it won’t change anything, but I feel better at least telling him so.

Republican Handmaid’s Tale

October 18, 2022 By: El Jefe Category: Healthcare, Roe v. Wade

This is exactly what extremist Republicans are trying to impose on Americans.  The Handmaid’s Tale comes into actual life.

Dan Patrick Finally Pays Out a Voter Fraud Bounty – We’re laughing

October 22, 2021 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, The Big Lie

You recall when Dan Patrick, pandering to His Orangeness, offered $1 million in bounties to anyone reporting actual voter fraud.  Up until now, not a dime was paid, but now that’s changed.  Patrick’s campaign has paid out a $25,000 bounty to a Pennsylvania poll worker, and DEMOCRATIC poll worker, for reporting a man voting twice in the general election, once for himself, and again in a disguise for his son.  The poll worker, Eric Frank, denied the voter, 72 year old Trumpist named Ralph Thurman, who voted for himself and then asked to vote for his son.  Frank turned him away, but he returned later wearing sunglasses and voted again.  Frank reported it when he saw him and tried to confront the Thurman as he fled the building.  Thurman was charged and later pleaded guilty to felony voter fraud.  He got a slap on the wrist of 3 years probation and banned from voting for only 4 years instead of permanently.

Anyhoo, Patrick ponied up the $25k bounty for Frank catching Republican voter fraud, and I guess that’s something.

Biden’s VP Remark

December 31, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Biden

In New Hampshire yesterday, Biden was asked if he would pick a Republican as VP.  Here’s his answer, ALL of his answer:

“The answer is I would, but I can’t think of one now.  I’m serious.  Here’s what I mean. Let me explain that. You know, there’s some really decent Republicans that are out there still, but here’s the problem right now, with the well-known ones — they’ve got to step up. Whomever I would pick were I fortunate enough to be your nominee, I’d pick somebody who was simpatico with me, who knew what my priorities were and knew what I wanted to do.  We could disagree on tactics but strategically we’d have to be on the exact same page.”

Predictably, Biden haters went apeshit, especially those pushing for unelectables like Buttigieg and Warren.  I didn’t find his answer particularly controversial, and you’ll recall that McCain considered bringing a Dem on as VP in 2008.  If he had, instead of screwball Sarah Palin, he could have very well beaten Obama and be known as the late President McCain.  I believe that Biden is playing this campaign perfectly, going for the middle who went with Trump in 2016.

To those on the more left side of the party, repeating Republican talking points: Take a breath…he’s not playing to the Medicare-for-all-free-college-no-oil-for-nobody crowd. He’s playing to everyday Americans who want a decent person in the White House who’s not a criminal and can speak to them. And a reminder – he even said he couldn’t think of any Republican to fill that role.   While Buttigieg, Warren, Sanders, Steyer crowd navel gaze and debate the finer points of granular health policy, Biden is running for President of Everybody which is a winning strategy.

I have believed from the beginning that Biden is the right person at the right time for America right now.  He’ll be a one termer, so needs to pick a strong VP who can step up in 2024, but in spite of all the sniping from his left amplifying differences, he’s on the right track playing to a much broader audience.  Everyone else needs to relax.  Support your unelectable if you must to make your statement and make  primaries more expensive.  We don’t have much longer to shake all this out and get down to beating Trump, which should be the ONLY goal.


Good Read: Why Republicans Play Dirty

September 21, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Alternative Facts

In the NYTimes Opinion section, political scientists Steven Levitsky and

Former Colorado GOP State Chairman Guilty

December 10, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Steve Curtis, hate radio talker and former chair of the Colorado state GOP, regularly accuses Democrats of all kinds of malfeasance, including voter fraud.  Welp, this week, in a clear case of Karma is a Bitch, Curtis was convicted of…wait for it…voter fraud.  In 2016, ol’ Steve somehow thought it was a good idea to forge his ex-wife’s signature on a mail-in ballot and send it in.  Said ex-wife had moved to South Carolina and discovered the fraud when, upon requesting a mail in ballot for that state, was informed that she had already voted – in Colorado.

Steve’s defense?  He forged her name during a diabetic episode, and then accidentally mailed it in the next day.  The jury didn’t buy the story.  I wonder; why is it that the guys who scream the loudest about wrongdoing and voter fraud are generally the ones guilty of just that?