Sign Me Up For Fifty Bucks

October 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Just when you start gasping as much as Trump sniffles, there’s more.

There are people who say they have a tape of Trump saying the N word.  I don’t think we need to hear that.  I think we already heard it when he said the Birther word. The B word is nothing more than the N word dressed up to go to church.

However, there’s a guy who is willing to pay the $5 million breach of contract fine for anyone who leaks it.

“If a $5 million ‘leak fee’ is what stands between truth and total Trump implosion, sign me up,” said David Brock, the founder of American Bridge and a leading Clinton ally, in an email to BuzzFeed News.

Brock was referring to a tweet from producer Chris Nee, who said she’d been told Apprentice staffers were intimidated by a $5 million “leak fee.”

The thing I have to admit I’m kinda guiltily enjoying is the Trump – DeNiro fight.  I can’t wait to hear DeNiro say, “You talking to me?”  Jon Voight (?) has lined up behind Trump. Nobody feels the need to line up behind DeNiro.  He’s a grown up.



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0 Comments to “Sign Me Up For Fifty Bucks”

  1. Robert McClellan says:

    For people saying thank God Trump is going to lose; the Jim Crow crowd is saying if Trump wasn’t a buffoon we would have won. They are going to spend the next four years looking for someone who isn’t an idiot.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Vini Vidi et vomere!

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    “The B word is nothing.more than the N word dressed up to go to church.”

    Absolutely, three-cheers classic. Great line.

    But really… at this point who cares? You’re voting for Trump? You’re an idiot. You’re “undecided”? You’re an idiot. You’ve “changed you mind” because of Trump’s recent actions and words? You’re an idiot.

    You’re an idiot because you don’t know history, you don’t know the Constitution, you don’t know our laws, you don’t know how our government works, AND you are too lazy and arrogant to learn. You are an idiot because you wouldn’t know the truth if it bit you on your ass. You are an idiot because you believe yourself the standard by which all else should be measured. You have nothing to support that assertion but the illogical and false belief you are better than everyone else.

    America will never reach its full potential and promise until you are dead in your grave. Begone.

  4. “I’ll be HIDING at Trump Tower.” There, fixed it for you.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What next after all that sniffing and snorting, Donnie? Place your bets on pawing the ground like Ferdinand the Bull.

    New low in what constitutes a ‘win’ by Donnie’s surrogates. That he remained on the stage for 90 minutes without the Secret Service rushing him into a straight jacket…

  6. AKLynne—Right—“HIDING at Trump Tower behind 6 body guards and the SS.” He is as yellow as they come. What a cry baby.

  7. PKM, Ferdinand the Bull was a nice guy.

    When the debate started I wondered if there was a Trump aide backstage with a dart gun to give him another shot in case the first one wore off, but either there wasn’t or he had poor aim.

    If DeNiro does punch Trump in the face, I hope there’s video. I’d pay to see that.

  8. Everybody notice how Donnie crowded Hillary, trying to intimidate? Texting DeNiro “say it to my face”?. 17 year old bully.

  9. Wow! Robert DeNiro is a bad actor? I smell desperation in the air.

  10. This actually fills me with glee! El Stupido actually egged on DeNiro??? Yeah, El Stupido would be in Trump Tower – hiding! If E.S. wants a bar fight he should go to a damn bar! But hell no! He could be found too easily and challenged to take it outside to the street! And egging on DeNiro!!!! Wrong guy to tick off!

  11. two crows says:

    The Trumpster’s grammar is every bit as good as that of his followers, I see.

    Meanwhile, “Hey Trump! Get off your fat duff and go say your tweet to DeNiro’s face.”

    “Didn’t think you would.”

  12. Tilphousia says:

    12 year old bully. Trump never made it to the level of maturity of teens. Trump is a craven coward. Only picks on those he thinks can’t or won’t fit back. Oh did he make a great big mistake by challenging Hillary. She’s smarter and tougher than all the trumps put together. But remember everyone laugh at trump whenever possible. Drives bullies crazy. Or in trump’s case, crazier than usual.

  13. Susan the Neon Nurse says:

    Not surprisingly, what we DIDN’T see was Donnie telling Ah-nald to come on over and say anything at all to his face.

  14. WA Skeptic says:

    From what I’ve read, Donnie has been an anti-social little twit for his entire life. When he was shipped off the that military school it was because he’d gotten to be too much for his family to handle. This is a prime example of how unfit he is for any office.

  15. Tilphousia: Never said he was a 17 year old valedictorian. 17 year old bullies operate at the emotional level of 9 or 10 year old kids. But with the size and strength of a young adult. Without the experience of going out into the world and finding out how real adults treat bullies.

  16. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @AKLynne #4- Correct, and should De Niro or even Hillary show up at that “tower” the tRUMPf would soil himself, before looking for an exit.
