Shuddup With the Witch Hunt

April 10, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Here’s a dandy reminder to your Republicans friends who keep calling this a witch hunt.

It’s hard to call an investigation a “witch hunt” when it has already resulted in 19 individuals being charged with crimes, including five who pleaded guilty and one who’s been sentenced to jail (for 30 days). That’s quite a rap sheet for an ongoing probe.

Lemme see, the Benghazi investigation lasted 17 months and found … diddle squat.

And, in not hardly surprising news, after yesterday’s events Trump says he is “less likely” to be willingly interviewed by Mueller.

And, the hits just keep on coming.   White House national security spokesman Michael Anton stepped down Monday, the first day John Bolton took over as director of the National Security Council, and Tom Bossert, Trump’s top homeland security adviser, handed in his resignation today.  It’s amazing the number of people who don’t want to go to jail.


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0 Comments to “Shuddup With the Witch Hunt”

  1. It’s a first!
    I’ve never before seen so many rats abandon a sinking ship, in a swamp that’s been drained.

  2. While I’d whup up a movie theater’s worth of popcorn to see Muller “interview” The Donald, it’s hard to imagine any non delusional person representing him thinking it’s anything other than a supremely bad idea. Very, very bad. Bigly bad.

    Even giving him complete benefit of the doubt (which is kinda like watching one of the Die Hard movies), his willingness to say just about anything at any time would give even the boldest, most brazen defense lawyer the hives.

  3. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I’ve been told that Mueller’s witch hunting license has a bag limit of 50 witches. He could reach his limit before the mid-term elections.

  4. I am betting those two who just resigned came to work everyday wearing running shoes.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    If Donnie’s “Titanic” was an actual boat, it would have popped out of his Swamp like a cork with all the rats abandoning ship. Newsflash Cadet Bonespurs, in your rendition of ‘The Ark’ everyone wants to be Flipper. It will be Kismet, if Stormy and the SDNY are what takes out the entire Drumpf crime family.

    But my main curiosity remains with what Mike Flynn had to offer to possibly escape 2-3 life sentences for the crimes he committed. Word of caution to Paul Manafort, 69 is a very young age, if you think you can remain breathing free air for the rest of your life between trials and appeals. Bond pending appeal is not a given old boy.

  6. maryelle says:

    This ain’t a witch hunt. It’s an old fashioned fox hunt and Mueller and his hounds have caught Dump’s scent. One thing you must know about hounds. Once they have you in their noses, they will never stop. They will follow you to the ends of the earth until they corner you wherever you are hiding. Dump is done.
    Take it from the owner of a fox hound/beagle mix with super olfactory power.

  7. well, if you keep finding actual witches, you keep hunting.

  8. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    “…Fire Bob Mueller, fire this guy now. This is a disgrace. We investigate crimes, we don’t investigate people. This is clearly a witch hunt.” – NRA TV host Dan Bongino who then went on to demand investigation of – a person – Hillary Clinton

    By the way, it is a futile hunt for witches, particularly since our White House Reality Show star is a freaking dark side warlock who apprenticed in 1929 Berlin.

  9. One thing that has been bothering me is why isn’t manafort cooling his heels in the local jail while awaiting trail?
    From what I have read his proposed bond assurances have been rejected because of, what appears to be, fraudelent representations of ownership and value when liens, morgages and other encumbances are factored in.
    Imagine a parellel where a transwoman of color was arrested for scamming a white mail on a business deal and offered counterfit money for bond?
    Does anyone beleive that she would be allowed to stay at home with a ankle tracker?
    For gosh sake in new Orleans they were not even giving this priviledge to victims or witnesses of crimes, some violent, who were locked away as a “material witness”.
    Just another insidous way that the law cater to wealth and color.
    Throw him into jail until either he posts an acceptable bond or his trail.
    Let him eat jail food, share a cell with what ever other miscreant is available and shower with the rest of the prison population.
    This is just special priviledges for wealthy white guy who is connected.
    It is unacceptable.

  10. Until he is tied to a tree and surrounded by fire, he has no idea what a witch hunt is!

  11. @K

    I’ve spent some time thinking about Manafort being under house arrest and wearing this cute little ankle bracelet.

    My conclusion is that everything Manafort says or does or maybe even thinks is being recorded 24/7 by Mueller’s team.

  12. (repeat)
    On your PBS channel TONIGHT:
    Trump’s Takeover
    APRIL 10, 2018

    “FRONTLINE goes inside President Trump’s high-stakes battle for control of the GOP, examining how he attacked fellow Republicans and used inflammatory rhetoric that rallied his base and further divided the country in his first year as president.”

    (it should be even better than the program on Hannibal (the Carthaginian) airing right now)

  13. @Micr
    1) I would like to beleive that.
    2) they could do that while he was in jail as well
    3) If forced to share a cell, take communal showers, wear prison garb and eat prison food he probably would roll faster.
    Only acceptable point would be that Mueller’s team thinks he might be more vulnerable to an assination attempt in prison then in his own home.

  14. Linda Phipps says:

    I never thought Trump would offer himself to Mueller. It would be a waste of time anyhow, and even his own people believe it would be a perjury trap.

  15. I don’t believe any of these folks have any idea what a real witch hunt is/does. Check with Europe; they were a nasty business (literally)
