Say What, Mr. Pizza?

June 26, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so it’s not enough to let a Republican in Pennsylvania admit that “voter identification” really means “voter suppression.”

Pennsylvania Democrats are fuming over a comment made by a Republican state representative, who said a controversial voter identification law will help Mitt Romney carry Pennsylvania in November.

After listing off a series of GOP legislative accomplishments involving Second Amendment rights and abortion regulations, Turzai mentioned the new voting law, which requires voters to show a photo ID, as one of those GOP victories.

“Voter ID, which is gonna allow Governor Romney to win the state of Pennsylvania, done,” he said, drawing applause.

Oh no, that’s not enough.

Now we have Herman Cain and Ken Blackwell saying that taking people off Florida voting rolls is a civil rights issue, but not like you think.

I am assured that this is not parody.  This is their argument.  I hope they sell that stinky stuff to the fluffy old white boys because anybody who ever worked for civil rights knows that’s pure  caca del toro.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Say What, Mr. Pizza?”

  1. June Bug says:

    Anybody remember Ken Blackwell from a previous presidential election when he sent the IT Director home just after the polls closed. Yeah, he took care of the ballots o.k.

  2. That URL is kinda scary – “” – kinda suggests you’re going to be logging onto a U.S. government site (I know, they’re .gov sites, but seems fishy all the same)

  3. War is peace. Up is down.

  4. Another Ellen in Texas says:

    Seriously? Wonder who paid those two clowns off.

  5. BarbinDC says:

    Can we bring back tar and feathering??? Those two deserve it so, so badly. Thurgood Marshall is rolling in his grave and I just keep remembering that “Karma’s a Bitch, Baby!”

  6. This is not a parody. Ed Kilgore has some good comments on this stupidity

    This ad is the most striking example yet of the peculiar psychological need of conservatives to convince themselves that when they are messing with minority folks they are actually warriors in the fight for civil rights, while the self-same minority folks are self-hating bigots and/or helpless pawns in the grip of white elites. I mean, really: they could just admit they want to discourage African-Americans from voting because they tend to vote for the wrong party, or that they’d oppose “welfare” whether or not a case could be made that it is victimizing its beneficiaries. All this bizarre self-righteousness and parading of minority spokespeople in communications clearly aimed at a virtually all-white audience is getting downright pathological.

  7. Larry McLaughlin says:

    I have been an election judge 5 or 6 times. They are chasing a UFO or something with this hogwash. I live in Colorado, where some form of ID is required and has been for the 25 years I’ve lived and voted here. Not a big deal.
    But one state has said a MILITARY ID is not a valid form of ID. Don’t know what planet they are from, but it’s far away, in another universe!

  8. That video literally made me feel sick. I get that way when someone tries to make me swallow a huge ugly lie, and I’m afraid that some people might actually gag it down and believe it.

    Fot that and the unusually blatant clown in PA: if you can’t win an election, steal it. Hell, it worked in 2000.

  9. cairocat says:

    Washington Post’s Adam Sewer wrote about the non-existent “New Black Panther Party” threat after the DOJ declared its investigation closed for lack of evidence.
    “For today’s conservatives, the absence of evidence of a conspiracy merely serves as more evidence of a conspiracy.”
    We really have stepped through the looking glass, haven’t we?

  10. Elise Von Holten says:

    I am sick to my stomach—My beloved and I are seriously looking at leaving the country, although there are many things holding us here for a few more years—and I don’t think we have a few more years…I sit and look at the green fields and my lovely home, and think about WWII and the fleeing of the camps that is what is in my families recent history–(parents)
    and realize that fleeing Fascism again so soon is terrifying–and we are not rich enough to have the reserves that got us out of Germany–the last ship out, our belongings and money were in the ship that couldn’t land anywhere so shirt on our backs poor…but, the parents got out. We look at each other in dismay, and this morning said, “Too slow, too slow–knowing that in this (sorry!) Brave New World we are already into, we will (as Jews) bear the burden of the peoples hatred–it’s already started in Europe, and the Repug thugs will need a target really soon… I, like Jefferson,”Tremble for my country, when I reflect that God is just…”

  11. Lorraine in Spring says:

    That was disgusting on many levels. Seeing those images from our not so distant past, then seeing Rick Scott’s head pop up, made me shudder. It looked like something recorded about 70 odd years ago.

    We’re dealing with some sick and twisted people these days.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    The various Republican sponsorerd voter ID laws are only about voter supression. Fraudulent votes are only a problem when electon officials are dishonest. Even if there are voter ID laws in place they are only effective if enforced because an election judge follows the law as a consequence of conscience or the presence of poll watchers.

    Where ID laws exist Democrats need to see their folks get proper ID and put poll watchers at predominantely GOP boxes. We also need to challenge the laws and their implementation, praying that democracy does not get Scaliaed* in the process.

    * scaliaed, past tense of the verb to scalia, meaning to sell out constitution and country while whoring for a plutocracy or fascisim.
