Randy Weber, Texas Congresscritter

January 13, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

If President Obama had gone to France, they’d call him a cheese eating panty waist who pals around with surrender monkeys.

If he doesn’t….

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He’s worse than Hitler.


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0 Comments to “Randy Weber, Texas Congresscritter”

  1. It is always sad to observe a right-winger who thinks he has a sense of humor. I mean, Hitler jokes . . . Hysterical!

    I’m just surprised Weber didn’t work in frog-eaters as an encore.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Somewhere between one and three plus million people marched safely in Paris. Given the current track record of our secret service, sad day that it is, for the safety of all and our President, he made a wise choice.

    The numbers just don’t “add” to any sane person. 9/11~3000+, Paris 17; Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan? Millions, depending on who does the counting, or “collateral damage” if it’s a Republican.

  3. This was a “damned” either way thing.

    Damned if he did.

    Damned if he didn’t.

    This was a French Constitutional “free speech issue”. I’m sure the French Government, and French people are perfectly capable of taking care of without our help, or our presence.

    Some governments were asked NOT to send representatives. They did so anyway, to score political points in their home country.

    I think our President was wise in making the decision not to give credibility to either the terrorists who perpetrated this horrible attack, or to the politicians who tried to use it for political reasons to score points in their home country. JMHO.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Fox news would have called it a vacation in Paris and complained about the cost.

  5. We should take up a collection to send Randy to Paris. With one condition -he has to spend an 8 hour day standing under the Eiffel Tower repeating that tweet to Parisians. Then he’ll see how clever he is.

  6. What do you expect from the party of Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast?

  7. It sort of rings of hypocrisy to me that US news outlets blur out the cover of a magazine out of concern for the sensitivities of those who might be offended by seeing an image of Mohammad; while, in the next breath, dissing the President for not representing in a march in honor of those who were killed for drawing images of Mohammad.

  8. AlanInAustin says:

    Well, let’s give him a break. After all, people with room temperature IQs are at a particular disadvantage this time of year.

  9. We do have an ambassador in France. The only article I saw that mentioned her said that she attended the event. That’s what ambassadors are for.

  10. Patrons above make valid points about security planning for POTUS, ambassadors, etc

    Bottom line, GOP/T Partiers just want to pi$$ and moan about what President Obama does and nothing else matters. One should consider the source and move on.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    The problem with what Micr says says is wingnut voters feed on garbage like this like enzymes in a septic tank. Dem voters tune this non-sense out and then don’t bother to vote.

    I wonder if there will ever be a time when wingnut behavior offends enough complacent voters to get off their collective asses and go vote. Attributes to Zyxomma and humble apologies to Mama.

  12. Exactly. The Pubs seem to think the President’s only responsibility is to show up at symbolic functions. Military funerals, cop funerals, WWII veteran funerals, WWII battle memorials, and now this. If he doesn’t show, then clearly he hates America. And veterans. And cops.

  13. Weber’s my Congressman, too. He likes to blather in the local rag about Obamacare and the Keystone and the usual Pub suspects.

  14. e platypus onion says:


    Unhandy Randy spelled Adolf wrong.

  15. gabberflasted says:

    Hmmm, our Pres is wrong because he did not demonstrate along with those bastions of human rights?
    Such as Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and many others ? Hell, I tip my hat to him. We are trying to rid ourselves of the “enhanced” interogation albatross, not bring it back to the fore.

    A pox on those who badmouth what was probably a considered decision.

    Just what we need, an alignment with absolute despots.

  16. But I thought all the neo nazis were in the republican party, and anyway the president could not get on a flight – they were all booked up by republicans who all went to Paris to pay respects.

    Seriously, what does this idiot know about Hitler?
    I am a very old lady, spent my childhood in England being bombed out of existence by Hitlers air force and I do not take it lightly when the rethugs like to call everyone Hitler.

  17. chloe bear says:

    Republican apologizes for Hitler tweet
    By Jesse Byrnes
    Rep. Randy Weber (R-Texas) apologized Tuesday for a tweet where he invoked Adolf Hitler to criticize President Obama’s absence from the unity rally in Paris.
    “I need to first apologize to all those offended by my tweet. It was not my intention to trivialize the Holocaust nor to compare the President to Adolf Hitler,” Weber said in a statement.
    Read more on this article at The Hill

  18. @EPO
    of course you are right in calling out my oversimplification. In my defense, I never intended to give non-voting Dems a place to reside in my commentary or a condoning of such non-participation.

  19. Sam in Schertz says:

    He was a corrupt city council member when I lived in Pearland. It’s apparent his ethics and character have only
    devolved. True talibaptist.

  20. “I now realize that the use of Hitler invokes pain and emotional trauma for those affected by the atrocities of the Holocaust and victims of anti-Semitism and hate,” he said.


    Yeah, I don’t have any idea why that would have occurred to him earlier.

  21. So many of those leaders marching to support freedom of speech actually fight to squash free speech at home…Turkey, Russia, Saudi Arabia (lashes, remember?). But our ambassador was there to represent the U.S.


  22. Angelo_Frank says:

    ‘Engage your brain before putting your mouth in gear’ should be the standard rule for politicians.

  23. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Joan, I was born too late to personally apologize for the Holocaust and American slavery. Yet, I will apologize because I know wrong from right and understand the need to acknowledge historical wrongs.

    I am of an age to apologize for the actions of the US MIC under Bush/Cheney. We have a historical obligation to ensure the safety of Israel. The sooner the US military ceases bombing the ME in “the name of peace,” the sooner the US will cease destabilizing the world.

    To your point, certainly the name of Hitler should not be tossed around as if facts were a game. But all war criminals like Bush and Cheney should choose trial or the coward’s way out.

  24. Think before you speak is one of those attributes so foreign to the Repugs.

  25. 1smartcanerican says:

    Personally, I believe that all the American bases round the world should be closed down and our military downsized. Of course, I know that this is not possible due to the $$$ earned by the leaders to keep the MIC humming along. That does mean that we need wars to keep all the military working. Peace will never come again at this rate.

  26. 1smartamerican, sometimes the announcer at a televised football game will send out an acknowledgment “to our men and women in the American armed forces in 185 countries around the world….” I could have the number wrong, but only slightly. Sounds like the only countries where we don’t have troops are Russia, China, and North Korea. (I would say Cuba, but Guantanamo.)

  27. e platypus onion says:

    maryelle nailed it.Thinking before you speak=foreigner and you know how wingnuts like foreigners. I’m guessing foreigner is a French word. That should make wingnuts choke on their own buzzard bile.

  28. At some point, people will learn that Adolf Hitler doesn’t make for good comedy.

  29. Scott, Republicans will never learn that Adolf Hitler doesn’t make for good comedy, especially when they want a comparison for our black, liberal, constitutional-scholar President.
