Parlez-vous Dopey?

April 22, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, okay, so Donald Trump says he’s not “explicitly” endorsing Marine Le Pen in France’s election.

But he says he believes she will be helped by the attack that left a Paris police officer dead, because she’s the candidate who is “strongest on borders, and she’s the strongest on what’s been going on in France.”

Trump says he believes the attack will impact how the French people vote in Sunday’s first round of voting in the presidential election. He says he’s not worried about emboldening terrorists by saying an attack can have an impact on a democratic election.

I’m not as much worried about emboldening terrorist as I am with the thought that anybody assumes that Donald Trump knows “what’s been going on in France.” I will give fifty dollars cash American money to any reporter who says, “Okay, big boy, tell us what’s going on in France?” because Trump has not a clue what’s going on in France or anywhere outside of Mar-a-Loco.

And …. is Russia interfering with this election, too?  Hey, Trump would know.

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0 Comments to “Parlez-vous Dopey?”

  1. As soon as Trump finishes a meeting with Frederick Douglass to review conditions faced by black people in America, he has an appointment with Alexis de Tocqueville penciled in for discussions about the current situation in France.

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    Did Comey decide to affect the French election now?

    If I were a French voter I’d definitely be suspicious of the timing of this shooting.


    And the only thing Trump knows about France is that they make good croissants.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Dolt45 was schooled by China as to North Korea. Those lessons had little impact, if any. It’s time we all face reality to realize schooling Donnie is an exercise in futility. Time for Donnie to have a MOAB of a singing experience and be dispatched to sing with his latest BFF, Luciano Pavarotti.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    WA Skeptic, you give Donnie too much credit. croissants? really?! Dolt45 thinks that substance around his Big Mac is a bread product.

  5. maryelle says:

    It’s bad enough that he is so clueless and the whole world knows t, but our enemies are counting on his ignorance.

  6. They speak French? Must be from Louisiana

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Guess mangled apricot hellbeast is a bit fuzzy on this death thing. Thinks Frederick Douglas speaks for today’s African Americans and Luciano Pavarotti is a current bff ( which angers Pavarotti’ s widow greatly). Not only does this make him a worldwide laughingstock but shows vulnerability in leadership that is not unnoticed by our enemies. He must go before he leaves a world of radioactive ash.

  8. UmptyDump says:

    @Rick – +1!

  9. RepubAnon says:

    “US President Donald Trump advises French voters to embrace nationalism…” Wouldn’t French nationalism include ignoring what some (idiot) foreigner advises?

  10. About that rumor that the French are just naturally rude . . . you can bet that they will ignore anything 45 says. Some times its a good idea to be a snob!

  11. This is all Trump knows of France:

    I see London, I see France.
    I’m a star, so I can grab them
    By their underpants.

  12. Marge Wood says:

    My favorite so far is the one about seeing underpants. All this goes to show that having Ivanka hanging around in the White House is bound to help her aging papa. All senile men need someone to keep an eye on them and remind the old man what year it is. Time for him to retire. Why should we furnish office space for his business dealings. Let him pay for his own. Ditto his kids.


  13. slipstream says:

    Maggie, the French are not naturally rude.

    They work very hard at it.

  14. A cartoon from some years ago when few people were vacationing abroad showed a Paris street lined with cafés, the waiters on opposite sides of the street glaring and gesturing at each other. “Deprived of American tourists, Parisians turn to insulting one another. Society quickly breaks down.”

  15. Got no current beef with the French. US and France have a relationship older than the American Republic.

    My little bride and I spent an enjoyable 25th wedding anniversary in Paris and hope to repeat the itinerary for our 50th.

    I do enjoy an occasional, tasteless or offensive, joke told on our French cousins. But even in bad times, we are proudly allies, IMO.

  16. WA Skeptic says:

    @#15: you are totally correct. Few, if any, Americans are aware that France is responsible for most of the financing of our Revolution, as well as the presence of the French fleet in deflecting the British warships around our harbors.

    Sadly, it can be said that our Revolution was a major inspiration and directly responsible for theirs, along with a major famine, etc.

  17. TrulyTexan says:

    It is so quaint that in the time it took to read about a terrorist attack in France that killed one person, about 5 were killed in the US and no one (aside from those close) notices or cares. I guess since France doesn’t have the NRA, they take gun violence more seriously.

    At this point I am suspicious of the motivation of any attack within about 6 months of an election. Plays right into nationalist hands, “See, look what happens if I’m not in charge, vote for me and it will all end.”

  18. Ya know, if France doesn’t stop with that ridiculous accent and using sauce velouté on its own population, we’re lobbing a few Tomahawk BGM-109s into the Louvre. I think it’s high time we established a Red Line with that rogue nation. OK, it’s France and it’s Fashion Week in Paris, so the line will be an eye-catching but understated lavender with gorgeous chartreuse highlights and exposed midriff.

    Listen, we can’t let France be overrun with, and terrorized by, French people. It’s not too late.

  19. Asked to elaborate on what’s been going on in France, #45 said: Believe me I know more about what is going on in France than Charles DeGaulle–great guy, Charles, who by the way is a good, good friend, not much of a golfer but that’s ok, he’s a great guy. Really tall. People say it’s just a mess in France. So sad.

  20. I hear all the time about how rude the French are. But my experience is so much different. I’ve been to France many times and what I found were people who were very willing to help when I needed it, or just indulge an American who wanted very much to use terrible high school French. A waitress who, after I gave my stock “Je ne comprends pas. Répetez s’il-vous-plait” came close, looked directly at me and spoke slowly. I then understood. And the shop keeper that smiled and completed my statement as I held out a keychain “Je veux acheter un …” with “porte-clés.” And another shopkeeper who phyically led a student to a shop where he could buy a new camera, all without either one knowing the other’s language. I could go for another 500 words on the kindness and kind humanity of the French people.
    However, I’m sure the typical ugly American, which I have encountered all too often overseas, gets an entirely different response. And they should!

  21. JanK, I haven’t been to France, but I suspect the people there are like people anywhere: most are nice, some are very nice, and a few are nasty buggers. With some exceptions, we generally get what we deserve. (One of the core Pagan principles is that whatever you dish out, good or bad, comes back to you threefold– a good thing for us all to consider.)
