Oh, So Now You Call For Civility

December 04, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Senator John Cornyn, who to his benefit is best known for keeping his mouth shut because at least he knows he’s dumb as a sack of hammers, has spoken out loud so I listened.

The so-called 21st Century Cures Bill is a Republican is a Christmas gift to drug companies. Honey, it’s got tinsel and bells and crap hanging all over it.  Senator Elizabeth Warren spoke out against one particular portion of the bill in particular.

And finally, Warren criticized provisions designed to speed approval for stem cell therapies. Referring to a major Republican donor who would stand to benefit from the provisions, “This megadonor has poured millions of dollars into Mitch McConnell’s personal campaign coffers and into his Republican super PAC, and now he wants his reward. So the Cures act offers to sell government favors.”

The story then describes this —

After Warren ended her speech, a stunned-looking Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas) rose and protested the senator’s language and tone. Cornyn called for more civility.

Numero Uno:  John Cornyn always has a stunned look on his face. That’s his base line – stunned and confused. Words stun him and bygawd most of them confuse him.



Numero Twooh: More civility? Oh, so NOW you want damn civility.

So the suspension of civility is only for Republicans?

Thanks to Bunny for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Oh, So Now You Call For Civility”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Republicans: Yes, I lie. I lie all the time. And how uncivil of you to acknowledge it. *harumph!*

    What is it they say about “repentant” criminals? Not sorry he did the crime. Sorry he got caught. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Exhibit A, Senator Cornyn.

  2. Funny how the folks who invented terms such as “feminazi” and “lie-beral” clutch their pearls and collapse on their fainting couches whenever criticized, even in terms much milder than those they themselves employ against their opponents.

    It’s almost as though they’re seeking to impose controls on the language used in political discourse – “political correctness” in other words.

  3. Yup. IOKIYAR has been in full force for, at least, the past 40 years.
    Blaming a Democratic president for the actions of his ne’er-do-well brother.
    Silence and good behavior during the twelve years of 2 Republican presidencies.
    Spending 7 years and $6,000,000 investigating a Democratic administration for everything from buying stock in a particular company to murder and, finally, settling for a blow-job.
    Again, silence and good behavior during the eight years of a Republican presidency.
    Stomping their feet and shrieking,”NO!” for eight non-stop years — IOW, being toddlers.

    And that’s not to mention:
    Slut-shaming women generally and working to criminalize them for availing themselves of their constitutional rights.
    Shaming people for the color of their skin.
    Tearing the phrase, “all men [sic] are created equal” out of the Declaration and any hark-back to it from the Constitution in regards to women, ‘races’ other than lily-white, LGBTQ, children-for-goodness-sake!

    But hey, Elizabeth Warren hurt Senator Cornyn’s fee-fees! Oh! The horror!

  4. Jane (married to him --->)Polite Kool Marxist says:

    John wants bi-partisan cooperation. Democrats tried that with Dubya and Republicans left a pile for President Obama to sweep away, while they obstructed his efforts to clean up their mess.

    Now the obstructionist Republicans with an 8 year history of blaming Democrats with their 8 years of investigating Sec/Sen Clinton and a two year promise to investigate her further want a pass for on all things conflict of interest Donnie.

    When the Republicans start with a simple investigation of tenant/land owner president-elect Donnie regarding his lease at our historic post office, maybe they’ll have a voice. Until then, there is one word for them – emolument.

  5. A pox on Cornyn.

    And, when anyone touts this bill to me, I just repeat, “Thalidomide. Thalidomide. Thalidomide.” If Frances Kelsey had caved in to the drug companies way back then, the US would have had our own “flipper” babies, just the same as other countries who weren’t so careful about approving drugs.

    But then, for Snacilbupers, the only time children count, is when the are in the womb, and then only if “threatened” with abortion.

  6. Republicans want people to be calm about the junk they do. Democrats want the unbridled truth. We know what side Cornyn is on.

  7. Jane..Marxist?: Good point. At first glance, calling for civility from dems while pretty much simultaneously threatening more investigations and prosecution of Hillary just seems like incredible chutzpah. But make no mistake about it folks, this is open threatening of abuse of power to punish political enemies because repugnantcans have gotten away with this kinda crap for way too long. Now they’re ready to take it to a whole new level. I sure hope more dems take the example of the amazing madam Warren. Like the Dixie Chicks, she’s not ready to make nice.

  8. Jane (married to him --->)Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Texas, clean house. Your critter John Culbertson is one slimy dude. http://culberson.house.gov/news/

    Google has yet to catch up with what he said on the bobble head shows today, but it spoke of why he needs to be gone from public office. I would reiterate, but that dufus needs to be heard in his own words.

  9. A member of the Australian parliament several years back opined from the floor, regarding one of her colleagues from another party, “I move that this sniveling worm be no longer heard.” She might have gotten off with a reprimand, rather than being banned from the chamber for a day, if she had not, when told to apologize, apologized to any worms she may have offended.

    WATB: Blog acronym for Whiny Ass Titty-Baby. Primarily refers to right-wingers who routinely bully others but whine vociferously at the mildest criticism directed their way.
    “In Karl Rove’s retirement interview with the NY Times, he blamed everyone’s hatred of him on the Democrats. What a pathetic, disgusting WATB.”
    #conservatives #right wingers #wingnuts #blogs #double-standard

  10. Steve The Returned says:

    Blow it out your colon, Cornyn. Republicans are entitled to the same level of civility they gave President Obama for the last 8 years—zilch, nada, nothing. Deal with it.

  11. If Democrats, this time, give in to the “civility” BS, maybe it’s time to move to a distant land and live my final years as a hermit. I have never been so disgusted and disappointed by our “leaders” as I am now. We (Democrats) need to define ourselves and push back at every opportunity. Compromise just like McConnell. Boehner, Cruz, Cornyn, et al have done for the past eight years. We are replacing a intelligent, thoughtful, well-spoken man with a narcissistic, thin skinned demagogue. Let Juanita, El Jefe, PKM, Micr and other “enlightened” individuals here at the WMDBS lead the way. Could the ones that live in the area meet for some strategy sessions?

  12. JAKvirginia says:

    Pilates for Democrats:

    – Shake head from side to side vigorously.
    – Shout loudly “NO!”

    Repeat for 5 minutes paying close attention to form and vocal clarity.

    Perform exercise daily.

  13. I’m kind of torn here, because “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind” and if neither side is listening to the other and nobody tries to compromise, the whole shebang (in this case our country) goes down the plughole. On the other hand, if we make nice and they don’t, we’re letting them walk all over us and jam through every ugly policy they’ve got. We’ve got to stand up for what we believe and protect what needs protection, but… You know, seems to me it didn’t use to be this vicious. People disagreed without flaming each other. I just don’t know how to get back to that, when every step toward it seems to be holding up a sign that says “Shove me aside and do whatever you want.”

  14. Great news. U.S. Army Corp of Engineers refuses to grant permission for Dakota pipeline to be continued, but needs additional study for other options. Not an end to it, but hope.

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Rhea: Yes, being piggeaded is not leadership. But saying “No” isn’t being pigheaded when you supply good reasons to say it. Democrats fail because they don’t want to be seen as obstructionists. That can be countered with a well-reasoned argument — explain why — and people will understand your objection. They may not agree, but they’ll know where you’re coming from. Why Democrats too often shy away from that is beyond me. Elizabeth Warren doesn’t. And when she gets through ripping something apart it stays ripped because she’s right. Now, if we can get the male Dems to “woman up” we might get somewhere.

  16. RepubAnon says:

    @ Rhea: although an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind, actions must have consequences. Here, the Republicans have created gridlock, which they then blamed on Democrats. I’d say the more apt saying is “as ye sow, so shall ye reap.” The thing to tell Republicans is that “two can play at this game.”

    Of course, the problem is that Democrats keep telling people that government can solve things – while Republicans say that government is the problem. Thus, Republicans can prevent government from working and say this confirms their position – Democrats can’t do that. Instead, I’d suggest principled opposition: rather than simply being obstructionist, stand up for what we believe in. I expect Republicans will give us lots of opportunities to do this in the coming years.

  17. I don’t want Dems to emulate the Party of No. Vigorously oppose anything that’s crap- like this bill. Work to pass anything that’s good (It could happen), regardless of who wrote the bill. We are the Party of Integrity. Let’s stay that way.

  18. It’s true. The Indians brass the cowboys. The pipeline route next to the Standing Rock res is denied by the Army engineers. Woo-hoo!
    NPR has the story here: http://goo.gl/lIuM6W

    Thank you to PKM and all the rest of the wonderful protestors.
    I am thrilled giddy with excitement tickled silly grinning like an idiot

    We’re going to need to do that kind of thing often in the next 4 years. I think people are ready. Charities like ALCU, PP, ADL, CAIR and others report record donations beginning the day after the election. Those wingnuts can get f**ked because America is not going to put up with their NaziKKK scheit.

    I feel like The Real Silent Majority had been awakened. Wow. This is the best I’ve felt since Nov. 8. HOPE IS ALIVE!!!!!!! (I may be overdoing it a little, but I don’t care. I need this hopeful, energizing and motivating feeling of strength.)

  19. @Rhea 13. There is a difference between ‘an eye for an eye’ and standing up to bullies. In my experience you can’t out-nice a bully. You have to fight back or they will keep bullying.

    I personally am done with making nice. I have only a thin veneer of Christianity and it has been deeply gouged and abraded. I don’t plan on going around being rude but I’m done with just smiling and walking away. Just my $.02.

  20. AliceBeth says:

    So where has his call for civility been for the last 8 years when GOP and conservative assholes have called the President and First Lady and their daughters horrible names? While people hung nooses, scrawled offensive words everywhere? Called the President a liar during the State of the Union? Where the hell was Cornyn then? Where was not civility but common decency?

  21. JAKvirginia, I think I know why Democrats cave too easily. Democrats have been called “the mommy party,” and it is a common female failing: if you don’t want conflict, you tend to compromise your position before you start negotiating. “I want 10 and he wants 20, but I don’t want to seem unreasonable so I’ll say 13 is okay.” Then instead of 15 being the middle position, the other side ends up with 18. But we ought to start out with what we want and what we think is right, instead of stating what we’ll settle for.

    Let me say that it’s okay for women or anyone else to do this, as long as they realize what they’re doing and know that the other side probably isn’t doing it, so they’ll end up with less than what they might have had if they’d been firmer. I don’t want to say “Women are weak and do it wrong,” although I would do it differently.

  22. Texas Republicans like Corny and Cruz: I’m not sayin’ I hate ’em, but I’d unplug their life support if I needed to charge my iPhone.

  23. Speedy approval for stem cell therapy? Something about stem cells and George W rings a bell, but I can’t quite get a hold of it …

  24. Hahahahaha! Microsoft that was beautiful!

  25. TheoLib: Isn’t it funny how stem cell therapy Has been murderous, evil, unchristian, and unamerican for 8 years. But now somebody who contributed heavily to the Trump campaign can make another fortune on it, Jesus is cool with it. Micr: I’m stealing that line.

  26. Fred Farklestone says:

    An old rancher is talking about John Cornyn with a young man from the city. He compares Cornyn to a “post turtle”.
    The young man doesn’t understand and asks him what a post turtle is.
    The old man says, “When you’re driving down a country road and you see a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle. You know he didn’t get up there by himself. He doesn’t belong there; You wonder who put him there; he can’t get anything done while he’s up there; and you just want to help the poor, dumb thing down.”

  27. Cornyn looking confused? Actually I always thought that was his scairt to death look!

  28. bud malone says:

    The guy does have a high forehead.
