Oh. No. You. Don’t.

August 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Jeb Bush thinks I’m crazy.  Me, personally.  And you.  You, too.

Remember when he used the term anchor baby?  You heard it.  It was on all the channels. He shrugged when asked if it was a derogatory term and challenged, “Give me a better one.”

jeb-bushFirst he tried to back it down by saying, “I said what was anchor babies as they are commonly described.” He insisted that it wasn’t his term but just a “commonly used term.”

That didn’t work so hot, mainly because it’s a damn lie.

So he decided that a double damn lie would work better.

GOP presidential hopeful Jeb Bush claimed on Monday that his use of the term “anchor babies” was not offensive because he was referring to the practice of people, primarily Asians, coming to the U.S. and “taking advantage” of birthright citizenship.

Oh no.  Bush never said the word Asian any time he was asked about his use of the term.  He did not learn the word Asian until yesterday.  What he is talking about is called birth tourism, not anchor babies.

So who ya gonna believe, him or your lyin’ ears?

This guy creeps me out. Even worse that the other Bushes. I don’t know what it is but there’s something creepy as hell about this guy.


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0 Comments to “Oh. No. You. Don’t.”

  1. Never heard the term anchor (way oversized heavy metal nautical implement) babies (soft fragile defenseless creatures)for years. Always heard passport (piece of paper) births instead. That last term sounded a lot less inflammatory and misleading. But hey thats the way the right wing sling their word slaw. Recently heard that it was the right wing who came up with the term political correctness in order to deflect the damage from the shrapnel caused by their own political speech. I was mystified by the PC thing. Mamma always taught us “civility” and linked it to “citizenship”. Apparently this is just not in the right wing ballpark of slinging slurs. The kids nowadays have pretty much never heard of civility or citizenship which is a shame. Somehow those two ideas got drowned out by people who delight in throwing misnomers around like confetti, just to prove how smart they aren’t, like Limp-paw and his ilk.

  2. And it’s said that he is the smartest one in the family!

  3. Begonia Buzzkill says:

    Anchor baby term has been around for years to describe foreigners using their child born in US to have the ability to get permanent residency.

    Right wing’s celebrated talon bearing banshee, Michelle Malkin, is the child of anchored parents…Gov.Bobby Jindal, too. They must both cringe when hearing the term but Jindal spins it by attacking the anchor baby legal process.

  4. RepubAnon says:

    I expect his wife still makes him sleep on the couch

  5. Corinne Sabo says:

    And Jeb is supposed to be the smart one.

  6. StringOnAStick says:

    I agree with your assessment of “creepy”. You really see it when he gets angry, like his response to the Black Lives matter people – an ugly, upper crust patrician anger that you just know has “ugh, those people” spinning in what passes as his blue-blooded brain.

  7. Old Mayfly says:

    So, Jeb insults Hispanic Americans. A day later the lightbulb over his head lights up. How does he fix the problem?

    Easy. Jeb explains that he didn’t insult Hispanic Americans at all. What he was doing was insulting Asian Americans.

    What a problem solver!

  8. He really oughta clear his thoughts with Barbara before he lets them fly out into the wild. She has a better filter than his.

  9. No worries for Jeb!’s latest kerfluffle. In 10, 9, 8 he’ll be distracting everyone from all of his gaffes he goes on the attack.

    Trump produced a “yo mama” campaign video that shows Barbara Bush wearing her signature pop beads telling a show host she doesn’t want any more Bushes in the White House.


  10. Fantastic. Jebbish can keep insulting every minority under the sun and wave goodbye to the presidency. Go Jebbish.

  11. oops, typo alert! (when he goes on attack) about the campaign ad

  12. Hollyanna says:

    Jeb is a special kind of hypocritical creep. (Don’t forget his unconscionable behavior during the Terri Schiavo situation.) Barbara Bush was right–we have definitely had enough of the Bush family in the White House. And Jeb is even more patrician than his forbears, although why he feels justified in acting superior to anyone is beyond me. Happy to see him sinking in the polls as he insults every conceivable group of Americans.

  13. And the mainline GOP candidate continues to fuel the GOP party outreach program for minorities.

  14. two crows says:

    I’ll bet I know why he switched ethnic groups here. There are lots fewer Asians in the country than there are Hispanics and Latinos. Fewer people = fewer votes to lose, don’tcha know?

  15. fran seyer says:

    Gosh, the only Asians I know came here legally to study…..

  16. e platypus onion says:

    I always thought B Bush wore those hideous looking pearls,or whatever,because she kept her brain in there. She wore them every damn time she was on tv or in the papers,

  17. Ormond Otvos says:

    There is no other term for anchor babies, and using the law for personal advantage is the loudest bell in Trump’s carillon of BS ideas.

  18. It can’t just be me out here on the left coast that is waiting for the GOP candidates to go full on stupid nasty with Trump. The clock must be ticking all over Teabaggistan to let loose the nude photos of Trump’s Slovenian wife, Melania Knauss, (aka Melanija Knavs). The woman was a model in the EU where being nude isn’t due to demonic possession.

    If people are dumb enough to vote for him because of an embroidered slogan on a hat, there would be even more of them voting for him just to have the fantasy of his nude Missus in the White House.

  19. Susan, I was hoping at the time that people would vote for Dennis Kucinich because he had a hot wife, but that didn’t work. (I generally vote for the farthest lefty in the primary.)

    Micr, I have doubts about Barbara Bush’s filter. When busloads of Katrina refugees ended up living in the sports arena in Houston, she said it was “working out well for them.”

  20. Ormond Otvos, the only reason “there’s no other term” is that no one has come up with an alternative, and that may be something the dems need to work on. I can remember when there was “no other term” for “retarded” or “crippled” or “spastic,” but when somebody recognized how insulting they were, new terms suddenly emerged.

    Problem is, this is probably mostly another repug smoke-and-mirrors thing; I’d bet very few babies are born to illegals who came here specifically to have babies here so the parent can hope for citizenship–I’d bet the parents mostly were here trying to earn enough money to have a life, and the kids showed up uninvited.

    So it’s hard to come up with “another term” for something that really doesn’t exist to begin with.

  21. Only very patient people have anchor babies.

    “Current U.S. federal law prevents anyone under the age of 21 from being able to petition for their non-citizen parent to be lawfully admitted into the United States for permanent residence. At best, the child’s family would need to wait for 21 years before being able to use their child’s US citizenship to modify their immigration status.” Wikipedia

  22. @Rhea
    Without your comment I never would have known Dennis Kucinich had a hot wife. I tip my hat to you!

    Yep I forgot aboot BB’s “working out well for them” comment. Let me edit my comment/thought to read “He really oughta clear his thoughts with someone who has a better filter than his before he lets his thoughts fly out into the wild.”

  23. TexasEllen says:

    Perhaps Jeb and Donald need to be asked if they are anchor husbands? They would probably hate the term and should be asked why they would inflict the term anchor baby on infant American citizens.

  24. Linda Phipps says:

    micr: in addition to Babs’ comment about things working out well for Katrina’s displaced, she also remarked they didn’t have much to lose anyhow. At least that’s how I remember it, and gee whiz, that’s not much for a “filter” is there. I much prefer Obama’s recent appellation of his detractors as “crazies”, which truly, in my opinion sums it up, but will generate newsfeedsfull of bile.

  25. Lunargent says:


    BarBush also said, during Desert Storm, that Saddam Hussein should be hanged. Now, I’m not saying that she was wrong. But it was a pretty impolitic remark for the wife of the ostensible Leader of the Free World.

    As for the pearls, I’m sure they were there to hide her wattle, or whatever. Candice Bergen still has a lovely face. But have you noticed that for years, not a glimpse of her neck? Always
    a high buttoned collar or a scarf. Barbara has so many wrinkles that you’d think it wouldn’t matter. But we all have our little vanities and self-deceptions.

  26. Lunargent says:

    Re: anchor babies

    How about “brand-new American citizen”?


  27. A thought . . . this is the best way Jebbie handles this question? Especially when his wife is of Hispanic descent? Honestly, the Bushes sent all their kids to such high priced elite schools but what the bleep did they learn!

  28. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Barbara Bush is definitely one source of the meanness of the Bushbabies. During Bush I’s second campaign she threw all single parents under the bus by announcing (ex cathedra, as it were) that single parents could not give their children a moral upbringing as good as an ‘intact family’ could. When, having been invited as a graduation speaker at a women’s college, one of the students questioned whether it might not have been better to choose a woman who had actually achieved renown on her on rather than as a wife/mother of politicians, Barbara mounted a vicious personal attack on the student. There was the Katrina thing, of course, when the entire family ignored the suffering of those in New Orleans (except to send a private army to protect the rich ones) and she chose to pour more acid on the injured with her snide comments in Houston. Long before the Bushes sent their kids to elite schools, Barbara had shaped their values, pouring her cold, calculating, selfishness all over their infant awareness. And it was *her* parents to whom they were sent in the summers.

    Better moral standards my left little toe painted purple.

  29. two crows says:

    So now Jeb! got himself a two-fer! He wasn’t content to just piss off one group of people. Now he’s gone out and grabbed himself a second. Does he REALLY think Hispanics will be fooled by his walk-back? That’s not gonna happen. But now the Asians can be all pissed off at him too.

    I’ll say it again. Jeb! doesn’t and never did want to win. Every time [about twice per week] that he pulls one of these stunts he hammers that point home. Why doesn’t he just grow a pair of cajones and tell Daddy he doesn’t want to be president when he grows up? It would save us all a bunch of angst and himself a lot of embarrassment. Of course, the campaign season wouldn’t be nearly as fun to watch.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Babs Bush wrote a handsome check after Katrina and then stipulated it be spent on some educational BS being peddled by her crook son Neil.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    Whatever became of all those diseased Central American kids swarming our borders during the last election? You remember the ones that were such a grave danger to the US until wingnuts won the election.

  32. Lunargent says:

    The sad thing is, Jeb is trying to be the grownup in the room. But he just doesn’t have the chops.

  33. I’ve never forgiven B. Bush for her comment about Geraldine Ferraro after she debated G. Bush in the VP debate. Bush referred to Geraldine Ferraro, Walter Mondale’s running mate on the Democratic ticket, as “the four-million dollar — I can’t say it, but it rhymes with ‘witch.’” And my mom, who used to be a reasonable conservative until she married my step-father and started watching Faux news, thinks she (barbara) is the classiest woman ever.
