Not To Be Outdone By Debbie Riddle

February 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas State Representative Donna Campbell is living testimony that Debbie Riddle is not hogging all the lame butt ignorance in the Texas Lege.

The Alamo has been nominated to be included in the United Nation’s list of World Heritage Sites.  There are currently 22 such sites in the United States, including the Grand Canyon, the Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall, Monticello, and the Great Smokey Mountains.   So, it’s kinda an honor to be included.

Unless you’re Donna Campbell, who sees a plot behind including the Alamo.  But, Donna got a pen and wrote a bill to stop this foolishness.

“The intent of this bill, Senate Bill 191, is to prevent vesting any ownership, control, or management of the Alamo to a foreign company or any entity formed under the laws of another country,” Campbell said.

Yep – there will Sharia Law at the Alamo if those United Nations folks notice that the Alamo exists.

campbellThe State of Texas owns the Alamo.  And, ironically enough, it got famous by being invaded by a foreign country and losing.

So, during committee hearing on the bill, Representative Campbell was asked if she knew of any other Heritage sites in the United States.  She admitted that she didn’t.  But that doesn’t matter because ….

“I can tell you anything that starts with the ‘UN’ gives me cause for concern,” Campbell said.

Yeah like unreasonable, uneducated, unbelievable, uncompromising, uncouth …

Thanks to TexasEllen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Not To Be Outdone By Debbie Riddle”

  1. Huh? And that’s an old photo of Donna Campbell.

  2. and I wonder if she has a sign on her desk saying that anyone who enters the room has to swear allegiance to the Ited States, being as she doesn’t like the letters UN.

  3. Ignorance drives these kind of people. I guess we all need to go with our machetes to protect the El Alamo and join the teabaggers’ crusades!

  4. Where do they find these people? And where do they dig out the people who vote for them? And why do there seem to be so many of them in Texas?

    Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives. — John Stuart Mill

  5. The other Donna made me laugh. This one depresses me to the bone. I realize MDs are pretty smart and some of them want to take time away from patients to “give back”, yada yada yada. Truth is many to most MDs are rich out the a$$ and have no way of knowing how the other 99.5% live/get by. We need ’em, we respect their results, they should stay the hell out of the statehouse.

  6. Marcia in CO says:

    How about …

    UN – friggen – believeable!! Just totally!!

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Debbie & Donna. Sheesh. I’m going to church to light a candle and pray for an intelligent reorganization of education in Texas.

    Good Grief.

  8. SomedayGirl says:

    She’s a senator, not a rep. I know that makes it worse but in the interest of accuracy…and she’s the same one who was rather surprised last session to find evolution is taught in Texas science classes:

    “Are we saying here that there is opposition because we do not have the scientific facts to teach creation, that God did create world and man?” Campbell wondered. “I mean, are we trying to eliminate that, or are we just saying we want to include evolution? Or… where are we there?”

  9. I’m UNderwhelmed.

  10. Linda Phipps says:

    Well, Ayxomma, that leaves Donna Campbell “durr-whelmed” … sounds just about right.

  11. Well, bless her heart. Nothing like proposing a little legislation based on pure ignorance.

  12. Undeniably ignorant.

  13. e platypus onion says:

    With the academic/football player scandals at U of North Carolina,I’d agree with her about things that start with UN.

  14. Corinne Sabo says:

    Campbell is a state senator and a doctor. Emergency room doc, means people who see her have no choice…..

  15. Well now, she might be a good ER doctor and still be butt-ignorant about every other thing on the planet….

    Nah. If I were in the ER and saw her coming at me, I’d roll off the gurney and drag myself somewhere else.

  16. Debbie is dumb. Donna is dumber. Enough said.

  17. Oh my gosh. This woman had to study biology, micro-biology, cell molecular biology and lots of chemistry. How did she get though those courses without understanding the theory of evolution? How can she be so brainless when it comes to modern politics and history? I want to know where she got her degrees and M.D. and then have them shut down ASAP.
    I’m off to google her history.

  18. She received her MD from Texas Tech. This med school has some mighty hard ‘splainin’ to do.

  19. My son went with me recently when I had to see a doctor. What we experienced and forced us to walk out was enough to convince him as to why I rarely ever go near one of those. They may be aces at chemistry but ya know ya can only stretch all those classes just so far before they get so thin ya can see right through them, and OMG, there is nothing THERE!

  20. Hmm. Anything that starts with UN? Like UNited States of America?

  21. It gets worse. The other two San Antonio senators pointed out she had no support from Bexar County or San Antonio. The world heritage designation could be a $100 million boost to the SA economy. Her dumbass bill may hurt our chances. She hates San Antonio, and I hope the feeling is mutual. It is at my house.

  22. e platypus onion says:

    Maryelle-their faith in a strange being from another world gives them a pass on evolution.

  23. e platypus onion says:

    He is the same strange being that gives wingnut philanderers a pass so they can stay in gubmint.

  24. I’ve had a huge problem with viewing the Alamo as a symbol of freedom ever since I found out that William B. Travis was a slave owner. Travis’ definition of the freedom he was fighting for was limited to people like Travis.

  25. SomedayGirl says:

    Henry, being that she’s a carpetbagger who lives and works near Houston, why would anyone expect she’d care about a San Antonio district? I’ll tell you, Republican voters sure are dog dip dumb.

  26. @LynnN says:

    Some people in Texas are still fighting for the right to “own slaves.”
    Since it is now illegal to “import” slaves from Africa, the thinking of a lot of Texans…. is ……. women will do just fine.

    Recently, the feds raided a “Republic of Texas” group meeting up around Hearne. A group of people who will not recognize that Texas is now The STATE of Texas. They have their own flag, print their own money, and want to secede.

    I think that these are the folks who vote for, and elected this “carpetbagger”.

  27. Richard South of the Border says:

    A historical note… Texas hadn’t even declared independence until after General Santa Ana had put down the insurgents in that chapel. No foreign invasion was involved.

  28. The foreigners were inside the Alamo, only 7 or 8 native Mexicans (Texicans) died in the battle for rebel cause. The rest of them were either rebellious immigrants, both legal or illegal or mercenaries such as the New Orleans Grays and Davy Crockett. Most of these folks proved to be too stupid to lean the language of their adopted country and to lazy to do their own work, thus illegally importing slaves.

  29. e platypus onion says:

    Here is an updated picture of Ms Poopy Pants and she better hurry and check genes on that paint horse behind her as it is fixing to go poopy right away.

  30. e platypus onion says:

    Bruce Jenner-you are out of luck,you sly devil.

  31. World Heritage and the Alamo? Is that suit back again?

    This was head-exploding Reich-wing nonsense YEARS ago. It has been years since I got those emails from the usual suspects. I can’t believe it’s back.
