Molly White Digs In

February 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all remember the Texas state representative who decided that Muslims are not welcome in the office that the citizens of Texas provide for her?

Screen Shot 2015-01-29 at 12.30.10 PMWell, even some of her Republican colleagues disagreed with both her motives and her methods.

So Molly decided to dig in.

She held a press conference to call the reaction to her statements,“blown out of proportion.”


In an interview with KWTX, White said “I always treat everybody with respect and listen, but if we have some things that are diabolically different then I need to let them know where I stand and they let me know where they stand.”

Diabolically?  She does know what that means, right?  Yeah, well, that doesn’t answer the question of who is the devil.  Yes, Molly, I am looking at you.

So, she’s drawing a line in the sand and that line is at the door to the office that the damn citizens of the State of Texas provide for her.

It also appears that she had doubled down.  Her Facebook —

In June of last year, she shared a photo of two Texas men arrested on terrorism charges, with a call to root out homegrown jihadists and terrorist training camps.

A Temple man commented on the post and said the Muslim community in Bell County appeared peaceful.

“Read what I said,” White replied, referring to the original post. “Then again, Muslims cannot be trusted no matter how peaceful they appear.”

“If they come here and convert to the American way of life I may be more willing to trust,” her reply continues. “When they come here to advance their way of life, Islam, then no trust there.”

I just want to say one little thing to Miss Molly.  Honey, that picture of you that you use everywhere is 20 years and 40 pounds ago.

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Yes, this is what happens to you if you’re mean and hateful.

Let that be a lesson.

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0 Comments to “Molly White Digs In”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    American way of life=militant kristian wingnut way of life.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    “If they come here and convert to the Comanche way of life I may be more willing to trust,” her reply continues. “When they come here to advance their way of life, Christianity, then no trust there.”

  3. First off, in some of the stories about this kerfluffle, I noticed she had an Israeli flag in her office. Why do so many of these right-wingers think that you only love American if you put Israel first?

    And what is “the American way of life”? Does that mean christian?

  4. Ralph, good one.

    There are some people into whose heads you could not get a new idea if you used a corkscrew and dynamite. Usually that means the ideas already there are bad ones.

    Zen maxim:
    Great doubt, great awakening.
    Little doubt, little awakening.
    No doubt, no awakening.

    This woman’s been asleep for decades.

  5. Ralph,
    I always appreciate a good “turnabout is fair play” comment, but in Molly’s case I question whether the Comanche would even accept her conversion.

    She strikes me as a little too diabolical.

  6. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Molly appears to enjoy being the center of attention. What’s that called again? Pride? Or is it Vanity? And she’s got Anger down pat. That picture suggests…. Sloth? Gluttony?

    Huh. Is Molly working her way through the 7 Deadly Sins?

    I guess Envy, Lust and Greed are up next on Molly’s Christian To-Do list.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Molly, just another before and after picture of a truly st00pid Republican. They never learn, just like a certain half-time governor full-time moron with a similar fate in photographs.

  8. A pity Willful Stupidity isn’t on that list of sins. But then also a pity that abusing someone weaker than you (woman, child, man, or animal) wasn’t covered in the ten commandments.

  9. Corinne Sabo says:

    Did she say she is diabolical?

  10. If I were a nicer person, I’d think she was too blooming stupid to know the “diabolical” difference between that phrase and the more standard one about being “diametrically opposed.” But being me, I’d say she’s devilishly witchy.

  11. 1smartcanerican says:

    Thanks for posting her current picture. It sure shows her true self!

  12. Sadly the constituents who elected her probably feel (can’t in good conscience use the word ‘think’) the same way she does.

  13. I work for an orthodox Jewish lawyer, in a firm that has several Jewish lawyers…..they laugh at these morons….

  14. Marcia in CO says:

    I agree with PKM since he said what I wanted to say, only he did it so much better! :o)

  15. This is highly inflammatory and downright wrong. The U.S. was based on RELIGIOUS freedom; however the first people over did burn witches and kill off the indigenous people so it was pretty much their religious freedom.

  16. RepubAnon says:

    Another symptom of the increasing lack of resources facing this planet is the rise of tribalism-based hate as a political doctrine. If it was just Ms.White, it would be amusing. If it was just this country, it would be frightening. However, it’s going world-wide – which is panic-inducing. We’re in real trouble, people.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Just plain mean, this woman.

  18. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    The Gospel of Christ is Love. How does that square with the practice of hate from those that profess to be Christians? Are they so blind that they cannot see? Or they don’t WANT to see?

  19. W.C. (Pete):
    No man ever believes that the Bible means what it says; he is always convinced that it says what he means. — George Bernard Shaw

    Goes for women too, sadly.

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Her display of the flag of Israel is a classic case of “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” If Islam were not her obsession, taking front and center in her mind, she’d be back to blaming Jews for killing Christ. Hate has to land somewhere.

  21. Sooooo I’d give a nickel if one of ole Molly’s constituents who also posts here at TWMDBSI (there HAS to be couple), would gently (or not) splain to her how traditional Judaism, Christianity and Islam, each claim Abraham as an ancient ancestor in their family tree. Like Jews or dont, like Christians or dont, like Muslims or dont, BUT if you are devout, if you are a believer, you cannot weasel around the connection. This is sibling rivalry on a global scale.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    I TOLD my husband that nobody would believe that old glam photo of me that he loves, doesn’t look like me. Molly needs to update hers too.

  23. Everyday Freethought says:
    February 1, 2015 at 11:48 am
    First off, in some of the stories about this kerfluffle, I noticed she had an Israeli flag in her office.

    Look into CUFI, Christians United for Israel, (essentially) founded by the Rev.John Hagee of San Antonio. A “Dominionist Theology” organization, part of some of the most dangerous threats to our nation ever.
    Most of the cristofundieteabaggerwingnuts of all stripes are bathed in the zealotry of this group and its ilk.

    ( )

    They are dead serious about their goals, are y’all? Because these zealots and Brownshirts are coming for you, sooner or later…

  24. It’s too bad Loomy Louie is already married, that shrieking banshee looks to be a perfect match for him, or maybe one of the other batcrap insane GOP’er loonies.

    I swear, most of ’em just have that ‘craazzee’ look in their eyes…Bachmann, Palin, Angle, the non-witch from Carolina (?), Louie, Paul, Walker, etc., brrrr.

  25. elise von holten says:

    I pointed out to one of my cousins that Jesus was not a Christian (Christed, yes, but a Jew) and it set him back on his heels for a good bit of time. We talked about how some of the arguments in the early church were over if you needed to become Jewish before you were a follower of “the Christ” because so ma y early Christians were Jews.
    It’s tricky stuff, causing councils to be called to stop the “true believers” from killing each other, and the Universal Catholic church came out of it. They then killed of thousands who didn’t want to join that form of the church.
    On and on.
    No wonder atheists are growing in number.

  26. Frankly, the Mollster needs meds. Strong ones!

  27. gabberflasted says:

    Whenever religion is discussed, I think a disservice to religion is made when those who are ‘non-religious’ are classified as atheist.
    There exists, a third group (of which consider myself a member), Areligious. We do not have any interest, at all. Good nor bad.

    Which leads me to my primary opinion. I believe that a graph would show decreases in religous participation to match that of increases in the demonstration of extreme religious belief.

  28. First , the perversion of religion, then the perversion of religious rights, now the perversion of democracy. How did these wackos gain so much power? It’s frightening to think how many of them are in Congress, State houses and local school boards.

  29. PattiCakes says:

    Texas has either the first or second largest Muslim population in the US. Wonder if she knows that little factoid….

  30. Remember, it is utter tyranny to have Govt tax collectors (I.R.S.) ‘control’ the political free screech of Tea Baggers but it’s way Constitutional for a Govt representative (H.E.R.) to ‘control’ another person’s faith…Wee-DOGGY !
