Maybe He’s on a Roll

March 06, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Louisiana congressraccoon Clay Higgins?  The guy who acted the fool during the Michael Cohen hearing? And we find out his staff is dabbling in human trafficking and prostitution?

He’s back!

This morning, during a hearing on immigration, he compared the arrival of migrants at the border is kinda like D-Day.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. That’s awful but, Honey, he was just doing it to help us understand.

“Let me just put this in context for the American people,” Higgins said. “Perhaps the most famous invasion in the history of the world — D-Day — 73,000 American troops landed in the D-Day invasion. We have 76,103, according to my numbers, apprehensions along our southern border last month.”

And then he huffed himself up with tremendous pride that he remembered that a whole bunch of people landed on some damn beach with some boats and stormed the beaches.  I don’t think he realizes they came to liberate France.  And, actually, British and Canadian forces landed with us, making it 156,000 troops. It was Allied Forces, something Trump is insuring we don’t have anymore.

His summary?

“We have D-Day every month on our southern border,” he added.

No, we don’t. Nobody is coming to liberate France but I dunno, maybe they do want to liberate France and south Louisiana will do in a pinch.

Oh, this guy is gonna be fun, y’all.


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0 Comments to “Maybe He’s on a Roll”

  1. Unarmed asylum seekers. Why, it’s just like storming the Bastille! Man, the stoopid in the Rethugs–it burns!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Three for three, Clay. Do you enjoy being trick rolled by your staff?

  3. From the looks of Louisiana congressraccoon Clay Higgins’ age, the only experience he’s probably had with an actual D Day was when his 11th grade History teacher handed back the pop quiz he took one Friday afternoon and said – – “Clay, it’s D Day.”

  4. Sarah O says:

    I’d bet money his school transcript is pretty similar to cheeto’s……solid D student. Bless his heart.

  5. AliceBeth says:

    Isn’t he actually saying that the people coming to the southern border are coming to liberate us?????

  6. megasoid says:

    Well, we could cut back on overthrowing countries, just a skosh.

    Lets say Venezuela, who’s sitting on top of OUR OIL for gods sakes. A country who’s inflation rate has rendered their money usable only for woven handbags made of bolivars. “Hey, how much?” “Oh hell, just take it!”

  7. No AliceBeth, he’s advocating machine gunning them on approach. He’s using the Nazi viewpoint.

  8. I married a man from Louisiana. Where he lived it was way too close to state government. Use to tell me that before there was TV, folks would sit on old beat up chairs in the shade and whatever and talk about how the politicians in Baton Rouge were getting stupider year after year and point out some really good examples. All this was followed by a certain kind of laughter. Hubby swore that every election time they tried to figure out the best bets as human beings with brains and heart. Some of those actually got elected but it was the stupid who stole the show every damn time.

  9. Martin Norred says:

    J.J., whaddya got agin coons? they’re cute critters! Now rats, or even slugs, useless and smarter than Clay, that works better for me!

  10. Teh Gerg says:

    Here again is proof that numbers don’t lie, but liars lie about numbers.

  11. Martin Norred says:

    Or, maybe just use his own name – sorta: CongressDirt Clay!

  12. Grandma Ada says:

    It was 36,000 in February and 150,000 in the last five month. He should at least get his immigration numbers correct. I guess we can’t expect it though if he’s mis-identifying immigrants seeking asylum to criminals.

  13. Linda Phipps says:

    To Martin Norred: yes “coons” are cute, but they don’t wear those darling little bandit masks for nothing. I always was able to discern if it were coons or possums tearing up my garbage: the possums dug neat little holes, the coons just strewed everything around. God forbid they get into the house.

  14. A cousin who worked for the Texas Parks and Recreation Department in the 80s and 90s assured me that raccoons could sail a trash can lid like a frisbee when their raiding parties attacked trash cans at night in Texas state parks. That goes to explain the chain and lock arrangement one now finds on trash cans in some Texas state parks. Apparently the raccoons can spin a trash can lid with enough force that hitting a tent can collapse the tent and potentially injure the occupants inside. Not to mention walking park guests.

  15. Mary Smith says:

    I think this guy is vying for Louie Gohmert’s title as dumbest Congress Critter.

  16. Jerry Shepherd says:

    To Teh Gerg: The way I originally heard it was that: figures (numbers) don’t lie, but liars often figures.

  17. Dennis Cole says:

    On Mock paper Scissors, we give these folks cute little nicknames. This guy we’ve taken to calling “Whar boxes?” It’s a fine blog, if you’ve never been there, and he reciprocates blog listings.

  18. Tim Church says:

    The biggest difference? Soldiers vs. poor refugees fleeing violence.

  19. Hmmm. So if the Guatemalans are the equivalent of the Allies, that would make Louisiana the equivalent of the Nazis.

    Analogies they are a bitch


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