Lord Help Us

July 08, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, it’s Dan Patrick, the Texas Lt. Governor again.

He sashayed down his well-worn path to Fox News this morning and had this to say

“All those protesters last night, they turned around and ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to protect them. What hypocrites!” an audibly emotional Patrick said.

Okay, so here I am.  I object to any policeman killing anybody in cold blood. I object to police violence.  So, does that mean I should not expect police protection?

Idiot.  He’s an idiot.  Even Governor Abbott knew we’d had enough shooting without adding his mouth to the gunfire chorus.

But not Dan Patrick.  Oh no, not Dan.  And while he was on his Mouth ‘O Terror Tour this morning, he orders the state flag to be flown at half-staff because he’s “acting Governor.”

Obviously, Dan doesn’t understand that “acting Governor” means more than acting like you’re a governor.  It’s kinda rude that he didn’t tell Governor Abbott that there had been a coup.

Gov. Greg Abbott has ordered that Texas flags across the state be lowered to half-staff in honor of the Dallas police shooting victims.

It is becoming increasingly hard to embarrass Texas but somehow we manage to find the biggest pecan in the sack of nuts.


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0 Comments to “Lord Help Us”

  1. Every family has that not quite right uncle that lives in the basement or attic of Grandmother’s house and is only allowed outside for family events and doctors’ appointments. Every family. So how Dan Patrick got out of his momma’s basement long enough to be elected to high office is a crime I think the CIA, the NSA and the KGB should investigate.

  2. Marge Wood says:

    He didn’t tell Abbott his plans? Did anyone ask him to do that? Sheesh. I don’t care what color you are, if there’s guns shooting your direction, most folks I know would take off the other direction.

  3. This reminds me of Alexander Haig who said at one point, “I am in control”.

  4. I am sorry for all of us…….

  5. l'angelomisterioso says:

    @ Marge Wood#2- And would be considered smart to have done so.So far I’ve had none of the gunhumpers tell me why a combat zone is not the safest place on this Earth-everyone has guns, and is marginally trained in their use. By their logic, it ought to be perfectly safe,

  6. When Patrick was running for office I had a picture of him on the back of my truck with the caption” Does this ass make my truck look big?”

  7. Was Patrick’s announcement about flying the flag at half-staff before or after Obama ordered the flags on government buildings across the country to be flown at half-staff?

    As for Greg Abbott’s statement that, “In times like this we must remember — and emphasize — the importance of uniting as Americans.” — why not unite as Americans more often than just when terrible things happen? Seems we need that a lot these days.

  8. e platypus onion says:

    Any idiot with a gun that is willing to stand around with a finger in their nose while beong sniped at from an unknown location, deserves to die with their boots on. Patrick would have been the first to crawl into a hole when the guns are going off.

    This happened in open carry Texas. Where were all the good guys with guns?

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    So I guess Danny has a speaker slot at the convention? He seems perfect for one. Right after they have George Washington speak. Perfect.

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    St00pid. That’s what comes after utterly stupid and stupid with modifiers that would displease Mama.

    So, ol’ Dan’s ‘plan’ for sorting out the good guys from bad guys would start with having the good guys defy a lawful police request to get out of harms way, so the paid professionals could deal with the active shooter(s) aka bad guys.

    Dan should only be so ‘smart’ as to take his own advice in an active shooter situation. Be the man, Dan. Be the first person aiming a gun when the police arrive to sort out the mess.

  11. shortpeople says:

    If any one of the protesters had fire in defense of the police, I assert they would now be dead at the hands of the police because the police would have been in fear of their lives from additional shooters. If any had been seen to be carrying, the protest would have ended right then and there. Maybe that would have prevented the sniping.

  12. Just got back from a newsless few days, so no comment yet on the shooting, but as far as Dan Patrick goes: Texas is like a septic tank– the really big chunks rise to the top.

  13. Sonoran says:

    I have to say this does surprise me. This was Dallas after all. These are his constituents he’s badmouthing during a crisis.

  14. maryelle says:

    So American citizens exercising their right to free and peaceful protest are hypocrites if they don’t want to die???????????????
    Patrick needs to be gagged and bound before somebody puts an end to his insanity.

  15. Dan Patrick calls the protestors hypocrites for expecting the police to protect them from an unknown gunman. Like the Austin clock tower, like Kennedy and the book depository. When everyone nearby also ran for their lives.

    If the police were not their to protect the citizens of Dallas, Dan Patrick, what were they there for?

  16. RepubAnon says:

    I’d say it’s hypocritical to tell people to “wait until all the facts are in” when a police officer shoots someone, but immediately blame folks whose politics one disapproves of for any other shootings.

  17. Karen Byrd says:

    Patrick the Obnoxious was just interviewed on MSNBC, beaming with pride that he was on national TV. He tamed down his rhetoric other than a vigorous defense of open carry. He also sidestepped a question whether open carry helped the situation.

  18. AND an open-carry guy with a shotgun slung on his back was quickly tagged as a “suspect” (seems he was carrying while black)…

  19. Teh Gerg says:

    “expect” in this case is a loaded word. Patrick, as usual, pulled this one out of his butt. It’s simple denigration by an accusatory ass.

  20. Seems as if “police shooting” has attained another meaning.

  21. Please don’t insult pecans. They have a lot more intelligence than the world’s second-dumbest politician (no one can beat Louie G., not even Danny Boy).

  22. Richard Bennink says:

    I heard some Dallas city official this morning on Faux News.
    He said that these policemen died defending the right of the posters to march against policemen in other cities just doing their jobs. Excuse me? Open carry obvious doesn’t apply to blacks, only whites, who we know are all law abiding. That should be protested with anger. Or does the Second Amendment “trump” the First Amendment?

  23. e platypus onion says:

    The Dallas shootings did not end because of a good guy( cops included) with a gun. It took a robot bomb to end this. Now will the NRA scream people have a 2nd amendment right to own robot bombs? The NRA and Patrick are the hypocrites!

  24. epo:
    Are you suggesting the NRA will advocate their members own a BOOMba as well as a Roomba? It’d probably be good for hunting if you could get one in the middle of a flock of resting birds. I could definitely see Cheney hunting quail with one.

  25. Ah, JJ. I don’t think that’s a pecan your looking at!
    I think it is something I would find in the litter box!

    I am heart broken at the loss of life. But how many guns were at that rally and how many trained professionals?
    And yet deaths occurred.
    I can just imagine what would have happened if several civilians pulled out their weapons. I would bet the death toll would have been higher.

  26. Angelo Frank says:

    I’d say Patrick would make an excellent choice for Trump’s VP.

  27. Well…….I guess I’m gonna have to start turning my ballcap crooked. I draw the line at going barefoot though. I knew that there was no great love between Greg Abbott and Dan Patrick, but holy shit. You don’t get any more dismissive and condescending without patting someone on his head. So I guess if Abbott is Mighty Mouse then Danny boy must be Oilcan Harry. It fits.

  28. UmptyDump says:

    Dan Patrick needs to be walking around wearing his wisdom on a sandwich board. Let him push the wheelchair of the mother of four, the victim who took a bullet to the calf trying to shield her children.

    “Don’t be a hypocrite. Stand your ground and be shot.”

  29. Sandridge says:

    METV, just aired-

    Closing narration by Rod Serling-
    “No moral, no message, no prophetic tract, just a simple statement of fact: for civilization to survive, the human race has to remain civilized. Tonight’s very small exercise in logic from the Twilight Zone.”

    Little chance of logic, civility, or a good prognosis as long as FoxProp News, RWNJ radio, and today’s Rethuglicans exist.

  30. Mary in the ABQ says:

    The last time anybody was expected to run into gunfire was at the Battle of the Somme, 100 years ago.

  31. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Dan Patrick: walking and unfortunately talking bobblehead stuffed with sound bites.

  32. Fred Farklestone says:

    Let’s take a little closer look at Patrick, the big bad Texan with Chiclets for teeth!
    He was born on April 4, 1950. That makes him 18 on April 4 1968,(the bloodiest year of the Vietnam War) with many more bloody months and years, still ahead!
    Patrick he has no military service! It lists a college as a “Alma Mater”* all that means is that he attended a particular college! If he had indeed graduated from that college or any college, I’m sure Patrick would have noted that!
    So where was Patrick from his 18th birthday until the draft was finally ended on Jan 23, 1973?
    I wonder what secrets Patrick is hiding in his Selective Service records?

    * al·ma ma·ter
    ˌälmə ˈmädər/
    the school, college, or university that one once attended.
    the anthem of a school, college, or university.


  33. Attention, extraterrestrial life forms! Would you please whiz back here with the mothership? You need to retrieve one of your experiments, unit initials DP. His batteries are misfiring and he is in danger of a self destruct auto-explosion. If this happens, it could be very, very messy. Please acknowledge message ASAP.

  34. Annabelle Lee says:

    Whenever there’s a story involving this man, I mentally edit his title to “Texas Lieutenant Governor and human garbage fire Dan Patrick said today….”

  35. JAKvirginia says:

    Maggie! Shame on you. Now we’re blaming ET? If you must, blame his parents. They made this mess. But at the least, blame Texas. Lt. Gov.? This man should be no higher than desk ckerk at Sears Tire.

  36. Linda Phipps says:

    I understand that the “good guys” with a gun also fled, no matter what side they align with.

  37. Dan Patrick was as far from that shooting site as he could run.

    If he’s not willing to stand between an oncoming bullet and a cop, he’s a hypocrite, by Dan Patrick standards, right?

    Or does that make him a coward?

  38. Marge Wood says:

    Dan Patrick is the Lt. Governor, not the acting governor. At least he wasn’t yesterday. I hope he’s not today. You think he doesn’t know that he really isn’t the acting governor?

  39. JAK, cannot imagine this man with parents! Hence the sci-fi experiment thingie.
