Keep Gitmo Open

January 12, 2017 By: Primo Encarnación Category: Uncategorized

Barack failed to close it, but maybe that’s a good thing.

JUST off the top of my head; JUST with what we’ve heard in the last week or so, the scorecard now stands at:

Perjury to Congress, treason, theft of intellectual property, violation of various federal laws regarding sanctions and trade, fraud, election tampering, civil rights violations, misprision of felony, bribery, accepting stolen data, violation of the emoluments clause and ethics laws, domestic and corporate espionage and conspiracy to commit all of the above.

For all this and probably much more, Dat Guy, his minions, his children, his appointees, and many of his fellow Republicans should be charged under RICO statutes, tried and sentenced, and then all sent to America’s Elba, Guantanamo Bay.

Orange is the New Orange


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0 Comments to “Keep Gitmo Open”

  1. JAKvirginia says:

    Primo!! How did you know? That’s the next Trump International Resort and Golf Course location!

  2. slipstream says:

    Lock him up!

  3. Gold painted bars on the cells would be a delightfully decorative touch. It would help him feel right at home.

  4. And a gold-colored pot to **** in.

  5. If the glove’s too big, you get the brig.

    I’ll bet that Napoleon had small hands too.

  6. Oh, Primo, if only that could happen, but with the Repuglicans in charge, it may only prove to be a progressive fantasy.
    When the Trump Circus takes charge, Drumpf can fire the Inspector General and most anybody he wants in order to end threatening investigations. I’m afraid it is too little too late.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Lock him up, waterboard daily, and feed stale bread and water. That last is a particular nasty punishment as a week or two on bread and water causes constipation that lasts and lasts.

  8. I agree with you Maryelle. The party is over. Maybe forever.

  9. I also agree with Maryelle. I’m afraid the Republicans aren’t going to do one damned thing to stop this outrageous excuse for a human being as long as his craziness and dishonesty enable their agenda. They are over the moon with joy at having their long awaited chance to destroy all things Obama. Once they have had their satisfaction there, they might do something to get rid of him and let their boy Pence take over.

  10. Jane & PKM says:

    Offer Comey and his boys a plea deal of fines and no jail time, if they lock up the Drumpf Crime Family and Cartel. Forget trials. Rendition them to Gitmo, leave the base and let the Cubans use them for skeet or whatever they want.

  11. daChipster says:

    My money is on Kellyanne Conway to turn State’s evidence in return for immunity. Then she’ll write her book. And if they repeal ACA then add manslaughter, depraved indifference.

  12. I’m nearly overcome with the image of the 70 yo Toddler behind bars. I’d visit just for the pleasure of taunting him. I’d hold a big, fat, juicy cheeseburger just out of his reach. I’d ask him how his boyfriend likes his tiny hands, and all his other tiny parts. Bwahahahahahaha!
    (Gawd I hate him.)

  13. So far, lots of wishful dreaming. If I were a repub in some kind of power, I’d be working at putting in as many obstacles as possible for 2018 to keep control of the senate and then 2020 to reduce even more opposition votes.
    In order to get enough of the 50+% of non-voters to overcome this very effective 1%ers plan to date, there may have to be enough pain and suffering by the have-nots, left-outs and other ignorant and stupids that maybe now the good guys can get their attention.
    But without a Howard Dean 50-state out-in-the-field-full-time strategy led by progressive, real, Dems and not the fat cat Beltway comfortable dems that replaced Dean’s operation, chances of overcoming the repubs consolidation of finishing the deck stacking between now and then will be damn slim.
    There has to be enforced rules that pick the best winnable candidates and not the ones with the most chits or time-in-grade. The country has to be defined in the voters’ mind and that this then comes first above party and individual office seekers.
    Yeah, this ain’t gonna happen 100% but it can come a long ways towards this goal. IMO, the biggest obstacle to this type of plan is the present dem power structure where most are concerned about preserving their butts for fat-cat after office jobs.
    I am still shaking my head that so many intelligent dems could create such a clusterf—k on such a large scale that I’m afraid that the dem party will install ‘snatching defeat from the jaws of victory’ as their mantra.
    Other than that, Good Night, Gracie.

  14. Sorry but Gitmo is to be used along with the (un)Patriot Act to allow the trumpkin to lock up americans that criticize him.
