Just a Personal Heads Up

July 24, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Some of you guys expressed interest in attending the Alex Jones hearing in Austin.  Mr. Jones is contending that he has a First Amendment right to put people’s lives in danger.

Little Bubba put out the following press release:

I am writing with a news tip on an event you may be interested in covering. I am the attorney for a group of Sandy Hook parents who have sued Austin resident Alex Jones and his company InfoWars for defamation in Travis County, Texas. On August 1st, the court will hold its first hearing in the case.

The lawsuit alleges that Mr. Jones repeatedly claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was fake and that the parents were actors. The case has just begun, and Mr. Jones has filed a motion to dismiss the lawsuit, citing his First Amendment rights. In the hearing, the judge will hear arguments on whether the case should proceed.

On the following day, August 2nd, the court will hold a hearing on a similar motion to dismiss filed by Mr. Jones in another defamation lawsuit brought my law firm, in which an innocent young man in Massachusetts was falsely identified by InfoWars as the gunman who killed 17 people at Parkland High School in Florida.

The hearings will be held at the Travis County Courthouse, 1000 Guadalupe Street, Austin, Texas 78701. The specific courtroom will be shown on the information screens in the lobby shortly before the hearing. The hearing is open to public, but be aware that video recording requires prior notice to the court.

August 1st, 2:00 pm
Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa v. Alex Jones
Cause No. D-1-GN-18-001842

August 2nd, 2:00 pm
Marcel Fontaine v. Alex Jones
Cause No. D-1-GN-18-001605

By the way, here’s what Jones is up to now.


Yep, read all about it.


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0 Comments to “Just a Personal Heads Up”

  1. My jaw just hit the table. Other than those – there are simply no words for this.

  2. There are a number of entrances to the Travis County Courthouse, but generally there is only one entrance that is used, and there will be metal detectors and some searches at that entrance. Guys, you will be required to remove your belts, so be sure to wear tight fitting trousers. Most likely, spectators will not be allowed to stand in the courtroom. Once the seating capacity is reached, additional spectators will not be allowed into the courtroom. Leave your cell phones at home or in your car: The common-law rule is that if your cell phone “rings” or burbles or whatever you have trained it to do, it immediately becomes the property of Travis County, in the person of the presiding Judge. Speaking of cars, parking around the Courthouse can be bitch.
    I don’t know who the judge will be on this case, but I can say with absolute certainty that the Judge will not tolerate shouting, whistling, clapping, etc in the courtroom. Leave that kind of stupid behavior to those who are good at it, that is, Alex’s supporters. Indeed, there is a chance that Alex himself will do something to get himself found in contempt and jailed.

  3. AJ was a world-class ass back in the old ACTV days and he hasn’t improved with age. If he’s not on something, he needs to be.

  4. Jill Ann says:

    God bless Little Bubba, and may he prevail against the forces of darkness and psychosis. Alex Jones himself doesn’t scare me, but anyone who actually believes his shtick terrifies me.

  5. George in Lee County says: “…Speaking of cars, parking around the Courthouse can be bitch.”
    No chit. I sometimes worked near there. Working days was a PITA, usually having to run out and feed the meters every two hours. But I often worked nights, which was A-OK, no hassles, park where you want (and the DPS kept a watch on your vehicles).
    Ahhh, the joys of big city parking (Austin, Houston, San Antonio, etc.). Took some getting used too, especially when often working in the downtown areas.
    Some tours in Houston weren’t too bad though, sometimes lived in a luxury corporate apartment downtown, and could walk to the office(s) anyway (with parking on the lower floors, and even a concierge, nice work if you can get it ;] ). The ex and youngsters luvved it, a giant outside swim pool (heated) on about the 9th floor, restaurants and shopping all around, etc.; the Zoo and Hermann Park just down the road too. I tended to lose money on those tours, what with family airfares, all the ‘goodie’ expenses, etc.

  6. As far as the lawsuit, hope Bubba nails his hide to the barn wall and cures it right out into a wrinkly piece of bad leather.

  7. Eat him up, Bubba.

  8. maryelle says:

    May the Force be with Bubba Jr.

  9. Jane & PKM says:

    Go sic ’em, Bubba Jr.! Teach Alex Jones every statute available about yelling “fire” into an open mic.

  10. I am going to show up and scream “Rule 11, rule 11, rule 11!” Warn BB Jr. to disavow any knowledge of my existence.

  11. Charles R Phillips says:

    I doubt there’s going to be many seats available for spectators, as this promises to be a really entertaining sh!t-show.

  12. Once upon a time I happened across his site. Gotta say that it is guys like AJ that makes all the money, time, sweat and tears I put into my MA in psych. He is some kind of direct descendant of all those traveling preachers and their revival tents. Like someone else said, if he isn’t on any meds, he should be. If he is and they really aren’t working, he needs another evaluation and a change of meds. For some reason, sometimes really good meds just stop working. Its almost as if the system rejects them after awhile. The best of luck to Bubba Jr. Hope he goes into trial looking at AJ and thinking “Eat raw meat! Eat raw meat!”

  13. I support Bubba Jr in this: he’s doing G-d’s work…

    I have nothing to say about the tiny little man Alex Jones that others more articulate have not said.

  14. Won’t Alex Jones be in for a surprise when he realizes he can’t say whatever he wants, whenever he wants. Someone else will be in charge of the microphone for a change.

  15. I would submit a video of Mr. Jones’ recent rant/threats against Mr. Mueller, and have him identify which parts of those rants constitute the “practice of journalism, as protected by 1A”, to the Judge. should be good for a laugh.

  16. I think he gargles with Sani-Flush. Probably to erase that crappy smell.

  17. Well, please correct me if I am wrong, but Jones he ain’t right.
    He isn’t a stable genius like Mr. Trump.
    And he certainly isn’t taking his medication as prescribed.

  18. Old Fart says:

    There’s a part of me that wants to be sympathetic for the insane. Then I recall Jones stating something to the effect that he’s a performance artist.

    *Trinity says*: “Dodge this”…

  19. Just an FYI
    article which speculates this suit will en up being settled quietly out of the public eye.
    From what I understand that is not the goal of the plantiff’s attorney?


  20. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    I just happen to know the lawyers for the Sandy Hook parents. It will not be settled and certainly not quietly. You can go put money on that in Vegas.

  21. 1toughlady says:

    I wish I was going to be here. I live in Austin, but leave on the 1st for MA to go to my niece’s wedding/family reunion. Go, Bubba Jr.! Take AJ down!

  22. Three cheers for the MOMMA! You raised that kid right. I am so proud of our next generation.

  23. Frank McCormick says:

    Mr. McCormick, are you free?
    Yes, Mr. Humphries, I’m free!

    I may have to wander down to the courthouse next week…

  24. That was my understanding of the legal bulldog who is prepared to take jones down in court.
    Someone with a facebook account might wish to enlighten people at Esquire.
    I do not have one nor ever have so I cannot be the one to bring enlightenment to esquire and its readers.

  25. You go Little Bubba!!! Go after that piece of alleged humanity like a hungry dog goes after a meaty bone. Grant him NO quarter.

  26. Chloe Bear says:

    JJ, I appreciate your keeping us east coast folks updated. Wish I could be there with popcorn but gotta stay in the swamp and nip at the sharp shooters. I am proud of Bubba and tickled to read about his great work. I wish him much success and hope his clients can find joy in their lives. Cannot imagine losing a child.

  27. If all of the evil that has occurred in the entire history of Humanity were to gather together into one event and happen all at once to Alex Jones, Justice would still not be done.

    I hope Bubba slaps three knots in him.

  28. Awesome. So awesome.
