Hot Damn With a Cherry On Top!

August 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Houston has a congressional race that’s flippable.  The congressroach who we need to take down is Republican John Culberson.

His Democratic opponent is a wonder.  Her name is Lizzy Fletcher and she is one badass Texas woman.

Culbertson is a good ole boy, a Trump supporter, and slicker than snot on a doorknob.  Honey, he’s so crooked that when he dies, we’ll have to screw him in the ground.

Well, the tables just got tilted a little.  Okay, maybe tilted is too tame a word.  An elephant shot from a nuclear submarine landed on one end.

You’ve heard already that Republican Congressman Chris Collins  was arrested for insider trading this morning.

Well, guess who is tighter than skin on a sausage with Collins?

Our boy Culbertson.

Rep. John Culberson (R-TX): The Texas Republican claimed he heard about Innate from media reports, but as the Houston Chronicle noted, it’s not clear which. At the time of his purchase, Innate was described as “a tiny pharmaceutical company from Australia that has no approved drugs and no backing from flashy venture capital firms.” The Chronicle pointed out that Culberson’s past investment history does not square with his purchase of biotech stocks and his opponent, a research physician, has wondered what led Culberson to invest, “since at the time he bought it in January there had been no published research articles or significant clinical trial updates on the drug, known as MIS416.”

And, just to add the cherry on top, another Texas Republican Congressman is being looked at.

Somebody pass the popcorn and the champagne.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Hot Damn With a Cherry On Top!”

  1. One word – coconspirator. Anyone want to bet on whether or not any of the varmints in this scheme ever does jail time?

  2. Laurel Beckett says:

    Dudes, it is not THAT hard to avoid unethical stock trading. I actually work in medical research, and have been on a number of clinical trials either as a lead inside person or on Data and Safety Monitoring Boards. It’s really simple. I do not own or trade any pharma stocks, and I don’t discuss any findings outside of the research team before publication of results. Period. Some people think this is unnecessarily strict, but it avoids even the appearance of insider trading.

    Your guy and Collins and their family and friends who traded on insider knowledge? Absolute case example of illicit insider trading, and should be treated as fraud and theft and worthy of jail terms.

  3. If the feds can come after me for insider trading due to a misprint in the paper, they can watch congress people all day long. I’m delighted to see Culberson as he really is, rather than the saint he pretends to be.

    The Chronicle quote is confusing. When was it published? Jason Weston was a candidate for Congressional district 07 in the Democratic primary. He is a research physician. The Democratic nominee Lizzie Fletcher is a lawyer. Did I read it wrong?,

  4. Old Fart says:

    So, in separate but Juanita related News:

    Alex Jones is trying to force the families suing him to make public their home addresses and DOB and such. Not as if Jones’ followers have used such to make the families lives hell, right?

    “There are obvious reasons why these Plaintiffs are extraordinarily hesitant about filing public documents containing their personal information, such as their address or date of birth, and they will not publish that information absent a legal obligation to do so,” attorney Mark Bankston, who represents two parents, wrote in his response. “Information such as date of birth, addresses, etc., have been used in the past by InfoWars followers to locate and harass the Plaintiffs.” ^


  5. When Chris Collins shuffles off this mortal coil can we up here in NY borrow your Texas corkscrew to bury him ??

  6. notjonathon says:

    Thanks for the plug for Lizzie Fletcher. I confess to a little bias here, as her mother was my classmate, but I have talked to her on more than one occasion, and she is a very smart person.

  7. One of my BILs spent a career with the FCC and couldn’t own a whole variety of stocks, including any media stocks. PITA, but quite doable. He never even questioned that rule. What’s wrong with these Congressvarmints?

  8. @montag
    Give Collins an enema and bury him in a match box. No corkscrew required.

  9. maryelle says:

    “…slicker than snot on a doorknob…” J.J., your descriptive ability leaves me speechless. Even though this particular phrase may at first seem disgusting, it is precise, visual and so very on point. I only hope there may be some time when I have the opportunity to use it. Full credit will be given.

  10. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    No, please Maryelle, don’t. I was drunk when I wrote that. I was raised with only brothers, no sisters. I gave birth to three boys, no daughters, and now my grandson is telling fart jokes. My whole life is disgusting.

  11. Lunargent says:

    I prefer “slicker than snot on an ice cube” myself.

    Just – some call it grandkids; others call it Karma. ;->

  12. okie-dokie says:

    No wonder we can’t have national healthcare like many other countries. I understand Mexico and Colombia have national healthcare programs now. And even President Duterte of the Philippines is working on one.

    Prescription meds are expensive. Politicians must be paid for.

  13. Okay, this is cray-cray (as the kids say). When I worked as a temp proofreader at a prominent law firm, I had to first watch a video, then sign a paper promising not to invest based on anything I might learn while working at said firm. Ethics. Something with which Reprehensicans are utterly unfamiliar.
