Ho Hum

March 13, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, if you’re a Republican elected official and you haven’t been caught in a sex scandal, you’re just not trying hard enough.

The top leader in the Iowa Senate resigned Monday after a website published video and photos allegedly showing the married lawmaker kissing a statehouse lobbyist.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Dix is married with three children.

And this ain’t his first rodeo.

Last year, Iowa settled a $1.75 million lawsuit for sexual harassment and retaliation with a former employee of the Iowa Senate Republicans, Kirsten Anderson. Anderson said that she was fired as communications director for the Republican caucus in 2013 after reporting a toxic work environment due to sexual harassment.

Dix denied the woman’s testimony and said the woman was fired for incompetence. Republican definition of incompetence in women: the ability to say no.

Yeah, there’s a video.

Thanks to Phyllis for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Ho Hum”

  1. If he spelled it Dicks instead of Dix it would be longer.

  2. Flipped past this story in the newspaper and thought, well, there’s kissing and there’s Kissing, but wondered how anybody would be stupid enough to let himself get caught on photos AND video doing that second kind of Kissing….

    But we are talking Republicans here.

  3. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    As expected….Dix proudly boasted that he’s the one who sponsored the bill brought to the Chamber floor that defined marriage as one man, one woman. Each time a politician markets his stellar family values, an angel coughs up blood.

  4. Sam in St Paul says:

    What a Dix.

  5. Henry, you’re my hero.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Dayum. This here Dix dude should be getting job offers from McTurtle and/or Lyin’ Ryan any day now. Hell, he’s super qualified to be a Rethug at the ‘highest’ levels.
    I’ll bet he goes to one of those supermagnumgrade holyroller Talibangelical churches too.

    Dear Exsalted, Meatballed and Marinara’d FSM, hear my humble preyer: Can we have the noodliest Apocalypse ever begin ASAP?
    And make damned sure that it raptures into that deep dish netherland -every- effen last one of these hypocritical SOBs?

  7. UmptyDump says:

    These GOP legislative leaderes have been catching their Dix in door jambs lately in several states. Zip up your britches, fellas. You’ll be less likely to have that problem.


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