He’s Got The BIG O

March 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Step One:  Hate Obamacare so much that you filibuster 21 hours to defund it and promise to “kill every word of it.”

Step Two:  Run for President and have your wife take a leave of absence to help you.

Step Three:  Scamper as fast as you can to sign up for Obamacare.

And they said that Ted, like Rick, couldn’t remember three things.  I guess he showed them.



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0 Comments to “He’s Got The BIG O”

  1. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Is there anyone in greater need of medical care than Ted Cruz? This man is a walking before ad for mental health treatment.

  2. Still guffawing and giggling! Oh, Karma! Thou art a whizzbang! Reality smacked him right in the ego when his wife could no longer cover him on her policy when she left her job even temporarily! Now here’s what I want to know. Does the Affordable Care Act cover damaged self-perception? What a lot of questions he’s gonna have to answer! Must go now and do my happy dance int he back yard!

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Hypocritical little weasel.

  4. e platypus onion says:

    Bruised egos and hoisted petards ought to be worth millions in litigation except for wingnut pushed tort reform which caps damages at virtually nothing for pain and suffering. So why am I smiling like a S$%#-eating cat? 🙂

  5. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I, for one, certainly am glad that the Affordable Care Act was
    there for him when he needed it. He’d be in a pretty pickle if
    his efforts to kill it for everyone had succeeded now wouldn’t he?

    On the other hand, you would think that the level of irony and the resulting landslide of sarcasm he will be buried in would have prompted some more creative solutions by Rafael. Like, reliance on “prayer”, or money from Kochistan.

  6. I am torn between grinning (e platypus, it’s dogs who eat that, not cats) and wishing that Cruz had no insurance at all so that if he would have… let’s say, a really horrible accident…

    My, that was fun. Okay, in that case, he’d have to pay the whole bill out of his own overstuffed pockets. And maybe even go bankrupt and have to live in a cardboard box….

    My, that was fun too.

    A Japanese official dealing with health care was asked by an American reporter how many Japanese went bankrupt every year because of medical bills. The question had to be repeated several times, because the man had no idea what the reporter was talking about. In civilized countries, medical bankruptcy doesn’t happen.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Cruz would be in a pickle if the ACA didn’t accept people with pre-existing(Bat-s^&% insanity in Cruz’ case) conditions. Insurance blues screws Cruz news.

    Thanks for the correction,Rhea. I don’t like cats but I don’t mean to impugn them unfairly,either.

  8. SteveTheReturned says:

    I keep waiting to see evidence of the monumental intellect that Cruz is supposed to possess. So far: nada……

  9. This is the same crap republicans like to pull for everything: social security for me but not for you, welfare/subsidies for me but not for you, healthcare for me but not for you, less taxes for me but not for you. They are all grifters; they’re in government to enrich themselves and impoverish the rest of the country. They are the takers.

  10. Once again the right-wing mantra: big government to take care of me, small government for everyone else.

    California is in a severe drought. It is amusing (in a horrible way) to see the agricultural industry (which tends to the right) ignore their own calls for small government and free markets as they push for the government to use taxpayer money to provide cheap water for them. In a truly free market wouldn’t every for-profit business be on its own in acquiring the resources it needs?

    I actually think the government should do this, but I also think it should provide health care and a good education for children in poverty. And I think the government has the right to regulate water use if its going to pay for supplying it.

  11. It’s always enjoyable when sleazeball politicians have to eat their words. (and some of that stuff epo was talking about too)

  12. There’s something in this for everyone.
    If you believe in Karma, you’re pretty happy right now about this.
    If you don’t believe in Karma by that name, but you do believe that “what goes around, comes around”, you’re pretty darn happy right now as well.
    And if you believe neither is valid but you have first hand experience that “the payback’s a b!tch”, you are elated.
    Yeah I’m really really happy right now about this development.

  13. Smarter than Rick Perry aint hard, I met a corpse that gave better answers than Rick.
    Beside Cruz can’t be Prez, he is a commie muslin atheist socialist from a foreign country!!! Where is his birth certificate?!?!?!?!!?

  14. Ted Cruz on Obamacare.
    Can’t live with it, can’t live without it.
    Am I right?

    Once he loses most of the Republican primaries, maybe he can take his retro 40’s act on the road to the Catskills, Summer of 2016 tour.

  15. Isn’t “somewhat smarter than Rick Perry” the equivalent of “almost as smart as a dung beetle”?

  16. e platypus onion says:

    Dung beetles can fly. Cruz,for Potus,won’t. Teddy wumpus will be in my neck o’ the woods April Fools Day with no lesser a fool than Cantaloupe Calves King,iowa’s 4th district refugee from having a real job congressweasl in Sioux City. Fortunately I am an hour and a halfs drive up higher ground North and East of there.

  17. Can you spell H-Y-P-O-C-R-I-T-I-C-A-L?

    Yes…I can.

  18. Corinne Sabo says:


  19. Funny…I don’t see the irony. Cruz makes enough that he could provide insurance without necessarily using the ACA. If he turned around with his “purge Obamacare” platform, then I would see it as just desserts, but the moment I heard it I thought, “He’s probably only doing that so that he can rant on about the train wreck it is–from a consumer’s perspective.”

    Why isn’t he using the congressional plan? In my company, if you have a change of life event (like spouse loses their benefits/job) then you may update your own options. So I really think he is doing it for nefarious purposes.

  20. Marge Wood says:

    Hey, don’t knock dung beetles. They clean up, are entertaining, improve the soil considerably. You think that Perry and Cruz do those? Well, entertaining maybe but Cruz reminds me of a slimy preacher where you lock your billfold and leave early. Huge crowds that get wound up that way, their brains turn off. My motto for his campaign is BLECH.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    p.s. check his basic health, make sure ACA isn’t going to get stuck with things I don’t even want to talk about. Oh that’s right. We gotta do it. Is there a way we can say to him, look, buster, you want ACA you gotta support it. End of discussion.

  22. Marge Wood says:

    Sure, nefarious. He SAID he was signing up for ACA with intent to destroy it. Open about it.

  23. Got my morning smile from the Borowitz report this morning
    the article in the NYT ‘President Obama to sign a declaration
    making Ted Cruz ineligible for Obamacare’
    Love this man he always makes my day!

  24. Linda Phipps says:

    Hop on the Clown-Gravy train, Senator Cruz, according to Sessions’ clever figguring, you are worth a whopping $5 million. No wonder you went for it.
