He Thinks The Sun Comes Up Just To Hear Him Crow

May 10, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is so cocky and full of himself that he’s not sure you’re even real.

Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick

By the way, Patrick is his stage name from his days as a wanna-be Rush Limbaugh on Houston talk radio.  His real name is Daniel Scott Goeb.  Nobody has any idea where he got the Patrick unless it’s after St. Patrick, but that wouldn’t be right because Dan Patrick is responsible for more snakes in state government than St. Patrick ran out of Ireland.

Anyway, Dan is real upset.  He is sashaying himself to Fort Worth tonight to speak to the school board.  Do you think he’s going to speak about why he cut $5 billion from Texas schools?  No, siree, he’s not.

He’s gonna talk about peeing.

Fort Worth Independent School District [Superintendent] Kent Scribner is not backing down from putting in place new rules that accommodate transgender students, telling the Fort Worth Star-Telegram he would not step down after Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick called for his ouster.

“I’m proud of these guidelines,” Scribner told the paper on Tuesday. “I think they provide educators with the ability to make all students more comfortable and confident in a learning environment.

First, Patrick called on Scribner to resign because … well, hating people who are different is one of the things that Texas schools need to teach, obviously.  When Scribner refused to resign, Patrick is now calling for his ouster.

Secondly, you know all that talk from Patrick about local control being dandy?  Come to find out, local control means “only the Lt. Governor.”

The school board is standing behind the superintendent.  The school board president says —

“We have enormous confidence in Superintendent Kent P. Scribner, his team, and our Board,” he said. “We are focused on creating a strong, safe, and productive learning environment for all students.”

Well now there’s a unique idea.  So, we don’t have schools just so Lt. Governors can grandstand about where urine goes?

I hope they ask him what he did with the $5 billion he seized from education.  Or piss on him.  You know, either one would be fine with me.


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0 Comments to “He Thinks The Sun Comes Up Just To Hear Him Crow”

  1. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Attorney General Loretta Lynch has spoken, Dan. Read and heed, before you go wasting more of Texans heard earned money.


    This paragraph was particularly well written:

    “Let me also speak directly to the transgender community itself. Some of you have lived freely for decades. Others of you are still wondering how you can possibly live the lives you were born to lead. But no matter how isolated or scared you may feel today, the Department of Justice and the entire Obama Administration wants you to know that we see you; we stand with you; and we will do everything we can to protect you going forward. Please know that history is on your side. This country was founded on a promise of equal rights for all, and we have always managed to move closer to that promise, little by little, one day at a time. It may not be easy – but we’ll get there together.”

    To the LGBTQA community, what AG Lynch said. She can speak for me on this.

  2. Here’s hoping that the people not only ask about the $5B theft – but KEEP asking tonight, over and over, and never even comment on the whole bathroom thing (other than to say they support their superintendent). I would bet that he would suddenly have somewhere he needed to go.

  3. Sheez, what some hissy fit little boys will do to keep from actually doing real work! So typical of some little boys I’ve had in my classroom when I was teaching. The last thing they ever wanted to do was learn! And frankly no I don’t want to know that they ended up living under a bridge! AndI can’t feel sorry for them.

  4. maryelle says:

    Bullies just don’t know when to quit. Let’s call it what it is, a
    pissy fit.

  5. When a GOoPer says “local control,” he or she means “Only if I like what they’re doing, otherwise I will shut them down so fast their heads spin.” Proven over and over and over again. Ask the residents of DC how much “local control” a GOoper Congress will give them over their own laws and how they spend their own money even if the locals have voted for it. If some “liberal” = reasonable enclave votes in a law the state GOopers don’t like, the state will squash them like a bug. As I recall, that’s how the whole bathroom-bill thing got started.

  6. Not that I want to see but I think someone should demand he drop his pants so everyone can see if the gender he identifies with matches his genitals. See how he likes being questioned about something that isn’t anybody’s business but his own.

  7. stevethereturned says:

    It’s pretty obvious that Dippy Dan has commenced his run for TX governor—he’s turning up in WAY too many publicity-pimping events like this one, lately. It might be a good thing: Patrick nee Goeb is so thoroughly sleazy, self-righteous and repulsive, and would bring such humiliation upon the state, that a Democrat might get a chance. Hey, anything’s possible…..

  8. Flint was not allowed to govern themselves – the Governor interferred – and we all know how that turned out.

  9. maryelle says:

    glf, that’s a righteous idea. Any official who interferes with a constitutional right has to drop them on national TeeVee.

  10. So Dan wants to be Lt Governor AND Peckerchecker-in-Chief? Is he up to a power grab like that?

  11. e platypus onion says:

    There is an unemployed judge in Arkansas with about 4500 pics of young men nude or partially dressed who appeared in his court and got special dispensation from said judge for sexual favors. He is prolly available to check bathroom users in Texas once he gets out of the jail he’s likely headed for.

  12. I’m just waiting for Republicans to realize they could just remodel all of the existing public bathrooms to provide more privacy – – think of the jobs they could hand out to their friends in the construction industry who fund their campaigns!

    Hey, switch out all the plumbing while you’re at it too. And emergency buzzers next to the toilets.

    It’ll put America back to work.

  13. “Peckerchecker-in-Chief”
    That’s funny, montag. Thanks. I read about that sleeze ball judge too, epo, and I’m sure him and a bunch of Roman Catholic priests are eager to fill that position.

    The righty, — we’re not gay! — obsession with sex flames on, sort of like Alberta, but really, really stoopid.

  14. when I can’t write a post that matches my disgust for snacilbupeR like ole Daniel Scott Goeb, I have a go to pile of DVDs that are my favs, Ghostbusters, Full Metal Jacket, A Few Good Men, etc to help me out for that pithy quote. Sooooo, “Were you born a fat, slimy, scumbag puke piece o’$hit,” Danny, “or did you have to work on it?”

  15. The fine folks in Fort Worth are the ones who sent Wendy Davis to the Texas lege, too. It’s a pretty red part of Texas, but they’ve gotta have some good sense there to support Wendy and their superintendent.

  16. Why is it I get the impression that some of these guys spent way too much time in their high school bathrooms?

  17. Tilphousia says:

    ARRGGGHHHH! Is it something in the water, perhaps fracking related, that makes so many GOP politicians wannabe peckercheckers or is it WAIT! Dare I say it!? Voyeureism? They simply cannot stand to see a pecker unchecked! A ladies room not carefully viewed? In fact, restrooms has stalls. With doors. That close for privacy. Having stated that, which Dan apparently doesn’t know, will he be checking over or under the door? Will he check each door personally? And will he return the monies he stole from Texas children? Inquiring minds want to know.

  18. Fred Farklestone says:

    From the looks of his upper teeth in that cheese-eating smile, it looks like Goeb bought a box of Chiclets Gum and glued them on!

  19. e platypus onion says:

    What name is on his voter registration? Of he hasn’t legally changed his name to Dan Patrick you might be able to kill him and claim stand your ground against voter fraud. Do the same to Perry.

  20. Patrick has a strange skinny, small nose. He either had plastic surgery or he stuck it where he didn’t belong and someone worked on it for free.

  21. June Bug says:

    @stevethereturned: Patrick has higher aspirations. Either President or Jesus. We know that because he was recently baptized in the Jordan river. (Remember Perry getting rebaptized just prior to announcing his plans to enter the race for the presidency? Let us hope Patrick’s efforts are just as efficacious.

  22. Pancho Sanza says:

    Me? I don’t trust creepy white Republican men who are obsessed with other people’s bathroom habits. I think they are probably Dennis Hastert/Larry Craig types.
