Hat In Hand

June 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Guess who has gone begging?  From the federal damn government?


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That money will have Obama cooties on it.  And since this was in my local newspaper, I hope every damn Republican in the county sees it.

Abbott won’t take money intended for Medicaid for working class families and their children t get needed medical care.  But a flood, well, that’s different because water rises even for the rich as well as the poor.


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0 Comments to “Hat In Hand”

  1. Larry from Colorado says:

    The classic example of being a hypocrite!

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sorry A-butt. Truly. I’m sorry. But, not a penny for you, until your snacibupeR counterparts in DeeCee take care of Flint, MI and appropriate the funds needed to respond to the Zika virus. We the Americans who believe in our responsibility to take care of all Americans must take issue with you, or at a minimum insist that you get in line, take a number and wait until all those who have been held hostage due to snacilbupeR obstructionism have been served.

    Have a problem with that, Greg? Call your US Senators and Representatives. Remember when Gov Cartman hugged President Obama? I do. It’s difficult to forget the one decent thing the Outlaw Jersey Whale has ever done. Your turn, Greg. Do something decent. Can we interest you in some medicaid funds, perhaps?

  3. A-butt, no federal aid for flood recovery unless you first activate Medicaid in Texas. Simple as that. You can handle simple, can’t you?

  4. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Somebody watch him like a hawk, because Perry transferred federal disaster money away from HHS to a project of his own. Federal disaster money isn’t as tightly controlled as Medicaid would be.

    Though if it were possible, I’d be glad to see disaster money tied to acceptance of federal education and medical money, because it’s totally unfair that Texans suffer because our GOP Govs don’t want federal money to have “strings attached” (like being spent on what they were allocated for.)

  5. While flooding may hit rich and poor alike, the rich tend to have better insurance and more resources. I hope these funds are approved quickly so that people who have lost so much will have help soon.

    It’s a pity that there isn’t some federal aid that could be withheld from Abbott directly. That might motivate him. Poor people not having health care never will.

  6. I guess those Medicaid-needy families and their kids need to get themselves on the teevee and in the national news for about a week. It’s bad enough for us blue states to carry the red states through all that bitching about us being the “takers”, but when you won’t even take the money to help your own poor people, that’s just nauseating.

  7. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    LynnN, maybe we should file a FOIA request. It’s known that A-butt received a generous settlement for being smacked by a tree. But, is he receiving any federal funds for disability?

    In the event of a disaster, there has to be a better and faster way to distribute funds to those who need and deserve them the most. Hechuva Job Brownie didn’t exactly fix that SNAFU. Exhibit #1, Perry. Exhibit #2, Christie. etc ad nauseum.

    FEMA should be the avenue, but despite their best efforts President Obama and Jeh Johnson can’t fix st00pid.

    Beyond voting, seriously, engage with the st00pid who vote against their own interests. Swaying 5-10% of them would make a difference. Who knows how many those 5-10% could sway, since they speak the same language – fact free and arithmetic challenged.

    Next time I engage with a ‘small government’ nacilbupeR, will remember to explain to them what lack of government oversight means – graft & corruption.

  8. Carol W says:

    What? Why isn’t he just getting on his knees and praying to his almighty Christian God?? Begging from a Muslim?

  9. e platypus onion says:

    And this surprised no one at all.

  10. Coprolite says:

    WHAT? WAIT. Didn’t the previous administration have a big “prayers for rain” get-together awhile ago? So, their Gawad finally got around to answering their prayers….and they weren’t ready, or he/she provided too much. Just maybe if all those politicians had been a little nicer, kinder, more appreciative their Gawad-vermont might have rained them with money, instead.

    But, You can’t always get what you want, but you can sometime get what you need…. tough decision, money or rain.
    Unfortunately they will get both, hopefully with a large serving of humility on the side.

  11. maryelle says:

    Took him long enough. We all know Texas Republicans hate like hell to ask the President for help, ‘specially when they keep telling everybody they don’t need no stinkin’ federal help.
    How’s that workin’ for ya?

  12. Rastybob says:

    Pray harder damn it. That should fix it.

  13. In reading the article posted, the request is for “individual Assistance grants”. I know this may be a stupid question, but do they go directly to the individuals or to the State to disburse? Hopefully, the former.

  14. Myrnatoo says:

    A-butt, why don’t you just sue for it? You’ve spent years, and gods only know how many dollars, initiating endless lawsuits against Obama. Why stop now?

  15. Every time I turn over my compost heap, I am reminded that even the microbes, fire ants, and fly maggots have more nobility and sense of purpose than hominids like Abbott.

  16. two crows says:

    I’m betting A-butt has already done what Rick the Prick, here in Florida, did when he was faced with a similar matter recently. He came out swinging — at Obama — at the same time he was asking for money.

    If the money had been for him and his cronies I would’ve said, “Go F[ind the money] Yourself. [There, Momma, I fixed it for you.] But since at least a fair amount of it will probably get into the hands of people who actually need it, I bit my tongue. Till it bled.

  17. AKLynne says:

    So, I guess Texas won’t be stomping their feet about seceding from the United States this week?

  18. TrulyTexan says:

    Make no mistake. That money is for 2300 sqft vacation homes along the rivers, not the people that actually live and work there.

  19. Sanctimonious sob.

  20. Lunargent says:



