Fun With Guns: Hard Headed Woman Edition

February 24, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Whoa, Babe. They make some tough women in Oregon.

A 24-year-old Redmond man has been arrested on assault and other charges, accused of firing a gunshot at his home, sending the bullet through a wall and fence and into a neighbor’s home, where it bounced off the head of a woman watching TV, officers said.

From another source (apparently it was a big story in Oregon).

Police say a Redmond woman suffered a small bump when a stray bullet crashed into her home and bounced off her head.

The city’s police department says the woman was watching television Monday when the shot was fired. The bullet went through a wall of her neighbor’s home and a fence before entering the woman’s home. It went through a picture frame and had slowed significantly by the time it hit her.

Ya think?  Still, she needs a Superwoman outfit.

Thanks to Epp for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Fun With Guns: Hard Headed Woman Edition”

  1. Cat Stevens has been looking for this woman since 1969 or so.

  2. JAKvirginia says:

    Actually, she needs to return it to the gunman the same way it was sent to her. In person. Face to face. And be sure to say “Thank you!”

  3. “Hard Headed Woman Edition” is somewhat a disappointment as headlines go. In this era of “defend thy domicile” was sort of hoping the lady assaulted by her neighbor’s st00pid arrived at his door with a rolling pin, softball bat or her weapon of choice to give him a weapons safety lesson, before the police arrived.

    Viva firepower in the hands of the clueless and our enabling Congress critters. Bathroom bills targeting transgender youth are ‘acceptable,’ while these varmints sent Orange Foolius a bill he signed to protect the 2nd Amendment rights of those declared incompetent to handle their own personal finances. Can’t handle a checkbook, but by dog give them an Uzi. Need to pee, fuhgeddaboudit.

  4. Because a kid with the “wrong” peeing equipment just wanting to go into a stall and pee is so much more dangerous than morons with military-grade firearms. I know which one I’d rather encounter.

    And yes, I would definitely have bounced something off the shooter’s head myself.

  5. This is the sort of story that springs to mind every time some gunoholic brags about how he’d protect his family in case of a home invasion. I pointed out to one of these guys the fact that his family would be behind house walls that aren’t bulletproof. He responded with some vagueness about using bullets that wouldn’t penetrate walls (apparently does not know what drywall is made of). He did not mention how he’d get the home invaders to comply.

    If you can run from danger, run. Unless your shootout was scripted for John Wayne it will likely not turn out the way you hope. And it may really piss off the neighbors.

  6. WA Skeptic says:

    In 1988 my significant other was all in favor of having a big ol’ gun available to repel invaders. I pointed out that the wall on the end of the hallway that was to be a shooting gallery had my neighbor’s bedroom about 20′ on the other side of the sheetrock. Sig Ot retired to rethink the problem and I never heard about it again.

    Oh, and we’d never had a problem either before or after that conversation.

  7. Normally I take these postings with a grain of salt. But having maternal family in Medford, I believe every word. Well except the part about her having a knot on her head. Hmmmm not hardly!

  8. Yes, I too, would have enjoyed hearing about her having a word or 2 with the shooter.

    I wonder WTH the i-dot with the gun was doing. Practicing twirling? Quick draw? Playing cowboys? Damn ammosexuals.
