Father of the Year

March 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Matt Bevins is the Republican Governor of Kentucky. He and his wife have nine children between the ages of 5 and 16, which tells you that he probably needs to spend more time learning stuff than doing you-know-what.

He didn’t not let his kids get vaccinated.  He purposefully gave them chicken pox.

“We found a neighbor that had it,” the first-term governor said. “And I went and made sure every one of my kids was exposed to it and they got it. And they had it as children, they were miserable for a few days, and they all turned out fine.”

So when they are adults and they get shingles, I hope they punch him flat in the face.

He does not think the government has a right to tell people what to do with their children.  In his libertarian worldview, parents should be allowed to cook and eat their kids. And expose them to diseases on damn purpose.  And if their kids get typhoid or tuberculosis, we should not be able to keep them out of school or away from their part-time jobs at Burger King.

“The government” does not force parents to vaccinate children.  However, if parents want their children to participate in public activities, they do not have the right to expose children they don’t own.  Likewise, the government does not force you to get a driver’s license.  However, if you want to drive a car, we like to know that at least you’ve been taught how.

Libertarianism: Astrology for white men.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.  

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0 Comments to “Father of the Year”

  1. It used to be that parents who put their children purposefully in harms way were judged insane and had their children removed from their care. What an interesting society we live in today.

  2. Maybe Bevins’s parents dropped him on his head one too many times when he was a child.

  3. fenway fran says:

    I wonder how his wife felt about that. We were a family with 7 kids (10 year span). Whenever one of the now preventable contagious diseases rolled through (usually in winter, when one of us older kids brought it home from school), Mom had sick kids and babies for about 4-6 weeks. If she was lucky there were a couple on the same time frame to shorten her burden. We each reacted differently, some worse than others. This guy is a jerk.

  4. Nine children?
    Intentionally infecting his children?

    If he ever wins a Father Of The Year Award, he better hope the judges scores favor quantity over quality.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Imagine the arguments among those 9 kids when the time comes for one of them to have POA over demented Matt. If Matt is lucky, the kids won’t form a cooperative venture.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Between this guy, McConnell, Rand Paul and the privileged assholes at Covington Catholic, I’m starting to think there might be something wrong with Kentucky.

    Oh, and Kim Davis.

  7. Good oid Kentucky.
    Best known for Fast Horses, (see racing form.)
    And slow Senators,( See Trumps little Bitch McConnell.) —– From now on it will be for Idiots.—–

  8. @Buttermilk Sky

    I dare ya to spend some of your valuable time trying to figure out which of those Kentucky cons are worse. I’m voting Kim Davis worse by a country mile, but ymmv.

  9. Maybe he should expose his kids to Polio and see how that goes.

  10. thatotherjean says:

    Google says that five of the kids are his, and four were adopted, at slightly older ages, from Ethiopia. I hope his kids escape shingles, since it isn’t their fault that they were forced into actual chickenpox–but I hope Matt Bevin himself comes down with a humdinger of a case, so he knows what else he wished on his children.

    Rastybob: Don’t forget basketball. I was at UK when Adolph Rupp was the basketball coach, not the name on the arena.

  11. I had forgotten about the chicken pox/shingles connection. I had the chicken pox before there was a vaccine. Fortunately, the new shingles vaccine cuts your chances of getting shingles by 90%. I was 55 when I got vaccinated because they’ve lowered the recommended age. If you had the pox, get the shots!

  12. daChipster says:

    I wonder if Bevins has had the mumps? One good mumps outbreak amongst all the adult male anti-vaxxers, with a little orchitis on the side, could solve this once and for all.

  13. El Lagarto says:

    @Buttermilk Sky #6: I know he’s dead and all, but you left out Jim Bunning.

  14. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I looked up the Kentucky definition of child abuse and Mr. Bevins is clearly guilty.

  15. Ralph Wiggam says:

    How can that NOT be a crime? Here is the KY law.
    First Degree – Intentionally doing any of the following to a person under 12 or who’s physically or mentally helpless or permitting another to do so when the defendant has custody of the child or disabled adult:
    Causing serious physical injury
    Placing a child in a situation that may cause serious physical injury or torturing
    Cruelly confining or punishing
    Second Degree – Same as first degree except the abuse is done “wantonly” meaning the defendant was aware of a substantial and unjustifiable risk that something may occur and consciously disregards it
    Third Degree – Same as above except abuse is done “recklessly” or fails to perceive a substantial and unjustifiable risk that something will occur, the failure to perceive must be a gross deviation from what a reasonable person would observe


  16. Actually there is some reasoning behind what he did, although it’s FALSE reasoning. It made sense, say 300 years ago, for people to deliberately get cowpox to protect themselves from the similar and much more dangerous virus smallpox. They didn’t know why it worked, but it did.

    Deliberately exposing your kids to chickenpox doesn’t do a damn thing except probably give them a disease that could have serious complications and runs the risk, as everyone points out, of another possibly serious (including blindness) condition decades later. This clown is not right in the head and should be prosecuted for child abuse.

  17. Sooo, a lot of these diseases for which we vaccinate are notorious for causing sterility. Reduction of the gene pool with this lot doesn’t seem like such a bad thing.

  18. Buttermilk Sky says:

    El Lagarto, you’re right. He ran a “foundation” that was as corrupt as Trump’s but on a smaller scale.

    On the other hand, he was a good pitcher. And, as you say, dead.

  19. My sons received ALL their vaccines and the oldest suffered shingles at the age of sixteen. I’m glad he didn’t punch me in the face.

  20. Back in the 50’s there were not many vaccines for these childhood diseases, except for polio, so my four siblings and I got everything that came down the pike, rendering my mother a
    captive to our care. Then when she grew older, she got the shingles from babysitting one of her grandchildren who should have been vaccinated. Unjust deserts!

  21. “Libertarianism: Astrology for white men.”

    I also like Thom Hartmann’s take on Libertarians: “Libertarians are just Republicans who want to smoke dope and get laid.”

  22. Rosemary from Indiana says:

    I keep thinking about his wife having to take care of nine children who had chicken pox all at the same time. I’m amazed at her fortitude in not killing him as he breezed off to work, leaving her all alone with them.

  23. My middle kid had febrile seizures from chicken pox at 18 months old and ended up in Texas Children’s. His fever wasn’t that high but shot up suddenly and without warning, which is what triggered them. I can’t even tell you how helpless and terrified I felt.

    Benign childhood illness my Aunt Fanny, Governor Bevins.
