Doom, Gloom, and What The Hell Was He Thinking?

February 12, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Ted Cruz has recruited Rick Perry to head up organizing veterans for Cruz.

Hell yeah, let’s get those veterans onboard with Texas Republicans, who cut provisions of the Hazelwood Act and tried to do it the day before Memorial Day.  The Hazelwood Act provided tuition assistance at state universities to veterans and any unused portion was passed to their children.  Which, of course, Republicans saw as the end of modern civilization.

You can bet your sweet patootie that Rick was promised a cushy job as head of veteran’s affairs if Cruz is president.  Rick has been out of work for some time now and being as how he’s never had a real job in his whole damn life, the boy is kinda desperate.

Keep the Promise to Veterans was officially formed Thursday, according to records with the Federal Election Commission. It is listed as affiliated with three other pro-Cruz super PACs organized under the Keep the Promise umbrella.

It was not immediately clear who plans to fund Keep the Promise to Veterans, which appears to be part of the same network of pro-Cruz super PACs that entered 2016 with almost $30 million in the bank. Walt said no money had been deposited in the Keep the Promise to Veterans’ account as of Friday morning.

Well, at least Cruz is smart enough not to give Rick Perry access to any money.  Spending money on himself is the only damn thing he’s any good at.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Doom, Gloom, and What The Hell Was He Thinking?”

  1. What’s the promise, who made it, how are they (republicans) planning on keeping it and when is this all supposed to happen? Those are the questions every veteran (and everybody else) should be asking these lying, cowardly grifters.

  2. Poor Ted…he has to pull an add because he hired a porn star. Best hoot of the morning for me.

  3. If he leaves Texas, can you good folks find a way to keep him out? Of course that means some other places gets punished.

  4. Gee, I didn’t know Rick Perry was a veteran.

    I wonder if he’s also in line to head up the NAACP and the Girl Scouts.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Remember the ‘a dead woman or live boy’ option? Call out the birthers, Donnie. You’ll be needing some extra security wherever you stay. Cr-ooze is coming for you and he’s hired pRick to carry the bodies, one dead and one live.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    Here is Rafael like he hoped you’d never find out. Where is li’l Ricky Sanitorium when needed?

  7. Marge Wood says:

    I’ve always thought Perry should get a job as a truck driver, not that anyone would believe his stories. At least it’d be a pay check.

  8. LynnN, you are a master of the sarcastic bomb: veteran, NAACP and Girls Scouts! All of which Perry is not in the least qualified to run, but the list goes on: Republican Women of Texas, Texas Bullion Depository, and the EPA.

  9. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    What ever happened to the deal where ol’ Rick was fixing to get free room and board courtesy of the State of Texas? Did one of your upstanding Texas Republicans get in the way of that, too? The trial would have been a real entertaining show.

  10. @epo, that picture is precious, but I do hope the dog didn’t catch anything.

    @W.C.(Pete), there is one charge still active against pRick. He’s run up attorney fees of about $2 million, using his leftover campaign funds to pay the bills.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Marge Wood-Rick Nelson been there and done that truck driving thang.

    Wasn’t Perry a jet pilot, cheer leader,dipwad Texas guv,etc like dumbass dubya?

  12. Oops, turns out Perry was a pilot in the Air Force. (I suspect he wasn’t a very good one.)

    Usually I google stuff before I post factual information, but it just never, never occurred to me to check on Perry’s military history. I guess I’d better research whether he was a Girl Scout too.

  13. LynnN, a mental image of Perry in a Girl Scout uniform is one I didn’t need.

  14. LynnN says:
    Gee, I didn’t know Rick Perry was a veteran.

    As much as I despise ol’ Gov. Blowdry, he was a USAF pilot, leaving at the rank of Captain after about five years. He was a C-130 transport pilot, so he’s smarter than he seems.
    Although the AF clearly didn’t let him regularly pilot monster C-5’s or F-4/16’s (jets), likely qualed on skillset and merit, that’s the way the selections are usually made.
    With some notable exceptions, like G. W. Bush, who scored about a 25% on piloting aptitude tests but was still made a fighter pilot, albeit domestically protecting Houston from GOM threats in the TXANG, and never in that little hot war going on at the time- Vietnam (helps to be a “legacy”, hmmm?).

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Sandridge, the C-130 pilots were referred to as “trash haulers.” Incompetent pilots were known as “bad sticks.” Then again there is much about pRick’s career trajectory that that could be called trash hauling with a bad stick.

    Or, we can just wait for his due process for sightings of him at Texas roadsides in prison garb and a stick with a nail on the end.

  16. e platypus onion says:

    dumbass dubya’s closest dance with actual combat was either escorting one of Nixon’s daughters to a Presidential reception-while he was supposed to be in Alabams on guard duty- or the one on one fight he lost on Superbowl weekend in the WH with a pretzel.

  17. epo, nice image of a dog. Too bad Oozy Croozy had to photo bomb the pooch.

  18. Polite Kool Marxist,
    pRick sure has made ‘trash-hauling’ a profitable venture, I read somewhere that he’s now a multi-millionaire. Not effen bad for having mostly gubmint employment for most of his life.
    Somebody needs to make a huge spreadsheet on various public figures showing their known gubmint salaries vs. current actual wealth over their careers. Might be interesting to compare to an average working stiff’s earnings-net worth cumulative numbers.

    I made pretty good money (latter years-6 figures), but accumulating an actual ‘fortune’ for retirement, even using all the usual investment vehicles available, just never happened the way these guys manage to do it.
    Recently turned down an upper-mid 6 figure pension ‘buyout’, mostly because I no longer have faith in a clearly rigged financial system (and I thought/knew it was a low-ball offer too, made just before the IRS Mortality Tables were changed, to benefit retirees). Hell, I’d likely be down ~$1-200K in market losses the last 6 mo if I had rolled it over into an IRA back then (and getting it into anything but the officially Wall Street-USGov sanctioned ‘investments’ is quite impossible without a massive tax hit; how ‘well designed’ our system is…not.).

  19. e platypus onion,
    Like minds…
    I had thought of working the Dumbya pretzel death match in there, but it just didn’t seem to fit. Kind of like pRick’s jogging shootout (victorious) with that poor widdle coyote (unarmed). (hey, maybe it was acting weird (rabies/distemper?), it was an Austin coyote…”KAW” slogan and all)

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Coyote prolly had better hair than Perry and broke Goodhair’s heart.

    Debbo-glad you are around. I never would have seen the truth about glory-hog Cruz stealing a dog’s limelight.

    Remember Abu-Gharaib prison? Jebadiah Bush is telling people how proud he was to be CIC of Floriduh’s National Guard troops who were running the prison when them atrocities took place.

  21. Marge Wood says:

    Perry grew up on a ranch in the middle of a cotton field in what, Paint Rock? or is it Paint Creek? I used to drive our kids to six man football up there. The way you find it is, find a cotton field with a little stand of bleachers and look for the football lights and just drive toward them. Anyway I betcha he has multiple talents, one of which is “Git me out of here.”

  22. RE: Herkiebirds

    One of my first purchases following my future certain powerball win is a C-130. Gonna turn it into one bi*chin’ party plane. Cover all interior surfaces with purplish shag carpet. Grand piano mounted to the floor. Disco balls. Dangerously heavy loads of Wild Turkey.

    A man must dream after all!

  23. Fred Farklestone says:

    Speaking of Bush, I love this quote By Hunter S. Thompson about Bush!

    “He knew who I was, at that time, because I had a reputation as a writer. I knew he was part of the Bush dynasty. But he was nothing, he offered nothing, and he promised nothing. He had no humour. He was insignificant in every way and consequently I didn’t pay much attention to him. But when he passed out in my bathtub, then I noticed him. I’d been in another room, talking to the bright people. I had to have him taken away.”

  24. @Fred Farklestone

    Thanks for the link. Quite entertaining. Too bad the bathtub wasn’t full of water at the time.

  25. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, it is difficult to not mourn the many lost opportunities. The water could have been higher. The pretzel might have won. And, the Cr-oozer’s college roommate might have been more public service orientated, thus smothering him in his sleep. Or, if only Eva Braun had had her Ivana Kutzurnutzov moment. Alas!

    All that remains for us is a spectacular mourning party in 2017 to mourn the death of the nacilbupeR Party. We must vote to pay tribute to their demise. Let us honor them by retaining the White House, regaining the Senate and throwing the Teatard/Freedumb insurrectionists out of our House.

  26. @PKM

    Not that ya mention it, I wonder sometimes if tRump, Canadian Raphael and the other seat occupiers of the klown kar aren’t the death rattle of the Republican Party, itself becoming a victim of its own selfishness.
