Don’t Piss Off City Council

June 06, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Frisco is a little town of rich people in north central Texas.

I’m saying they are rich.  I am not saying they are smart.  Because they are not.

A lawyer by the name of Terri Green is running for city council in Frisco.

You would think that a lawyer would know that city councils cannot overrule federal civil rights law.

You would think that and you would be wrong.

Here’s what Terri mailed to her rich friends.


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Screen Shot 2016-06-06 at 1.12.32 PM

Click here to enlarge it.

Terri says she understands that boys should not be in girls bathrooms. What the hell is wrong with Terri? I’m way more worried about boy’s bathrooms. All the kinky Republican stuff happens in boys bathrooms. Terri must have been asleep during Larry Craig, Dennis Hastert, Jerry Sandusky, and a whole mess of Catholic priests.

I kinda hope Terri gets elected and has to debate US Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Or fight her fist to fist. That would be kinda fun.  My money is totally on Loretta in both cases.

There’s things city councils can do.  They can save your butt from Dengue and Zika virus but those things aren’t in bathrooms, where Teri’s mind is.

Thanks to Mel for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Don’t Piss Off City Council”

  1. Did she buy her law degree from Liberty U, Oral Roberts U or Trump U?

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    The cast of Kinky Boots has something to say to Loretta: “Just Pee”

    Dunno. Thinking maybe a little musical comedy might penetrate her pea brain, but snacilbupeR are humor challenged. But facts certainly don’t wash with the snacilbupeR. Statistics? meh

    Maybe a challenge? Ask them to name one assault committed by a transgender person. Or, alternately ask them if they are aware of how many crimes are perpetrated against transgender persons. Then maybe they might comprehend that it is the transgender community that needs protection from them.

  3. Indiana Pearl says:

    Terri sure has bleached her hair!

  4. I’m not sure how you can actively protect someone against something that isn’t happening.

    Will she also actively protect Frisco families against unicorn attacks? How about against being probed by space aliens–I’ll bet she’s a tigress on that subject.

    Sigh. I wish someone would protect me against WingNuts who are obsessed with other people’s naughty bits.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    My sincerest apologies to Attorney General of the United States Loretta Lynch. My comment #2 should have stated TERRI, not Loretta.

    US AG Lynch is A-OK on the meaning of the 14th Amendment. Her support of the “T” in LGBTQA with her “I see you” reaction demonstrated her commitment to equality for everyone.

    I hope our next Democratic President realizes AG Lynch is quite likely the best AG since RFK and asks her to continue her service to the country.

  6. e platypus onion says:

    She running for Inspector Genital? (I did not make that word up.)

  7. Interesting fact about Collin county where Frisco is located – every elected official is Republican. Not one elected Democrat in the entire county.

  8. Just another right-winger blowing a whistle to keep the polar bears away.

    “But there’s not a polar bear within a thousand miles of here.”

    “See how well it works!”

    It would be funnier if they weren’t making innocent people miserable every time they do this– women and girls who need abortions, LGBT people, voters without “proper” ID, etc. etc.

  9. ok, i’ll bite, what the hell is” a 27 year attorney”? is she 27 years old? has an IQ as an attorney of 27? has a personal vendetta against the English language?

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, if not for the danger they present to innocents, I might enjoy some schadenfreude at their expense for the ironic danger the snacilbupeR present to themselves.

    Waiting for them to 2nd Amendment themselves out of existence is too slow and dangerous to the rest of us. Educating them to the irony of voting against their own interests doesn’t work. Inbred/ingrained st00pid is incredibly resilient.

    2016 and 2018 voting is our best opportunity to neutralize them. That’s why I will hold my nose and vote for HRC, while my main focus will be the down ballot races. President Obama is exhibit #1 of why we need to give the next president a chance with a sane Congress.

    ALEC, the Koch brothers pet and all the dark money that infiltrates from our local school boards to our state legislatures needs to be hosed by the EPA, DOJ, and all the focus we can muster.

    To my Green/Progressive friends who would suggest that I’ve “sold out” – au contraire. Removing the snacilbupeR is step #1. We can do that and at the same time deliver the message to the corporate Dems that they are next, unless they reestablish their FDR roots.

    I ‘get’ twin parties, lesser of two evils, and a whole host of issues. We have this election to deliver a message: get it right, or 2020 will be a political upheaval. We millennials are learning; we’ll be better organized in 4 years.

  11. Old Fart says:

    I’m sure that most of the residents of Frisco would *never* vote for a Green candidate, if their world view included what a Green Party is…

    Too bad that doesn’t extend to her.

  12. e platypus onion says:

    Kinky Boots- she’d be happier if she watched/listened to She Bop by Ms Lauper just to loosen up.

  13. maryelle says:

    Pay no attention to the Republican tap dancing in the stall.
    Just do yore bidness, wash your hands and get on with your life. It’s too damn short for all this stoopid.

  14. PKM, that’s the problem with voting for anybody but the Dems: you’re probably helping to hand it to the GOP, and we can’t afford that. (I admit I cast my first vote for John Anderson in 1980, but my voting for Carter wouldn’t have helped him. I regret now that I didn’t anyway.) I wish the Greens were an influential party as they are in some countries, but a vote for them in the US doesn’t do any good.

  15. The Kinky Boots “Just Pee” video is hilariously hysterical! Thank you PKM. Cyndi Lauper is one of my heroes. Openly weird people are some of the best and my favorites.

  16. two crows says:

    She might know that cities can’t override the feds but I’m betting she thinks her voters won’t.

    The real reason Republicans want to cut funding for education: “Keep the voters stupid so they won’t have a clue as to what we’re up to.”

  17. AKLynne says:

    I guess with the death grip the right wing has on that community, it wouldn’t matter what platform she runs on. In a sane world, that would not be the one “cause” to stake an election on.

    I can’t watch Kinky Boots just now, because nobody else is up in the household, and I don’t want to wake them by laughing hysterically. Later.

  18. OMG. Remember that old Mickey Rooney Judy Garland movie where the kids decide to produce a play cuz they think they got talent? My suspended disbelief went up in smoke when I saw that old movie so many decades ago. Even then I knew what producing a play meant, all the bells and whistles, cogs and gears meshing as they should. Terri Green is neither Mickey nor Judy. Plus ten to one she has an elbow problem. And she should be under deep surveillance. She just can’t help herself!

  19. Here’s ole Terri G on linkedin..

  20. She has now posted a YouTube spot as part of her runoff election bid. Search YouTube for “Terri Green for Frisco City Council.” It was posted two days ago. This is what a brain looks like on a steady diet of reactionary BS.

    BTW, our Texas AG calls Collin County home. Jodie Anne Laubenberg calls Collin County home also. There is something floating around here that induces comas in Democrats and mental diarrhea in Republicans.
