
September 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of the things on my bucket list is the World Championship Punkin’ Chunkin’ contest.  I love contraptions.  I also love gizmos, thingamabobs, and doohickies.  So one year I’m gonna rent a camper and go watch this thing of beauty.

I just learned that I may not have to go far.  In response to Donald Trump’s threat of building a wall down the middle of Rio Grande River, Mexican drug kings have an answer.






Checkmate, Mr. Trump.


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0 Comments to “Chunkin’”

  1. Delaware is small, but it does have a few claims to fame, and Punkin Chunkin is one of them.

    That thing in the photo looks like a steroid version of the old potato cannon made of beer cans and duct tape. I only wish they’d turn it around and fling Trump over the border. Or any border. Or into the ocean, heading toward his buddy Vladimir, would be even better.

  2. I have been waiting for this! Why tunnel from an industrial park on one side of the border to an industrial park on the other side of the border, when you can use a tater-cannon-on-steroids to propel your product from one country to another? Or for that matter a trebuchet if you want to chunk it fairly quietly.

  3. Them Mexician are ingenious and motivated. They are already in the advance stages of research and development in the event Trump gets his wall paid for.

  4. One Trebuchet + One pumpkin full of coke. One happy weekend.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Build two. Place them on platforms of sufficient height to allow for a 35 degree downward trajectory. Then invite Mexico to a game of border lawn darts with Donnie as the projectile. Loser wins the booby prize and must keep him until the next game.

  6. @Rastybob
    Talk about being blitzed out of your gourd.

  7. Seriously wouldn’t the “package” catch fire? Real ammo from one of these things is made of the same stuff as the thing and is not flamable.

  8. I imagine that if the drug cartels aren’t already using drones, they soon will be. They really can’t allow themselves to be outdone by

    But the wall isn’t really about drugs, is it? It’s meant to keep out one thing: people.

  9. Trump can certainly build a wall that’s even more amazingly high, just incredibly, incredibly tall. And make Mexico pay for the cost overruns, like they’ll pay for the original specifications.

    Next move Mexico: drones, grande drones.

  10. Have a friend in Tucson. He tells me that there is a lot of light weight’s that fly low and slow and close to the ground. That are making some one a lot of money. If you want to put a dent in the drug trade just do what CO did. Make it legal.
    But that would end the big bribes the cops and Pols get.
    So not going to happen.

  11. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    They’ll be competing for circus jobs as Human Cannonballs. Maybe we can set one up on our side and toss Trump over the river. Or get an ICBM and serve him to visit Putin and Snowden.

  12. Esquire did a story about the Cartels’ response to their loss of revenue from legalization. Vast fields of weed are now abandoned. Hello poppy fields. Heroin and and some other drug I’d never heard of before that’s evidently a lot more potent. Than heroin. Sometimes mixed. Don’t remember what it’s called, but first responders are warned that even skin contact can be harmful. Heard about the rash of heroin overdoses? There you have it. The story is really informative and I’m not doing it justice, but it’s scary as hell.

  13. Opinionated Hussy says:

    MythBusters did a show on the rumor that Mexican coyotes were flipping ‘ilegals’ over the border. They proved that no matter how you did it, or aimed it for a soft landing, the person would still go ‘splat!’

  14. Just chuckling at the thought of little twitty trumpers sailing out of the business end of a bazooka. Say, that could become an international sport. Call it “trumping”. And trump gets to be the ammo in each and every contest!

  15. JAKvirginia says:

    Wall Schmall! They’re building submarines now! The drugs will get in. But here’s a curious fact: You can’t sell what people won’t buy. So America… clean up YOUR problem, m’kay?

  16. ” But here’s a curious fact: You can’t sell what people won’t buy. So America… clean up YOUR problem, m’kay?”

    and that’s really one facet of legalizing pot, and concurrently legalizing the growing of it, for personal use. even the few states that it has been made legal in have already impacted the importation of it. that’s a good thing.

    with respect to heroin and other narcotics, treating addiction as a medical issue instead of a criminal one, would be a start. funding more rehab clinics, and ridding ourselves of some jail cells would be a good path to start following. all those billions saved, by declaring victory and ending the “War on (some people, who use some) drugs, can be put to a constructive use, helping those who find themselves addicted to something they can’t control.

  17. Tilphousia –

    I say we bring out the skeet rifles and develop a scoring system. Presto, a new Olympic sport! And hell, I’LL even buy a gun, if I get to blast little Trumplings out of the sky!

  18. JAKvirginia says:

    cpinva: “…who find themselves addicted to something…”

    And that’s the problem right there. Man, we are an addictive nation. Drugs is just the start. Add porn, sex, sports (watching and doing), food, phones, internet, video games… ad infinitum. Do we do anything here in moderation? (My friend just said “Yeah. Voting!” Ha.)

    But truly, THAT is our biggest problem. We are a bunch of addicts and we need to discover why.

  19. Yikes.
