¿Qué Dijo?

June 27, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, the GOP has exceeded the legal limit of days in a row of not insulting an entire group of people.

The chart said, “1 Day Since We Last Insulted a Whole Race or Gender of People.”

Can’t be having that.

So, Phyllis Schlafly (Yes, she appears to still be alive) decided something had to be done to get that number back to zero.

Latinos, she said, in an interview excerpt posted at Right Wing Watch, can never be proper Republicans because they have too many children out of wedlock and because they “don’t understand” concepts like small government and the U.S. Bill of Rights.

Oh, that’s nice.

Okay, Italians, tomorrow is your day.

Note to Phyllis:  Hispanics don’t vote Republicans because you’re a bunch of hateful old people.  Phyllis, get a ruler and go smack whispering people at the library.  Preferably in Greenland.

Thanks to Carol for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “¿Qué Dijo?”

  1. Maybe if she spent a few minutes actually reading the U.S. Bill of Rights, she might realize she is not the only person they are meant to protect. The rest of her statement is just too stupid to even address.

  2. Not realizing, of course, that many of the Latino families have lived in the land now called the United States of America longer than there has been a US of A. Definitely the case down here in Texas where names like Navarro and Seguin are listed in famous battles of the Texas Revolution. Navarro, Ruiz, and de Zavala signed the Texas Declaration of Independence.

    Of course, as has been the way in much of history, the Tejanos there first often had their land taken and then given to white settlers. It wasn’t long before gratitude was forgotten and new settlers started disenfranchising those who’d helped them win freedom from Mexico.

    So, the Tejano/Hispanic folk were in this neck of the woods first. They’re making a comeback. They want their rights. They understand their rights, despite the people who might not “understand the concept” that these folk might be intelligent, just because they are different.

    “Proper Republican”? If “proper republican” is what I saw on the Senate floor in Austin on Tuesday night, she can keep it. I’d rather have the Hispanics. The ones I’ve lived near were good neighbors.

  3. OldMayfly says:

    SusanF, right! As one Latin-Texan said, “We didn’t cross the border–the border crossed us.”

  4. Oooohh, I say, someone must have run out of her Grey Poupon before that interview.

  5. Y’all might as well get ready. @Susan F….. is right.

    My community is predominately Hispanic. And, what these folks are doing, is buying back what they lost . Fast as they can. My little house was built in WWII days. It’s small. But the lots out here are big. There is a home going up across the street from me, which is 2 story, and probably 2,000+ sq. ft. House next door was for sale for years. It sold. Nothing stays on the market in this neighborhood for long. It’s been interesting to watch.

    Just a query. Do people really wear their hair that way any more. I thought that style went out in about the 60’s. Just curious.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Spell check. It’s Right Wing Witch.

  7. Wait, there was 1 day when Republicans did not insult a group of people? Really? Which day was that? I totally missed it.

  8. Children out of wedlock?? Excuse me, the Latinos are the most conventional people I know! I cannot think of anyone of them having an out of wedlock child.

    Not that it really matters, but it just shows how ignorant about other people she is.

  9. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Phyllis Schlafly has been a mean, evil-spirited gasbag for years. We used to laugh about her “fetus on a stick crew” who would show up at Democratic events sporting posters of aborted fetuses in trashbags, horrible horrible pictures… and someone in her group thought it was a good idea to put these pink plastic fetuses at the top of the sticks they had their posters taped to. It was special. They used to love to picket Senator Gary Hart, Reps Pat Schroeder and Tim Wirth, Govs Lamm and Romer.

    Then they showed up on my cul de sac protesting my neighbor who volunteered her Wed afternoons at a Planned Parenthood Clinic, instead of hitting the golf course with her male doctor colleagues. It took about 3 weekends of that malarky, and our neighborhood banded together, threw the bums out with the help of our Denver Fire and Police neighbors who would mysteriously block streets, put up barriers, or just sit and watch the frivolity parked in a police cruiser in front my neighbor’s house, which was 2 doors down from mine. Oh, I hate those Schlafley idiots.

    Our resident minister on the block got extremely upset over the posters and plastic fetuses… because he didn’t want his kids to see those images at their age. He was anti-abortion, but he was seriously anti-protestors on our block, and anywhere else with those posters where kids were. I still laugh thinking about Rev Rick standing there, coffee mug in hand, with his fuzzy slippers on, pointing and shaking his finger at them.

  10. Phyllis Schlafly is one of those people like Ann Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, and some others whose names you can fill in– it’s just not right to pay attention to anything that comes out of their mouths because it’s impolite to stare at mentally disabled people.

  11. publius bolonius says:

    Phyllis Schlafly – this is your brain on Republicanism. Just say no.

  12. Phyl is the country club version of Westboro Baptist.

  13. No wonder republican women seem to be stuck in the 60’s! They are listening to an 88 year old woman for direction! No offense, but it’s no surprise that young folks are not so enthralled with the GOP. It’s like listening to your grandparents!

  14. Braxton Braggart says:

    “Okay, Italians, tomorrow is your day.”

    Or as my mother-in-law says, “Eye-talians.”

    Poor dear, last year her cable box went out, and she called the company to have a new one brought out. “But don’t send any Mexicans,” she told the dispatcher, “because they don’t know what they’re doing.” Sometimes she forgets she lives in El Paso.

  15. san fraser says:

    It is with great sadness that I have to note that she still lives- no house on her like the fate her sister met.
    Funny – a “no birth control or abortion” advocate complaining about too many children. I’d laugh but still crying to see that she lives. They may be right – “the devil endures”.

  16. Aggieland liz says:

    Ok, let’s all listen to what dear little Phyllis meant, not what she said:
    “Hispanics can never be good Republicans because they are not white Anglo Saxon Protestants.”
    Der ya go Phyllis honey, fixed it for ya!!


    Guess that’s a good thing for our side, cuz all those girls that won’t be able to get abortions And aren’t married either will suddenly not qualify to be Republicans either, right???
    I thought that being a good republican was about furiously filling in the vote bubbles for any and all idiots with “R” after their names!

    I’m now going to go look for a likely brick wall to bang my head on ….

  17. “Phyl is the country club version of Westboro Baptist.”

    Nailed it, maggie.

    Juanita, poor Greenland — were they mean to you or something? Maybe we could send Phyllis to evangelize Mars.

  18. Really, what do you have against the people of Kalaallit Nunaat? Having only achieved their autonomy from the Danish crown four years ago, they haven’t had the time to raise their own native class of political idiots… they’ll do just fine without Phyllis.

  19. I didn’t realize this hateful person Phyllis Schlafly was still wandering out in the public arena.

  20. What a miserable old mean bag of wretched bones that woman is. . .

  21. I protest! My 92 year old mum is as progressive as they come, she calls Republicans…. well she did say to be polite in public.

  22. sailboatslave says:

    I think it was Sam Clemens who said something like…”I’ve never wished death on anyone, but I’ve read a few obituaries with great pleasure.”

  23. Schlafly is still the same old b*tch who turned her back on one of her own sons because he’s, GASP, gay! She’s of the mind that her opinions matter to a majority of us when they don’t. She’s a legend in her own mind.

  24. Al in Arizona says:

    I’ve come to conclude that people like Schlafly, Rush, Coulter, Beck, your Perry and my Brewer are examples of homo-sapiens that come with an “expiration date” on their brains. In other words; they are in a sense still a living organism, but that organism has out lived its brain’s shelf-life.

    Sad, but it’s seems to be prevelent in so many GOP’rs!

  25. She appears to still be alive? The attached picture does not support that statement.

  26. I’m a librarian, and with your ruler comment you have just insulted an entire career field. Just sayin. Librarians are extremely liberal as a whole, what with that whole intellectual freedom thing. Maybe need to update your stereotypes. 🙂

  27. Aggieland liz says:

    @Susan, maybe Juanita was sending her off like some sour old nun…;D I understand they were armed w rulers, too! And boy, Mrs Royal didnt even need a ruler! She just looked at us over her reading glasses w her eyebrows raised…

  28. maryelle says:

    And they wonder why they lost the election.
    With friend like this…
    Old Phyllis lives in a Republican bubble, her mind lost long ago to arrogance. The only purpose she now serves is to drive women and minority voters far away from that party.
    Party on, Phyllis!

  29. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Old Phyllis looks a quart low on embalming fluid these days.

    And as the token Italian around here, don’t mess wit me today. I am not in the mood to deal wit the bigot crap. I’m having hot flashes & insomnia again. My chainsaw broke and I’m out of cement.

    Glad I don’t live near Gov $*$#^&*(*(%$##@.

  30. Boy howdy, there’s a lot of kiss and vinegar out there today with ol’ Phyllis raising her ugly head. Or has everyone just not caught up on their sleep from Tuesday night? That ol’ gal is too old and too stupid to git anyone’s attention no more. Next thing ya know she’ll start saying this stuff in Spanish, like that kid Rubio or Crazy Cruz — as if Latinos in this country can’t speak English. Another way to poke the cage.
