Friday Toons

January 18, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


















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0 Comments to “Friday Toons”

  1. All of them first rate! Lots of talk on tv this morning about some stuff that has come up about a clear case of collusion on Trump, particularly focusing on things that happened just before and during the campaign. Very, very strong case for impeachment just on those bits of evidence. Also, Congressman Tom Marino of PA, just sworn in again for the new term of Congress, has resigned to take a fabulous job in the private sector, exact info not offered. Turns out that this is quite a good move for him at this very moment inasmuch as he was some sort of advisor to Trump during the campaign, etc. AND that speech Trump gave at the Pentagon yesterday to a room full of brass drew not one iota of applause which for Trump constitute shock therapy.

  2. Linda Phipps says:

    All wonderful; two delighted me particularly – the wall built of Amazon boxes and candidate’s podiums, and King. Thank you for the day brightener when I am looking out the patio door and seeing more rain/sneet coming down.

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Dotard45 even attempting to engage in a battle of wits with Speaker Pelosi would almost be amusing had the ***king moron not risked her life and the lives of others by disclosing her classified travel itinerary.

    Can’t wait to see where she places her size six next:

  4. The wall choices is a clever one.

    I’m wondering if the *pres will follow his own ‘no flying during shut down’ for himself & family that he just further imposed on all of Congress. His use of government planes costs soooooo much tax payer money for anything but goodwill.

  5. Well. Nope. Melania jetted to ML.
