What The Hell Is Wrong With These Republican Men? Seriously, Something is Bad Wrong With Their Souls.

July 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

House Speaker Paul Ryan has made up a new rule that only applies to women – they cannot enter the Speaker’s Lobby wearing anything sleeveless.

What the damn hell?  What is wrong with sleeveless?  Do women’s upper arms sexually arouse the Speaker?  Has he started calling his wife “mother” and can’t have a snack with a women unless his wife is there?

What the hell is he?  A fashion guru?

Look, I just ran a Google search of Paul Ryan’s wife and, God love her, I don’t think she owns sleeves.










I think she looks perfectly lovely.

Paul Ryan can kiss my big blue butt.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “What The Hell Is Wrong With These Republican Men? Seriously, Something is Bad Wrong With Their Souls.”

  1. slipstream says:

    Congratulations, JJ, you have figured it out. Ryan wants to keep his wife out of the Speaker’s Lobby.

    Of course that leads to the next question . . .

  2. Paulie can’t tell his wife what to do; she’s the one with the money. Remember when he took the speaker’s position when Boner quit, he insisted he could not work every weekend fund-raising as his wife insisted he come home. Henpecked men love to tell women they work with what to do and wear. There were several men like that where I worked.

  3. Irish in S.C. says:

    Lyin’ Ryan should be reminded of a response given when the same crap was thrown at Michelle Obama’ when she attended an affair in a beautiful sleeveless dress. “She does have a “Right to Bare Arms” and so do ALL of the women of congress. I don’t know who said it and it may have been Michelle Herownself but it bare repeatin’.

  4. 1toughlady says:

    What the hey? Is he a tricep-sexual? LOL!

  5. It makes no sense to me unless you suppose Ryan is trying for some sort of “Trump can grab my pussy” type of reaction.

  6. Stephanie danz says:

    Next thing will be the white caps and red capes. Misogynistic POS. Another one in Congress afraid of women with an overwhelming need to control.

  7. To paraphrase the Koran Chapter 24:

    It is therefore in the interest of society and women that they should be dressed modestly and should abstain from showing off their beauty to others.

    Did Paul Ryan just institute Sharia Law for the Speaker’s Lobby?

  8. Well I remember when you could not go to a Catholic mass with bare arms, had to wear a hat and not allowed to wear pants, but that nonsense stopped in the late 60’s.
    Mike pence is afraid of women he does not call mother (his wife) and Paul Ryan is afraid of women’s upper arms.
    I’m afraid of Trump and his cabal.
    I’m the sane one!

  9. Reminds me of the time I learned how all the civil servants in the government buildings in Ottawa had to comply with a dress code. Yes, you could remove your suit jacket when in your office but if you so much as walked down the hall to the loo, you had better be wearing that jacket – and your tie up to where it should be, etc. etc. No matter how hot it was, that was the rule. You had to at least look like a gentleman and a professional. From the looks of Justin Trudeau, I think that rule has been allowed to slip a little. I also had to comply with the dress code for church. No sleeveless dresses in the summer. Some of those dresses had only spaghetti straps from the bodice up over the shoulders. Same thing for wedding gowns. Sleeves were a must. And no, you could not wear anything that looked like bedroom slippers to church. Hats were made for heads in church where women were concerned. I’m wondering if some of the Rethugs are experiencing flashbacks to over 60 years ago, way before everything got so “casual”. Now, what does Ryan do when a female constituent shows up in a sleeveless shirt. Does he run an exorcism on her?

  10. Ruth Quigley says:

    However, foxity, foxy Fox cleavage is OK!

  11. Chloe Bear says:

    Hmmm… what about the cut out sleeve look that is so popular at the moment? It is a half sleeve or the speaker may see it as a partially formed sleeve. Who knows how he feels about the tops with fully formed sleeves and cut out shoulders.

  12. Will Mayer says:

    Okay, I live way out here in Oregon, and I don’t really know what or where the “Speakers Lobby” is. When Googled, I read “In the nineteenth century, citizens would meet their Representatives near the Speaker’s Lobby to advocate for a cause or bill. This practice is now called lobbying.” In itself, that’s an interesting fact, but I wonder if Mr. Ryan finds it difficult to concentrate on his cut of the deal when unable to resist the lobbyists’ brazen biceps. Let’s not think too much about that.

  13. I have no reason to believe journalists are not adults. They can be trusted to dress comfortably and more or less appropriately for the occasion. Let ’em. The Speaker has bigger fish to fry than sleeveless tops.

  14. Old Mayfly says:

    Of all the silly things Right-Wingers do–probably the silliest is Fashion Police. Oh, guys–and it mostly is guys!–get a clue.

  15. OldMayfly says:

    Of all the silly things Right-Wingers do–probably the silliest is Fashion Police. Oh, guys–and it mostly is guys!–get a clue.

  16. oldymoldy says:

    I haven’t read all the comments, so here goes, uneducated… THIS IS SHIRIA AWWWWW!!!!!!!!!

  17. I sometimes think they do shit (sorry, Mama) like this to keep us off balance. While we are outraged (and yes, I find it outrageous) about these relatively inconsequential actions, they are busy stealing our healthcare, selling our environment to the highest bidder, and giving tax breaks to the 1%. We need to focus, call our representatives, and try to be mindful that to the GOP, it is all about money.

  18. oldymoldy says:

    LAWWW…. of course.

    “However, foxity, foxy Fox cleavage is OK!”
    Both types no less!

  19. two crows says:

    Want to nip this nonsense in the bud? Just remind the [rather slow] speaker that Al Qaida condemned Michelle Obama, a few years back, for wearing short sleeves. Ask him if he REALLY wants to ally himself with those folks. Then watch him run away screaming and setting his hair on fire.

  20. “Republican men?” Now you are arguing facts not in evidence.

  21. eyesoars says:

    What is this, a ‘mistresses and eye candy only’ rule? Only the GOP…

  22. Oldymoldy says:

    What is this we’re seeing here. Ryan has a family? He certainly shows no evidence of this in his daily dealing. What could they possibly see in him?

  23. Tilphousia says:

    Ryan is not a Christian, not Muslim, not anything but rancid, stupid, cruel and just plain mean. He’s a sad little man trying to be a big man. Just doesn’t know how so he makes ridiculous edicts. Go home and stay there, Paulie, I’m sure there are closets to clean, dishes to wash.

  24. No surprise! The rePUKEian xtian aholes threw a WOMAN out of congress for just saying an actual real medical word!!!! Exposing your arm pits!!! The horror!!!

  25. Marcia in CO says:

    Let’s not forgot that it’s not just sleeveless attire that is banned but, also, those whoreish open-toed shoes!! Oh, the shame of showing one’s tootsies!!
    Top offender is Melania … but I guess she gets a pass!

  26. Malarkey says:

    Got the dress code from Ross Perot. I worked for EDS back in the day, and the article quotes it almost word for word!

  27. maryelle says:

    If ever there was any doubt about Rethuglican men’s desire to absolutely control women, this is just about as plain as it could be. They all need a smack upside the head and a gag so big they can’t swaller or holler. Next it will be gloves, pill box hats, stockings with seams and chastity belts.

  28. Mark Schlemmer says:

    Thank you to everyone above. You have covered the bases on Lyin’ Ryan quite well. He proves once again that he is just a little boy who wants to play with the big boys. Women, in all their maddening, gladdening glory scare the crap out of him and the other Goopers. Anyway, thanks

  29. Maymoon says:

    Just sitting here shaking my head…over and over again!

  30. Jane & PKM says:

    Lyin’ Ryin has revealed himself as an a$$-man*. While he can’t demand the 4″ heel that best reveals a woman’s assets, he’ll accept no less than whatever compensation the pump reveals to him. With Little Paulie, it’s all about compensation, his compensation. As for his sleeveless issue, apparently Little Paulie is not a fan of shapely arms; no nuances or subtlety for him.

    *To be clear a$$-man does not mean that Lyin’ Ryan is any less of an a$$ than usual nor does it mean that he’s actually a man. Similar to most words, hyphenated words do not mean what the snacilbupeR think they mean, only more so.

  31. When I went to the Blue Mosque several years ago I covered my arms per their request. I think this is proof that he is probably Muslim and maybe even from Kenya

  32. Lunargent says:

    I can only surmise that Paul Ryan was taken unawares when a European or naturally-inclined American woman raised her arm, and he was permanently traumatized by the sight of an unshaven female armpit.

    Would that our leaders were made of sterner stuff.

  33. Surely…please tell me…this is “Fake News” …right? My brain hurts.

  34. Fran Seyer says:

    Probably came from VP who was excited when he saw an arm…….

  35. TrulyTexan says:

    Right to keep and bare arms. Right there in the 2nd amendment.

  36. Marge Wood says:

    It would be fun to make a list of dumb rules we lived under at different times and places. One of the best was in a little church where a sweet lady in menopause kept showing up at church in summer time wearing spaghetti strap dresses. The men finally got their courage up and said she needed to wear more covering. She said, “Look. Y’all can wrap up in a blanket. I am wearing the least I can and still come into the church building. I’m MELTING.” End of discussion.
