Well, Maybe She Didn’t Know Who He Is

October 21, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The #3 highest Republican in the Kansas State House says she was just trying to criticize Adolph Hitler when she referred to his “profound words.”

screen-shot-2016-10-21-at-2-23-50-pmKansas Speaker Pro Tem Peggy Mast took to Facebook to say

 “Great quote from Hitler in the video. Please listen to it closely. His words are profound! Let’s start using discernment.”


Here’s a green light idea – Republican need to stay off social media.  They ain’t worth a damn at it.


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0 Comments to “Well, Maybe She Didn’t Know Who He Is”

  1. Not at all surprised. They are generally dumber than a sack of their own hair. And Trump reputedly kept a copy of Mein Kampf at his bedside. Its in English, but I wonder if he can even understand that.

  2. Tip to Republicans: Read the dictionary before Mein Kampf, especially when you wish to share the profound, good parts you have underlined in black & highlighted in deep red.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    I’ll see your Kansas wingnut and raise you another Kansas wingnut- http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/10/kansas-retracts-dred-scott-citation-supporting-anti-abortion-law

    Wingnuts be stoopid. It is in their party plank.

  4. Yes. When I want to criticize someone I always start by mentioning his “great quote” and calling him “profound.”

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    Quoting Hitler. In America. In 2016. Makes all that hardship, death and destruction of WWII worthwhile, don’t it? /snark. Big time.


  6. “The receptivity of the masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power of forgetting is enormous. In consequence of these facts, all effective propaganda must be limited to a very few points and must harp on these in slogans until the last member of the public understands what you want him to understand by your slogan,” Hitler said in the quotation.

    Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/politics-government/article109448412.html

    And that’s the lesson she wants to take from Hitler– basically plugging the big lie over and over until your stupid minions get it.

    AND she was comparing Hitler with Planned Parenthood. We will never get these RWNJs to understand that Hitler was anti-abortion and anti-contraception. He wanted women to stay home and breed for the fatherland.

    AND how stupid do you have to be to admiringly quote Hitler in public? Granted, he must have said some reasonable and intelligent things sometime in his life, but citing him is not a good idea.

  7. If Hitler was currently running for US President, and everyone was already well aware of his horrific beliefs and past activities, he would still end up being the republican nominee; they would support and defend him because they are despicable people. They probably view Donald Trump as a Hitler surrogate.

  8. Sandridge says:

    Y’all ought to watch the Rev. John Hagee’s Sunday morning TV ‘devotional’ XTian program.
    Hagee is a San Antonio based megachurch operator. He’s a noted Dominionist and End Times Apocalypse god botherer, founder of CUFI (XTians United For Israel), a Pontius Pilate of the Republican Party (Pilate was an Equestrian Prefect of Judaea of course}.

    Lately Hagee’s sermon’s have been filled with talk of “The Coming Fourth Reich” (he just happens to be hawking a book and DVD’s on that topic). Of course, Hillary is hyped as Der 666 Fuehrer, and he makes frequent plugs for Trump(!).
    Where TF is the IRS on churchy grifters like this?

    Have any of y’all seen Hagee’s San Antonio megachurch complex, airstrip, residences, aircraft, etc.? I have.
    And he is an extremely powerful overseer of a widespread financial empire, with tremendous clout and influence over both the Texas and national Republican Party, and certain business classes too.

  9. Sandridge says:

    PS: I’m not kidding about Hagee, watch the program, it’s chilling.
    Not only he and his son’s sermons (yes, the Hagee Ministry is a very nepotistic enterprise, siblings, spouses, etc.). But also when the camera pans around his deluded flock…makes my blood run cold.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Wow, Sandridge! Seriously? Except for the mega-church, it sounds like the estate of a drug lord. And in a way, I guess it is.

  11. “Granted, he must have said some reasonable and intelligent things sometime in his life, but citing him is not a good idea.”

    there’s scant evidence of that. let’s see now, oh, yeah, “Let’s invade Russia late in the Summer, so we only have a month or two before the notoriously harsh Russian winter sets in.” and then there was, “In lieu of winter clothing and supplies, I’ll send the troops on the Eastern Front an Iron Cross each, with a little booklet of my favorite quotes from myself. That’ll keep their morale up.”

    Hitler was a military incompetent. he lucked out in France and the low countries, because they weren’t prepared for war. France was seriously still relying on the Maginot line to stop Germany on their western front. this would have worked great, 20 years before. the Wehrmacht simply by-passed it on its way to Paris.

    when the German military started running into organized, well manned/supplied/officered resistance in the east, and the American led invading allies in the west, the professional generals knew they were fucked.

    as the german submarines started getting out technologied by the allied navies, going on patrol became a death sentence for submariners, and their affect on atlantic shipping dropped to near zero. 9 out of 10 subs never made it home from patrol.

    hitler isn’t someone I’d recommend emulating, as either a political or military example of greatness.

  12. @glf

    I’m not convinced the spawn of Hitler isn’t running for President of the United States. I saw The Boys from Brazil. Maybe it was a documentary.

  13. @Micr: wow, great point; I’d forgotten about that story. That would make an excellent conspiracy theory to spread around.

  14. cpinva, I never said that Hitler was to be emulated. But I wouldn’t condemn unheard every single word that any human being has said. Surely he must have said “Please pass the salt” on some occasion. He was a vegetarian, and he liked dogs. And he got an awful lot of Germans to follow him, so he must have done some good for the country somehow, before he led them and millions of others straight into hell. If he’s 99% monster, there might still be a good idea in the 1% remainder.

    I assume that Trump’s had one or two decent ideas too, at some point in the past 70 years, but they would also have to be carefully separated from the rest of the ugly package.

    As for megachurches and rich preachers, anybody who thinks that’s Christian has never read the Gospels– certainly not the red-letter parts.

  15. Micr & glf, hard to see Trump as a clone of Hitler, who was a weedy, sunken-chested little twerp with dark hair. But it makes as much sense as most of the crap that Trump spews, so go for it.

  16. Sadly, I not above gaslighting our nacilbupeR brothers and sisters.

    As the late great George Carlin said, “These are the thoughts that kept me out of the good schools.”

  17. Profoundly inhuman is the only reason to use that word to reference Der Fuhrer and his Nazi minions as they roast in the lowest level of hell.

  18. No end to snacilbupeR dumbf@@kery.

  19. Micr, the Great Nobel One said “If my thought dreams could be seen, they’d put my head in a guillotine…”

  20. @Ormond Otvos

    My personal Dylanism is “People seldom do what they believe in. They do what is convenient, then repent.”

    And yes “…But it’s alright, Ma, it’s life and life only…”

  21. Is it just me, or does that Hitler quote appear to have become the basis of the Republican strategy book? Just keep pounding out the same small lines, over and over, until your audience simply cannot forget them.

  22. Lunargent says:

    Well, the quote actually is profound. It’s also pretty much a blueprint for the Trump campaign. It should be read and regarded as a warning sign of the power of propaganda.
    Especially that line about “their (the masses’) power of forgetting is enormous”.

    Which is why, to quote Thomas Jefferson, “Eternal vigilance is the price of Liberty.”

  23. @Sandridge, I live in San Antonio and share your thoughts on Hagee. He is a disgusting sumbitch and I understand he runs that church as if it were his personal property. He met his present wife years ago while he was an associate minister at another church; both were married to others then and were caught in compromising positions. He then started his own church, which is one of the larger mega churches in SA. They seem to want to control all aspects of their members’ lives. Some liken it to a cult. A couple of years ago it came out that he personally kept all the money from the sale of his tapes, etc. He contended that the sermons were his personal property. I was invited to a wedding there once, but declined to go.

  24. JAKvirginia,
    Perfect: Hagee=”drug ‘lord’ “. They are a cult, a very dangerous one, there are a lot of influential people in it. Watch the TV program, it airs all around the world via his media empire.
    He’s really building things up for the election, I strongly urge y’all to watch the TV program.

    Yeah, he’s quite the pomp ass hypocrite. When he had his Cornerstone church in Castle Hills I had an apartment (long term co. paid for) that I could see it from my deck. Then he built the huge megacomplex out in (new) Stone Oak.
    His personal ‘tax free’ property.
    I took my (small rural town, devout Catholic) daughter to a clinic/seminar (cheerleaders) held there years ago. She came out a crying wreck like I’d never seen, still don’t know what they did to her.
    Y’all have a look at his, and his church’s, various websites. They are a very closely controlled cult. They organize in ‘cells’ monitoring one another, reporting above. The ‘elite’ are in ‘the group of twelve’ or something.
    Dangerous fanatical lunatics, you do not want Ted Cruz as a future President…or TrumpPence next month.

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    “Let’s start using discernment.” Great idea! You first, hon.

    (Peggy, dear, do you even know what discernment means?)
