Well, Let’s Talk About Your Testicles

March 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Late last week Illinois Republican Rep. John Shimkus got steamed at Pennsylvania Democrat Mike Doyle.

Shimkus was powerfully upset with the “mandate” in Obamacare that men have to pay for pre-natal care.  I suspect that’s because in Republican-World, men don’t have anything at all to do with pregnancy nor do they benefit in any manner whatsoever in healthy women or healthy babies.

Democrat Doyle pointed out that there is no such thing as a la carte insurance and that insurance companies don’t give you a list of what you want covered.  But, hollers Shimkus, that’s what I want! He wants people to be able to negotiate with the insurance companies for what things they want covered.

That’s stoopid. There are diseases and viruses that don’t even have names yet. Plus, can you even imagine – “Yes, you are covered if you get struck by lightening but not if your friends gets struck by lightening and then touches you. There is no touch clause in you policy.”

Republicans are idiots.  Idiots with testicles that I should not have to pay for.  Welcome to reality, Mr. Shimkus, your insurance premium on testicular cancer just doubled.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Well, Let’s Talk About Your Testicles”

  1. Insurance doesn’t give you a list of what you want covered. Insurance gives you a list of what THEY DON’T want covered. It’s in the fine print. Probably why that stack of healthcare papers Republicans trotted out the other day was smaller when compared to the ACA – – lots and lots of fine print.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    A la carte insurance would just about make sure only the wealthy have insurance. I know that is the plan, but they don’t need to be so obvious about their intentions.

  3. notjonathon says:

    Don’t you remember those school accident policies they used to sell (maybe they still do) that would pay off if you lost one eye and one toe or your left pinkie and the lobe of your right ear? See, that’s the way to write insurance.

  4. AK Lynne says:

    And Viagra, et al. Let’s not forget “ye old Republican’s little helper”.

  5. JAKvirginia says:

    He must be fun at the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. Hey, I didn’t eat any of that so I’m not payin’ for it! SIGH.

    And JJ, you used testicular. Don’t do that. You’ll just confuse ’em. They probably thing you’re talkin’ about the SATs. SIGH, again.

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    Not to quibble, but … snacilbupeR Congress varmints probably have less to fear about testicular cancer than say breast cancer, if insurance or risk is calculated by size. Those man boobs should be voting to increase funding for Planned Parenthood. Then again, let them all have a mammogram at Walter Reed; preferably by a technician who has never done one or has the savvy to squeeze all of the varmint from head to toe between those plates.

  7. Teh Gerg says:

    I imagine plenty of women would gladly let part of their premiums go toward Shimkus having a daily extended prostate exam.

  8. maryelle says:

    God help is wife and daughters, if he has any. Apparently he gets coverage and they don’t. I believe it’s called a Family Plan.

  9. this man has confoozed Health care selection provision with what his cable company offers on Plan A, Plan B and Plan X for adults only!

  10. Someone should ask him what he does during open enrollment every year: does he get to pick and choose what ailments gets covered during the following year? Does any republican know how insurance works? When his wife was pregnant with their kids, did he pay out of pocket for her prenatal and neonatal care or did insurance pay most of it or did he just think all the expenses were taken care of by magic. If insurance paid for the care why does he think he’s so special that his expenses were covered by other people (men and women) paying their premiums but no one else should have to pay for the care of some stranger in the insurance pool. These people are just complete imbeciles.

  11. If he doesn’t want to pay for prenatal care, maybe someone should make sure he won’t be responsible for anyone else needing any prenatal care. I could volunteer; I’ve got a good Buck knife. It’s a little dull right now, but what the hey, I don’t mind taking a while to get the job done. Any of y’all want to hold him down? He might squirm some.

  12. OldMayfly says:

    I am so sorry, Mr.Shumkis, that you hate most fetus. But I am heartened that you love the particular fetus contributed by you. But I am so sorry, Mr.Shumkis, that you are against supporting your fetus.

    But, I understand. You are a Republican, after all.

  13. I hate that snacilbupeR.

  14. . . . and most of the rest of them.

  15. If the Reps like Shimkus want to pick and choose what is cover for us, can we pick and choose what we want to cover of Congress’ health care with our taxes?

  16. ‘Struck by lightening’?

    Is that what happens to Republican ancestries?

  17. Tilphousia says:

    Well said, Papa. But just who are the republican going to have sex with when women can’t get birth control ? Boy do I see a bunch of very nervous sheep!
