Thursday Toon

December 28, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Thursday Toon”

  1. Fake news!

  2. Spot on!!! the closer Mueller gets to the Golden Gibbon, the more psychotic the reaction. Now his legal team has whipped up a defense predicated on calling Flynn a liar. Sure! Way to go – with all that footage out there with Trump praying the man to high heaven! this “defense” is as unreal as that commercial I’ve been seeing on MSNBC lately wherein a bevy of people of all ages, sizes, races etc. praise Trump. Hey! Isn’t what they do in North Korea to keep Kim happy? Kinda makes me think that the Golden Gibbon and Kim were separated at birth.

  3. Interactive cartoon fun with commentary: Drawing Trump
