These Guys, Y’all, These Guys

July 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you’ve probably heard by now, a group of people who refuse to accept that they lost the damn Civil War, started a rumor that some folks were going to come to Gettysburg and remove confederate war relics.  You know, like the damn white flag the rebels waved.  I am convinced that they themselves started this rumor so they could prance around showing off their guns and battle flags while they denounce CNN and Nancy Pelosi.

Pictures of the event prove the group is not only anti-United States, but also anti-sleeve.  They have cornered the market on leather vests with wide girth.

One of the rumors was that the good guys were going to come and urinate on confederate graves.  Dude, we don’t even own leather vests or a decent tattoo, so we don’t urinate in public.  Additionally, there are no marked confederate graves at Gettysburg, so we’d look mighty funny pissing in the wind.

So, one of the head guys gives a speech and says …

“The next thing you know, they’re going to take our Constitution and say you know what? That was written by slave-holders, it’s racist, let’s get rid of it and become a communist nation. I don’t want that on my watch.”

Whoa, Mr. Klan, it’s your president who is playing footsie with he commies.  Confusing for you, ain’t it?

They had a speaker by the name of Jenny Lee, who claimed to be Robert E Lee’s third great grand niece.  Honey, Robert E Lee had three brothers so everybody in the South is related to Robert E Lee.  Jenny implored the crowd not to buy into political correctness.  Really?  Like maybe how Robert E Lee got handed his butt on a Yankee platter and retreated at Gettysburg?  Or surrendered to General Grant while waving a white flag?

They make me crazy, y’all.  Not only are they hateful and mean, they know diddle squat about history.

Anyway, the highlight of the day was a man attempting to do an accidental human sacrifice on the battlefield where they got beat once and came back for seconds. Their enemy did not even bother to show up, preferring to sit at home watch them shoot each other.

But the only person actually shot Saturday in Gettysburg with a real bullet was a 23-year-old militia group member named Benjamin Hornberger, of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania. According to U.S. Park police, Hornberger triggered his revolver when the flag pole he was carrying bumped against his gun holster. The bullet went into his leg. Police say officers quickly applied a tourniquet, likely saving his life.

What a waste of a perfectly good tourniquet.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “These Guys, Y’all, These Guys”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    When I first heard this story, I laughed. This time I only snickered a bit. He’s not dead, so he doesn’t qualify for a Darwin Award, but I hope he learned a lesson: if you’re going to carry a big honkin’ flag on a flagpole next to your holstered gun, make sure the gun isn’t loaded. Accidents happen.

  2. Barbara Heil says:

    This is one of those times when you either have to laugh, or you’ll cry all day.

    Laughing at these boneheads is very much my preference.

  3. I wish some Confederate soldiers who fought at Gettysburg could come back and slap some sense into these morons. Fifty years after the battle, soldiers from both sides held a reunion there and shook hands. And nobody, as far as I can tell from the photos, was waving CSA flags and demanding their right to do it. Lee told them to put that stuff away after the war. But I guess they don’t listen to him any more than they do to that other guy they wave around all the time: Jesus.

    Man, how many stories have there been in the past year of RWNJs gathering a mob because somebody said somebody was going to dis one of their idols (guns included as an idol)? They really need to calm down and quit being so mad and afraid all the time. Although if they want to burst a few blood vessels and keel over, I won’t miss them.

  4. Is stupidity a pre existing condition?
    Just asking.

  5. There may not be any marked graves of the southern forces at Gettysburg, but there are monuments to those forces scattered about the babattlefield.
    Why on earth we allow the glorification of traitors on this ground made holy by the blood of true patriots, is beyond me. Have no doubt that these southerners were traitors, they had invaded a free state and were making war upon the United States. This is the constitutional definition of treason.
    Jeff Davis and Bobby Lee were not hung at the end of the war because it was expedient to healing of the nation. Had they been punished we might not be giving encouragement to these modern day traitors.

  6. I can’t really speak for Robert E. Lee, but I think he’d rather be buried deep in his grave than out in public as a statue, unable to hide his embarrassment when a group of buffoons like that gather together and claim they’re protecting his legacy.

  7. Wow! There’s a lot here! Never been to Gettysburg. Always meant to get around to that. Been to Shippensburg. There’s a university at that location. Would bet my pocket lint that the yahoo who shot his own self in the leg never saw the inside of that school. As for the traitor part . . . I agree more than I disagree. At the end of the war there wasn’t any peace treaty signing as between warring nations as Lincoln never wanted to give the CSA that standing. The meeting at the house between Grant and Lee ended up with Grant allowing all the rebs to keep their horses as they would need them for plowing when they got back home. Lee, the best field commander ever, ended up president of Washington – Lee University and did quite well in the job, increasing its standards and standing academically among other universities. He’s buried on the campus. I bet those yahoos at Gettysburg never heard of this stuff. Plus, Lee, who had been so successful in previous battles, muffed Gettysburg and admitted it. Well, he couldn’t help it as far as I can tell. All the other Yankee generals he encountered wouldn’t stand up to him until Meade came along. That must have been one helluva shock. Rick brought up the “legacy” point. What legacy will those delusional meatheads dithering around at Gettysburg leave behind. Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. I visited Gettysburg and lived near Valley Forge. I found these places to encourage introspection and reflection. What often came to mind at these places was “The War Prayer” by Sam Clemens. Clemens, per family wishes, had it published after his death.

    Very few who participate in this kind of activities or thought processes have really thought things all the way through.

    But then, much of the voting public fit the last lines of the prose poem.

    “It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said.”

  9. As a youf my parentals took me and my brothers to see Gettysburg and Valley Forge. I had yet to see Arlington cemetery, so the cemetery at Gettysburg overwhelmed youthful me, as did the stories of hasty burials on the battlefield to prevent a disease epidemic. Lincoln’s two minutes can overwhelm one as well.

    Of course these guys desecrate the whole concept of the battlefield and cemetery.

  10. OldMayfly says:

    When my Dear One and I were dating he was surprised that, as far as I knew, I was not related to Robert E. Lee. He said, “I’ve never before met a Southerner who wasn’t related to Lee.”

  11. maryelle says:

    Since the Southern elementary & secondary schools still refer to the Civil War as the War of Northern Aggression, whole generations of Southerners have grown up with this backwards view of American History. Not an easy thing to change.

  12. oldymoldy says:

    they must’a not been pay’n enough attention last year (‘year before?) when the us army invaded all of texas and took over the walmarts and smeared the asses of the patriots all over the place!

  13. WA Skeptic says:

    It was my privilege to visit both Appomattox and the Gettysburg monument; both places were peaceful and conducive to the contemplation of war and it’s aftermath.

    The day I visited, Gettysburg was bathed in the last gleams of an autumnal day, yet haunted with the lost men who died there so long ago.

    I see today the echos of the rhetoric which lead to that disastrous war of father against son, brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor; I pray I am wrong.

  14. Tilphousia says:

    Those who do no know history are doomed to repeat it. I sincerely doubt that any of the yahoos have ever read a real book on history. Probably wouldn’t believe it anyway. Lee is more remembered for his after war accomplishments. I believe that would be what he wanted. I believe also that today’s bigoted racial violence would have sickened him.

  15. How can they believe stories by authors who had not been there? Kind of like the president about his war monument overlooking the Potomac. If the battle were real, he desecrated the memories of fallen warrior by playing golf on their graves. Besides they may just have hated golf

  16. Sam in St Paul says:

    Ever notice how these White Supremacists are the bottom of the barrel in appearance, intelligence, and education?

  17. That Other Jean: The thing to remember is, it was a revolver. It wasn’t just loaded. It was cocked and holstered. Why? Cause when you’re ‘spectin commie pinko ninja warriors to jump out from behind invisible rebel headstones at any second, you gotta draw quick as a rattlesnake. No time for cocking! On a serious note, in the Huffpost article, shortly before the last photo is a link I highly recommend checking out. It’s a piece from The Atlantic a couple of years ago that devastates the whole “Heritage Not Hate” bullsh*t. Because it gives excerpts of the written, documented reasons for the causes of the Civil War and white supremacy right up to modern times. In their own words. As hard to stomach as a lot of it is, it pretty much lays bare the underlying truth of these douchebags’ beliefs for a hundred and fifty years or more.

  18. bethany matthews says:

    I learned that ole Lee was ‘depressed’ and actually spent the Battle of Gettysburg in his tent, in his cot (American Experience, PBS). The Wiki page says he was ‘slightly ill”, whatever.
    Just couldn’t pull it together enough to get his ass out of bed until Picketts Charge, by then it was too late. What an ass!
