The Looneytarians!

August 28, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

In my hometown, right outside a new retirement village stands a billboard for the Looneytarian candidate for President.

(Okay, camera phone, late night drive home after the ballgame so it’s hard to see.  It ain’t like I’m Ansel Adams or something.)


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I think anybody over the age of 65 who votes for the Looneytarian should voluntarily give up their Medicare and social security.  I’d be delighted to stand outside their polling place and jump in there with a place for them to sign to give it up.

Additionally, why would people over 65 who are Looneytarians purposefully go buy a house in a place with enough restrictive covenants to make communism look liberal?

But that’s okay because it ain’t like they are stealing Hillary votes.


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0 Comments to “The Looneytarians!”

  1. Have a great deal of trouble trying to understand libertarians and their ilk. I have yet to find one in local level politics where I live. I doubt seriously there are any at the level anywhere in my state. Yet here they come at big election time blowing their trumpets. No pun at all intended here. What the heck good are they? Well, they might steal some votes from Trump. Doubt seriously if they could do the same with votes for Hillary. I dunno, I just dunno . . .

  2. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Last week, when the Epi-Pen story was fresh, I was at a mandatory “team building” picnic. One of my co-workers has serious food allergies and of course the fake barbecue brisket/pulled pork came with sesame seed buns which are one of the worst for him. We let him go first — before the bag of buns was even open — and I joshed him about having a $600 Epi-Pen. The local Glibertopian didn’t know about it so I briefed him on the wonders of monopoly capitalism. His glib comeback was that you can’t have a monopoly without government assistance and that’s crony capitalism. I reminded him of that clause in the US Constitution which mentions patents and for once, the Glibertopian was stymied and left without a comeback.

    I like to remind Glibertopians that John Galt was the head of a conspiracy of economic terrorists aimed at destroying the nation’s economy but that he needed a perpetual motion machine that sucked energy out of thin air to keep it going.

  3. “why would people over 65 who are Looneytarians purposefully go buy a house in a place with enough restrictive covenants to make communism look liberal?”

    They like conformity and don’t want, or are afraid, to be around anyone “different” plus they want to be told and also like to tell other people how to live.

    Libertarians are republicans who support making recreational drugs legal. Anything else they claim makes them different from republicans is total bs.

  4. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Explaining the obvious to the oblivious isn’t nearly as much fun as it should be. Seriously. What can be said to the types like the ‘sovereign’ citizen who tell his buddies, “I’ll be there for you, after my govt check arrives and I have gas money.”

    As for the gated community crowd of “free” spirits, my personal favorites are the ones who buy into a community located at the north end of an Air Force runway. Then, instead of playing golf, the old geezers spend all their waking hours calling the base and petitioning for quiet hours. Please, please, please … can we send them to Syria? That’s a dry heat, too.

  5. PKM, that’s right up there with the folks who buy a house on what used to be a farm, right next to another farm, and then complain about the smell. Or, my favorite because it sucks money out of our pockets, the ones who buy right next to a highway and then get the government to erect walls for sound barriers.

    My impression of libertarians is that their slogan ought to be, “Eff you, Jack, I got mine.” Which is pretty much GOP, yes.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    “LiveFree”, huh? Well, GaryJ, why don’t you saunter on down to your local nude beach. That’ll dispell that “live free” idea real fast. And… you’ll learn the reason why clothes were invented.

  7. Send them all to Somalia if they like small government so much.

  8. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Rhea, that reminds me of when Donnie Drumpf declared he “loved Iowa” and promptly followed that by a threat to buy land there. May he find acreage near pig farmer Ivana Kutzurnutov…

    JAKvirginia, stepping out of his shower and grabbing a towel should have been Gary’s first clue. Proof that locker rooms should not be separated by sex or gender, but by level of physical fitness. As a straight white male of privilege, for safety I’d choose the steam room full of gays and transgender before one with Gary or Donnie Drumpf.

  9. laurensd1 says:

    “And… you’ll learn real fast the reason why clothes were invented.”
    Well, hell yes! You’ve got that covered.
    After seeing the statue of the Big Agent Orange, why would anyone want to see others’ pee-pees? I mean, if they could.

  10. Rhea@5: You nailed it. My lady and I have said for years that the repugnantcan party is the party of f**k you, I got mine. She always comments on second generation immigrants who want to restrict immigration. To me, George Lakoff explained it best with the idea of conservatism being the strict father form of government, and liberalism being the compassionate mother form of government. What liberals understand, and conservatives don’t is that compassion doesn’t mean weakness. And aggression doesn’t always equate to strength. Repugnantcans love to extol the power of the “free market” and praise businessmen over politicians because in their worldview, they “get it done”. But as my brother-in-law (sort of) who has an executive mba from a highly respected university pointed out, most if not all other disciplines of study at least pay lip service to ethics. Not business. Nosiree, If it doesn’t get you indicted, go for it!

  11. Don A in pennsltucky@: Was there a libertarian movement before Ayn Rand? I actually read Atlas Shrugged before I started paying attention. To politics. It’s actually an interesting fable. The fact that repugnantcans use it as some kinda manifesto has always tickled the sh*t out of me. And scared the bejesus out of me at the same time.


  12. Sandridge says:

    True Looneytarians would have had Marine One deposit St. Ronald Reagan on a Bering Sea ice flow around late 1986-7…the rest of you geezers get picked up on trash day for a free ride to the dump (compaction optional).
    Or maybe a few of them sew up the Soylent Green marketing biz (Sen. Snakelips Grassely’s already written the USDA Marketing Orders).
    PKM: “May he find acreage near pig farmer Ivana Kutzurnutov…”.
    Ivana Kutzurnutzov had better get aholt of a magnifying glass then, she’ll need one to even find Pindick (the Bugf’ker) Donnie T’s teeny tiny nadgers.

  13. To paraphrase St. Ronnie: Corporations are not the solution to the problem, corporations are the problem.

  14. I had an online conversation with a looneytarian who seemed saner than most. He wanted to stop all public assistance. I asked him about disabled people, like the ones born with spina bifida, fetal alcohol syndrome, etc. His glib answer? Their families can take care of them. I pointed out to him that it’s not unusual that families don’t. No answer to that, except magic?

  15. Libertarianism is what you get when sociopaths loosely organize under a name.

  16. two crows says:

    So this morning I was watching a video of Penn Jillette [of Penn and Teller fame.] He was waxing eloquent about Johnson — he likes him and plans to vote for him unless his vote is likely to toss his state into Trump’s column. So I went and looked up Johnson’s platform and came away shaking my head.

    Yeah, Penn is rich but still – he never struck me as the “I’ve got mine so screw you,” sort. Guess I was wrong.

  17. Actually there is nothing more wrong with libratarism then democracy or communism! They all require the same thing to work properly….kind, very intelligent, caring, responsible people! The one thing we lack in this world. Which is why our founders made us a constitutional republic based on law with three house to watch dog each other. The libertarians just don’t get that they are morally no better then anyone else!

  18. Linda Phipps says:

    If it is true that a vote for Johnson is one less vote for Trump, one would wonder why Mr. Blowdry is wasting all his bile on her. I guess that concept hasn’t made it to The National Enquirer.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    L.Long,there’s an old 60s show coming back via the ‘tubes. Slattery’s People. Good stuff. My favorite line is the opening line: “Democracy is a very bad form of government, but all the others are so much worse.”

  20. JAKvirginia says:

    L.Long: So true. Who was it who said “the better angels of our nature”? (I hope I got that right.) It would be wonderful if we all were at our best at all times. But that’s unrealistic… and so un-human.

  21. One core problem we have is that too many voters do not vote on the issues. They likely don’t understand what the issues are and know even less about each candidates’ positions. That’s why we see millions of people consistently voting against their own economic interests. And that is why the Trump scampaign is trying to scare people about Hillary Clinton. Fear is their best issue.

  22. Love “Looneytarians”.

    We had some distant relatives who were Episcopalians. After spending a summer vacation with them, my sainted mother, for the remainder of her life, referred to them as “Whiskeypalians”.

  23. Microsoft, in my experience they’re Wine-apalians. And very persnickety about it too.

  24. Elizabeth Moon says:

    As a cradle Episcopalian, I do find that my church-related social life is constrained somewhat because I don’t drink alcohol except the sip of wine at Communion. Wine, hard liquor…yup, it’s always being served and I’m always quietly standing there with a glass of water. (It’s not a political or religious position–it’s personal biology.)

    But as to Libertarians…they’re ignorant, selfish, arrogant, smug, and will be the first against the wall should Armageddon actually happen. Nobody likes ’em but themselves, and for all their stockpiles of ammunition, they have to sleep sometime.

  25. Elizabeth Moon says:

    And who will survive? Rural grandmothers who know how to do everything with nothing and will protect and raise a passel of kids. They will have started out dirt poor, learned every edible wild plant, learned how to scrape by in many different places and situations, and have all the skills that the Libertarians think they won’t need because they bought all that fancy gear. Many of them will be women of color, not because white women are stupider or lazier, but because of our privilege that’s mean most of us haven’t had to learn all the hard things.
