Thanks, Obama

December 09, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

No, seriously, thank you.



President Barack Obama has ordered a full review into hacking by the Russians designed to influence the 2016 election, White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Adviser Lisa Monaco said Friday.


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0 Comments to “Thanks, Obama”

  1. TrulyTexan says:

    They have just over a month to figure it out. After that, the only things investigated will be mean comments directed at his holiness cheeto jesus. May his orange glow bless us all.

  2. I am gonna miss that man so much. Especially since he’s been on the 0 fucks given tour.

  3. piaqt–We *all* are!

    I saw somewhere (so who knows if it’s true?) that someone wants the Supremes to question the legality of electoral college laws that force electors to vote with their states’ majority. Could that be added to this request?

  4. Annabelle Lee says:

    Now that Germany and the UK have both complained about Russian interference in internal matters, it really does seem to go beyond our own election mess.

  5. There’s a story on Politico today by Glenn Thrush called ” 10 crucial decisions that reshaped America”. It chronicles the election from the beginning.It’s pretty long, and most of it we already know, but there are some new insights. Also, putting it all together the way he does makes it pretty interesting. I highly recommend it.

  6. Better late than never. I wonder, might this review allow some kind of protective response as a result?

  7. Wow! I can now uncross my fingers! He’s actually going to do it!

  8. It seems that this has already been established by the DOJ and either the FBI or CIA. What we need are some concrete steps to punish Russia and prevent future interference. It better be done before Putin’s Puppet takes office.

  9. I agree Maryelle! It sounds like they have known this, but don’t know what to do about it. I am hoping this will sway Trump electors not to vote for him, but I don’t actually trust that will happen.

  10. By interfering with the US elections the Russian Federation has declared war on the United States.

    I hope the intelligence briefing given to the POTUS includes a definitive list of the names and locations of every Drumpf Russian co-conspirator from Putin down to the lowest fake news author. And I hope the POTUS orders CIA to sanction with prejudice each Russian co-conspirator.

  11. Micr, yes, it constitutes an act of war. Response? these days one need not throw nukes at each other to play war. There are a number of other ways to collapse an enemy.

    The fact that President-elect *****-grabber prefers only one intelligence briefing per week – like Dubya did – should also been seen as an act of war – on his own people.

  12. Ole p**** grabber prefers to tweet instead of attend briefings. Guess he wants brainless pence to do that. Hmmm. As Hillary already has almost 3 million votes more and many electors refuse to vote for p**** grabber, might one dare to hope, dare to think that pg may be in prison for collusion and sedition. Very soon?

  13. I think Obama ordered the information be provided to him before we have a COTUS. (C=c**ksucker)

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Debbo: There’s a COTUS?! Really?! Have you got his number? Asking for a friend.
