Sign of the Times

December 06, 2021 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

I was reading an article last night that talked about family estrangement. The whole idea of estrangement has always been foreign to me. Certainly, there are some family members that you talk to more than others. Obviously, there is a natural dividing line between family we would consider to be close and family that is extended beyond what is reasonable to expect a regular connection with. The folks talking about family estrangement aren’t really talking about that.

In particular, the article I read was focused more on the relationship between adult children and their parents. According to one article, as many as one and four Americans and one in five Europeans reports they are estranged from at least one family member. Again, I’m not sure how that is defined. The focus of the articles seemed to be on parent/child relationships but even that figure in Europe seems high much less the U.S. figure.

Estrangement is a unique thing. It means ties are severed forever. They become persona non grata and that just seems like an extreme measure. Yet, it is not difficult to see why it is on the rise. The politics of the last five or so years have gone from bad to downright frightening. I can’t relate in my own family and yet my wife is estranged from some of her extended family. It has always been the case as long as I’ve known her and as far as I know it isn’t political in nature.

Everyone likes to put this at the door of one man and I suppose that seems natural enough. Yet, that cannot account for the fact that this is happening in Europe as well. I have no idea if it is happening on other continents as well. I suppose that research would be easy enough. There has always been tension between the generations. Go back far enough and you will see quotes about how the new generation just doesn’t get it. They’ve become soft. They’ve become entitled. They’ve become fill in the blank. At any point in history they could have been talking about our own generation.

So, it isn’t that either. Our daughter honestly feels like things will get better when her generation takes over. They weren’t the ones to muck it up. I had to point out that Generation X says that about the Baby Boomers. Yet, enough of us (Generation X) are in positions of power that we now get to own whatever it is that has gone wrong. I also had to point out that the people in her classes that she calls idiots, jackasses, and whatever else will some day be in charge.

Again, that’s all natural and has always been there. This is something else entirely. This is finding out that someone in your family has become so vile and so toxic that we cannot associate with them anymore. I suppose we could say they’ve become that which we loathe, but chances are they always were that and we didn’t notice. Chances are we even saw it and told ourselves we could live with it before. It’s just another brick in the walls that divide us and goodness knows if those walls will ever be torn down.

Well, This is Going Well…

July 21, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Russians, Trump

The Washington Post is reporting this morning that several sources have said that Trump and his attorneys are investigating his powers to pardon his staff, his family, and even himself.  That’s right, folks, the President of the United States, SIX MONTHS INTO HIS TERM, is already trying to figure out how to get out of criminal charges that are surely forthcoming.  At the same time, his talking heads, lead by his Chief Bloviator, Newt Gingrich, are already trying to discredit special prosecutor Bob Mueller and his team of high powered lawyers.

Now, I understand that I’m just a dumb bread baker and beer brewer from Way-the-Hell-Down-in-Texas, but I’m just recalling what my Old Man taught me when I was a mere sprite working with him in his wood shop – he said to me, “Those who scream the loudest are the most guilty.” – or at least something like that.  That lesson certainly applies here.  Trump who is a career huckster and liar knows deep-down that there is one truth…he and his family are guilty as hell, and he KNOWS he’s going to get caught – Bigly.