Tub’s First Official Act

December 22, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: 2020 Election, Treason (Yes, We're Going There), Trump

Alabama has elected a moron to replace Doug Jones in the Senate, and let’s be frank; Jones only won Jeff Sessions’ seat because his GOP opponent was a documented pedophile.  Said moron is former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville, known on the football field as “Tubs”.  Tubs may have been a good football coach, but apparently that’s all he knows.  Tubs thinks that the three branches of the US government are the Executive, House, and Senate.  That’s right, the new Senator from Alabama doesn’t understand how the government is even organized.  He also thinks that God creates climate change, that heroin is not an opioid, and that the healthcare system should be “capitalist” (rather than a protected monopoly).  In short, Tubs is a typical knee jerk, rock rib, GOP ignoramus.

It actually gets worse, if that’s even possible.  Tub’s considering as his first act to aid Trump in his planned coup attempt to steal the election from Biden and Harris.  Objections to any state’s electoral slate have to be sponsored by at least one Congressman and one Senator.  McConnell has already warned his caucus to not go there, but Tubs is apparently ignoring that.  The effort will fail, of course, but if Tubs actually does something so stupid, it will be the shortest political honeymoon in Senate history.  There will be some entertainment in that, though.

Last Words: “We Messed Up”

December 08, 2020 By: El Jefe Category: Coronavirus

A retired Alabama state senator and former head of the state medical board of examiners has died of COVID.  His last words:

“We messed up. We let our guard down.  Please tell everybody to be careful. This is real, and if you get diagnosed, get help immediately.”

The senator, Larry Dixon, aged 78, contracted the disease at a social gathering, even held outside.  Several people were infected at that gathering.  Dixon’s wife is now also infected.  You can bet that no one at that gathering wore a mask.

History will not be kind to guys like Dixon and other Republicans who sided with politics and science denial rather than common sense and critical thinking.  Rudy Giuliani is paying that price right now as are many others who have chosen the religion of Trumpism and turned their back on science.

Bloomberg 2020?

November 07, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Uncategorized

Michael Bloomberg has dispatched staff to file for the Democratic 2020 primary in Alabama.  The deadline is Friday, and it looks like he’s going to keep his options open.  If he jumps in, he’ll turn the field on its head.  He’s been quoted as saying Trump must be beaten in 2020, and him making this move says that he’s not happy with the present field on the Dem side.

IF he jumps in, he’ll Hoover up the business community and mainstream Dems.  The party faithful will hate it,  but you have to admit that he (along with maybe Bill Gates) is the only American who can go toe toe financially.  He’s also actually experienced in running government, unlike His Orangeness.

This little development could make 2020 interesting again.

#sharpiegate Now Trending and it’s Rich

September 05, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

Yesterday, Trump did what only Trump can do, and that is to lie on national television to prove that he hadn’t made an untrue statement.  This time, he was trying to justify blurting out that Hurricane Dorian was forecast to hit Alabama, which it wasn’t.  He was so obsessed with the press calling him out for the  mistake that he actually took a print of the National Hurricane Center’s forecast map from last Thursday and actually altered it with a Sharpie.  Yes, that’s right, he altered it with a Sharpie:

I’m sure the only ones fooled by this ham handed alteration of the NHC forecast map were Trumpists, but the National Weather Service corrected Trump with their own tweet saying that Alabama would not be affected.  After Trump showed the altered map, Twitterverse lit up, and #sharpiegate became trending, showing a number of solutions to Trump’s other problems.  Here are a few:


While the trending is pretty entertaining, Trump’s tampering with National Weather Service forecasting is dangerous.  All of us from Texas understand the life and death threats of hurricanes.  Accurate forecasting of hurricane tracks is essential for people to make their own decisions about life and property.  Trump has no business muddying the water by serving around like this just to prove himself right after saying something really stupid.




So If I’m Just a Little Bad, I’ll Just Get a Headache, Not a Heart Attack?

May 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aladamnbama is one of my favorite Oh My God, Texas Ain’t So Bad places.

Congressvarmint Mo Brooks, Republican of you know where, went on the electric teevee with Jake Trapper and blamed pre-existing conditions on people who don’t live good.

“My understanding is that (the new proposal) will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool. That helps offset all these costs, thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they’re healthy, they’ve done the things to keep their bodies healthy. And right now, those are the people — who’ve done things the right way — that are seeing their costs skyrocketing.”

I’m just wondering, how bad do you have to be to get yourself a pre-existing condition?  “Yeah, Mo, there I was sitting on the porch doing not one damn bad thing and then all a sudden my genes just kicked in and I caught myself a bad case of multiple sclerosis.”

So now at least we know the secrets of Lou Gehrig and his disease.  I guess he wasn’t as healthy or as good as we thought, huh?

How about Jimmy Kimmel’s infant son with a heart condition?  Was that kid smoking in the womb?  Seems like they should have stopped that.

And every woman with breast cancer needs to be asked, “What have you been doing with those breasts?”

Mo has unlocked the secrets of the universe.  You know, except for the fact that eventually you’re gonna die.

Thanks to Rob for the heads up.