Spicey’s Greatest Hits

June 20, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: Trump

From our friends at Mother Jones, a 90 second retrospective of Sean Spicer’s greatest hits.  Enjoy:

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0 Comments to “Spicey’s Greatest Hits”

  1. Rastybob says:

    That’s easy for him to say.

  2. treehugger says:

    News reports this morning said he will be moving on to more management-type positions in the administration. Some turds just will not flush down.

  3. I hoped something pithy would occur to me during this vid. It didn’t. I got nuthin’. And honestly I don’t care where Spicey goes, except he needs to keep being him so Melissa McCarthy can keep being him on SNL. Otherwise there’ll be another Mike & Molly or worse. Same for Alec Baldwin. Drumpf gave his career a little bump as well.

  4. Kind of hard to continue in your position once you become a walking joke. Should be true of Sean’s boss too.

  5. Aggieland Liz says:

    Yeah, Bannon says it’s because he is getting fat…

  6. He will be remembered…SNL will never be the same.

  7. Melissa would make a great Sarah.

  8. Circus music would have been more appropriate.

  9. Just spent the largest chunk of this day sitting in a Jiffy Lube reception room watching MSNBC which meant that I got a full load of Spicey and his not so daily press briefing. Honestly, if my car didn’t need the work I would never have had this rather hard to describe feeling right now. Ennui!! Deja vu? Honestly, I just don’t know. Spicy really hasn’t nailed down how to do the job yet although he is a touch better than his first day which I think he would rather forget.

  10. That melancholy music almost made me feel sorry for him…
