So If I’m Just a Little Bad, I’ll Just Get a Headache, Not a Heart Attack?

May 03, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aladamnbama is one of my favorite Oh My God, Texas Ain’t So Bad places.

Congressvarmint Mo Brooks, Republican of you know where, went on the electric teevee with Jake Trapper and blamed pre-existing conditions on people who don’t live good.

“My understanding is that (the new proposal) will allow insurance companies to require people who have higher health care costs to contribute more to the insurance pool. That helps offset all these costs, thereby reducing the cost to those people who lead good lives, they’re healthy, they’ve done the things to keep their bodies healthy. And right now, those are the people — who’ve done things the right way — that are seeing their costs skyrocketing.”

I’m just wondering, how bad do you have to be to get yourself a pre-existing condition?  “Yeah, Mo, there I was sitting on the porch doing not one damn bad thing and then all a sudden my genes just kicked in and I caught myself a bad case of multiple sclerosis.”

So now at least we know the secrets of Lou Gehrig and his disease.  I guess he wasn’t as healthy or as good as we thought, huh?

How about Jimmy Kimmel’s infant son with a heart condition?  Was that kid smoking in the womb?  Seems like they should have stopped that.

And every woman with breast cancer needs to be asked, “What have you been doing with those breasts?”

Mo has unlocked the secrets of the universe.  You know, except for the fact that eventually you’re gonna die.

Thanks to Rob for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “So If I’m Just a Little Bad, I’ll Just Get a Headache, Not a Heart Attack?”

  1. I see a new political cartoon soon for these smug sobs (sorry Mama):

    A large iron gate in front of a GOP graveyard that says at the top “Insurance Access Will Make You Free” and tombstones that read, “RIP-infant – heart defect”, “breast cancer”, “child – asthma attack”, “Diabetic”, “BP – meds unafforable”,….

  2. treehugger says:

    That’s the way it is with these people. It’s either your fault because you weren’t living right or it’s God’s will. And I guess God’s picking on you because you weren’t living right or is just in a bad mood. Either way you’re SOL, so you’d best just suck it up and move to another state (oh wait, that was another Republican Congressvarmint). These vermin are getting their pockets lined by the insurance industry and Big Pharma. It all makes it more appealing to move to another country.

  3. Mo shouldn’t be allowed to breed.

  4. TrulyTexan says:

    So does that meant Aladamnbama will be admitting that tobacco kills people? How about alcohol? How about christian scientists? Anti-vaccers?

  5. treehugger:

    Brushing up on Spanish isn’t a bad idea, if things really go south…Rump would use the wall to keep tax payers in to pay for his military toys.

  6. The question to ask is this one.
    If America is the greatest country in the world, why can’t the Republicans figure out how to give ALL Americans affordable health care?

    The reason is they do not believe that we All deserve it affordable health care.
    Plain and simple. They don’t believe we deserve it.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    Everyone knows the wingnut deity visits the sins of the father (exclusively in Libs cases) upon the children.

    In case the wingnut’s kids have diseases in the womb it is Obama’s fault because he is pro-Planned Parenthood.

  8. two crows says:

    Just another case of, “I got mine. Screw the rest of you.” Far too common among our elected officials these days.

    On a related note, as seen on MSNBC recently – there’s a little town right on the border with Michigan — population 658. At last count, 300 Americans have invaded it and the Canadians who live there are incensed. This town is not an official crossing point — and it does not have the resources to block the border. It would if it could.

    Here’s one suggestion:

    btw — keep watching after the first video — the Canadians have lots of suggestions you might like. 😀

  9. But they can spend millions for a football coach.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    Thanks, Mo. Say ‘Hi’ to Larry and Curly, m’kay?

  11. You missed the best part. An infant is born with a medical condition that requires time in the NICU (for the uninitiated, that’s the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, aka BIG BUCKS Unit). The infant has a pre existing condition – which the current plan allows the insurance company to not cover, because the child was born with it. Here’s the good part, because Republicans changed the bankruptcy laws, the infant is now responsible for his/her medical bills in the ICU, and they can’t declare bankruptcy to shield themselves. So this original sin / birth debt will follow them for the rest of their lives.

    Am I serious? Serious as a heart attack.

  12. My son, unemployed and can’t get insurance anywhere for less than $588 a month wrote to Mo Brooks and got an answer as to why this is a problem – one word – capitalism. Mo is my daughter’s congress critter and is one of the reasons she can’t wait to get her family out o there and go someplace closer to sanity.

  13. Tilphousia says:

    Mo is an ignorant bastard who needs to be neutered. Preferably, without anesthesia. In fact, too many of the rethugs need to be neutered.

  14. I heard “The Lilies Of The Field” policy is going to be extremely popular. Low premium until your first visit. Then whatever reason for your visit, you’re treated with a lobotomy. You’ll still be able to function well enough to mail a check every month to your insurance company, but you’ll no longer “worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.”

  15. Soon well be hearing about some type of criminal activity by that a$$hole.

  16. @JAKVirginia

    Where ya been dude? (Before you answer my unintentionally leading question keep your rights under Miranda v. Arizona in mind.) We discussed sending search parties out in a spiral from Langley to find ya.

  17. JAKvirginia says:

    Micr: Thanks for asking. Took a mental/physical health break. Still in it to a degree. Becoming a member of the U.S. of Trump takes some doing. I will chime in from time to time. But I can’t see spending my time bitching about it all. I’m using my energy to build resolve. I will support and vote for ANY Dem candidate in 2018. They ALL have to win. Other than that… doing well. How bout you?

  18. @JAK

    Thanks for asking.

    I am just about right: less than I want, more than I deserve.

  19. Bernard says:

    Why is no one questioning the veterans who come back with a serious condition – which almost every one of them does. Is that because they lived bad and had it coming? Will they have to pay higher premiums because they knew what would happen if they went into a combat zone, but went anyway. The Repugs are a distinct class of brain dead zombies.

  20. Brooks was, in fact, immaculately conceived and his virgin mother died nobly in child birth. He himself has led a sinless life….or at least that is what one supposes.

    If I had the power, I’d drop the SOB into any hospital for sick children so he could explain to those born with birth defects, and those dying from cancer, and those without limbs, that if they’d only led good lives before they were born, they wouldn’t have gotten sick/damaged. And I wouldn’t let him out until he fell off his horse.

    BTW, he is “pro life.”

  21. JAKvirginia says:

    Ellie: Maybe a trip to St. Judes. He could lecture the parents there. Bets on whether he makes it out alive?

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    Maybe Mo should have a conversation with resident Texass dumbass, Greg Abbott about the wisdom of standing under a tree in the middle of a storm. Greg’s story is entirely suspicious. He claims to have been running. So, is he saying the tree chased him to fall on him?

    Other than Greg and maybe a few snacilbupeR scam artists, the likelihood of anyone choosing to be disabled through accident or birth is beyond st00pid.

    But as we all know, Greg received his payment. Now like Lyin’ Ryan who lived and went to school on Social Security, those cretins want to deny any help to anyone. Leaves the obvious conclusion that they scammed the system and think others would act like they did. If they care to disabuse me of that conclusion they need to pay back what they were paid with interest.

  23. Aggieland Liz says:

    This reminds me of when my niece was at John Sealy Galveston getting treated for congenitally “flat hips”. Her femurs did not form her hip sockets properly, so they just floated around against her little unformed pelvis. She had to be in traction for several weeks (3?4? She’s nearly 30!) and we took shifts visiting. There was a little tiny Hispanic boy there at the time. He needed a liver transplant. The nurses took turns holding him and we did too; he wasn’t gonna get a transplant, and his parents were trying to keep body n soul together for the rest of the family. I still remember holding that darling little boy, and I’m tearing up remembering. My darling departed Daddy carried him a lot. Months later I invoked that little saint when discussing healthcare with my mother, in the early nineties…I wanted to know what the f*** made her (grand)baby so bloody special, but that other mother, who couldn’t even afford to say goodbye to her little boy, had to just let him go. It’s amazing what forms you and INforms you in this life; I won that round, sneering at my mother’s brand of Catholicism and her love of God, and her pro-life prattle! She changed her mind that day, the only battle I’ve ever really known I won. Our Congress is largely populated by soulless self absorbed and completely evil persons: they are motivated by pride, envy, avarice, gluttony, and lust, they indulge in anger over worthless stupidities, and are far too slothful to engage in any real fact-finding, self-examination, or real work. It is most discouraging.

  24. Hannah says:

    Back in Jesus’ day, people believed that if you were sick, it was because you were sinful. “Good” folks were healthy.

    Apparently Mo Brooks hasn’t read the parts of the Gospels where Jesus preached against that conventional “wisdom”. And he’s got lots of company.
