Redefining Words

July 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you know who might be even more fun than Donald Trump?

Chris Christie.

He’s running for Bully-in-Chief.

imagesChristie has yet to learn the difference between guts and gall.  Guts are a good thing. Speaking truth to power takes guts. However, if you ever try to push around anybody with less power, good-looks, intelligence, or money than you have, that’s bully. And that’s Christie.

So Mother Jones says don’t take our word for it, here’s actual videos of Christie being a damn bully.

And those who know Christie best cringe around him the best.  Take this advice from Tom Moran, a New Jersey reporter who has followed Christie for 14 years.

My testimony amounts to a warning: Don’t believe a word the man says.

Don’t misunderstand me. They all lie, and I get that. But Christie does it with such audacity, and such frequency, that he stands out.

Moran then lays out Christie Crap in a nice little package.

Trump is just a doofus saying crazy stuff every day.  Christie is a time bomb and when he does go off, he’ll fly around the room backwards for days.

Thanks to David and Deb for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Redefining Words”

  1. I was puzzled. Not by the bullying charge, but about where on earth Christie could find somebody with less good looks and less intelligence than himself to bully.

    Then the answer suddenly occurred to me: Republican primary.

  2. Oops. Skip that. I got snarled in the sentence structure.

  3. Very interesting article by Tom Moran.
    Christie and Perry have legal troubles, going to be fun to see how they effect their campaigns.
    Christie has so many skeletons in his closet that Romney
    would not even consider him for VP.

    I heard and interview by Christie after reading the article.
    He is as slimy as Ted Cruz. But at least he uses the name he was born with.

  4. Hollyanna says:

    Rude, crude and mendacious to boot–kinda like Scott Walker without the finesse–just what we want representing the U.S. of A. on the world stage. And an actual bully to handle those delicate international relations. Yeah, that will work. You go, GOP!

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Well, I guess I’ll stay in Texas. At least we know who the main liars are.

  6. I actually wanna see how he handles a visible and audible deputation of veterans who will show up just about anywhere he dares to campaign!

  7. maryelle says:

    New Yawk Trump vs. New Joisey Christie in Madison Square Garden for the fight of the decade: The Bully Boys Square Off.
    Now that should be fun!

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Marge!!!??? You couldn’t have been serious. From TX to NJ? Seriously???

  9. buskyandme says:

    “Christie is a time bomb and when he does go off, he’ll fly around the room backwards for days.”

    Something like Baron Harkonnen in Dune!

  10. I saw a cartoon yesterday.
    First panel: Christie letting fly, “Hey Putin! Sit down and shut . . . .”
    Second panel: Mushroom cloud over large US city.

    Yep, that about sums up his “presidency.”

  11. Hmmm — oops. Was it HERE I saw that cartoon? If so, my apologies. Still, that doesn’t make it ungood. Quite the opposite, aamof.

  12. I’m am telling you, this will make the campaign of 1803 look like child’s play!
