
January 21, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Was that a press conference or a hostage video?


Women March on The Damn World.  Trump’s men whine.

Silliest damn thing.


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0 Comments to “Question”

  1. Was that supposed to be a video? Cause all I’m getting is a still frame.

  2. The choice between a political hack’s screeching and my “lying eyes” is pretty easy.

  3. Primo Encarnación says:

    1) what is this meant to distract us from?
    2) what will happen when he hears strategic data from intelligence and he can’t discern a reality he doesn’t like?
    3) what will our allies do now that the President of the United States lies reflexively about everything?
    4) How long before Pence et al invoke the 25th Amendment?

  4. The man in that picture is the spokesman for the President of the United States, but apparently, he doesn’t own a suit that fits properly. Either that, or his head truly is three sizes too small.

  5. This guy is now a *professional* whiny little bitch.
    As opposed to his boss, who is Putin’s bitch.

  6. Mark Schlemmer says:

    I wanted to share this gem from today’s NYT. A commenter had this apt description of Trump”

    The low grade, hair sprayed, maturity delayed, KKK’d, workers unpaid, populist masquerade, tax evade, truth waylaid, Twitter tirade, Trump U charade, morally decayed, climate betrayed, intellectual retrograde, orange marmalade Donald Trump? This is truly a cosmic embarrassment.

    Great song lyric potential.

  7. That was gaslighting in its purest form.

  8. JAKvirginia says:

    Women, women everywhere and not a one to grab.

    Does that pretty well sum up the attitude at the WH?

  9. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh… and yeah JJ, P.P. makes a point. That’s a still not a vid. (Personally, I could do w/o a vid. Thanks.)

  10. AlanInAustin ... says:

    “”Former CIA Director Brennan is deeply saddened and angered at Donald Trump’s despicable display of self-aggrandizement in front of CIA’s Memorial Wall of Agency heroes,” Nick Shapiro said in a statement. “Brennan says that Trump should be ashamed of himself.””

  11. fry1laurie says:

    Someone please tell Spicer that JC Penney does have a fitting room.

  12. I keep finding myself thinking more and more of that last few minutes of The Wizard of Oz when the wizard keeps pleading with Dorothy to ignore the man behind the screen. Donnie clearly doesn’t want us to match up the words coming out of his mouth with his personal image of himself.

  13. Yes, I know this is off-topic, but I want to state in a public forum that Trump is not my president, and I know that I may not be taking the high road or acting like an adult here. Additionally I want to state that the current Mrs. Trump is not my First Lady, because she is neither “first” nor a “lady.” I also want to remind as many people as I can that the center of the word “strumpet” is “trump.” A most sincere thank you to all Juanita Jean’s clients for letting me rant again. I try to keep it at a minimum.

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    @briankoppelman: I cannot think of a precedent for the speech Trump gave at CIA today, saying, “I’m smart.” It’s as though he demands we call him Fredo.

    Fredo. It’s perfect. Washington Willie and Fredo could be a tag team for the WWC.

  15. Groucho:. Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes???

  16. Ya know El Trump et al got bit in the behind big time by the level of screeching! Good going! Now we just have to keep on keeping on!

  17. I know this is off topic, BUT:

    Please check out the SNL farewell to Obama: “To Sir With Love.”


  18. Rick Stelter says:

    I see that the Trump Administration is already economizing by getting Spicer a suit off the rack at Salvation Army, but couldn’t they send the intern with measurements next time?
    He looks like a homeless guy on a job interview, with sincere apologies to all homeless guys.
    Come to think about it, he sounds like some of the mentally ill homeless guys ranting about imaginary conspiracies, aren’t we proud to have this man as a spokesman for our new President?

  19. This is the stuff of dictators. I expect that very soon, the Press will be booted out of the White House and get little or no access.
    Of course those who tow the line will be encouraged to print the propaganda that El Guapo spews, and be rewarded for it. This is truly frightening.

  20. Irish in S.C. says:

    What T Rump did not understand is that at the CIA he was talking to all of the people who did all of the work on the Russian hacking. If he says that Brennan’s info was wrong, he is saying that the people in front of him were wrong.
    I’m sure that they did not appreciate that!

  21. Marcia in CO says:

    Heard someone on MSNBC throw out the possibility that if the Orange A-hole keeps up with all the denigrating of the media that they simply do not show up EVER for anything else he does!! LOL
    Think of the horrendous hissy-fit that would send the Orange A-hole into … Oh, please … stop covering him!!

  22. Those marches on Saturday were unpresidented!

  23. JAKvirginia says:

    Rubymay! I LIKE a woman who speaks her mind. Don’t ever shy away from that. Truth rarely comes soft and easy. If we has more truth in this country then that butthead wouldn’t be in the WH.

  24. JAKvirginia says:

    … had more truth… (Fat fingers. Small keys.)

  25. JAKvirginia says:

    Marcia in CO: You forgot FOX, RT, and Beitbart. They’ll be there.
