Put That on Your Fork and Eat It, Jodey

April 01, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Republican Congressvarmint Jodey Arrington represents Randy Neugebauer’s old west Texas district, which is the 12th most Republican district in the whole damn country.

If you thought Yachting Randy Neugebauer was the most hypocritical arrogant thing west of anywhere east, you haven’t met Jodey.  Jodey is hypocritical, arrogant and mean.

For example, Jodey is totally against the SNAP program, which is a temporary help to people who have been laid off.  For example, a single person with no children can get $194 a month for food for only three months in a three year period.  Other details here.

But, Jodey loves to cherry pick scripture. He is very fond of 2 Thessalonians 3-10

For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

Bless his heart, Jodey doesn’t know the difference between unwilling and unable.  Let me give you an example, during Katrina, Bush appointed Arrington as “Deputy Federal Coordinator and Chief Operating Officer” of the Office of Federal Coordination for Gulf Coast Rehabilitation.  Obviously from the outcome, Arrington was willing to work but, you know, unable.

Maybe he needs to find a Bible verse to explain this, which may also explain how he screwed up (pun intended) Gulf Coast recovery.

Thanks to Brian and Kary for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Put That on Your Fork and Eat It, Jodey”

  1. That Other Jean says:

    Care for the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit those in prison. . .Jodey certainly does cherry pick his Bible verses. I don’t think there’s anywhere in it that Jesus says to let the poor, out of work, or disabled people starve.

    Jodey is just a bas–son of a–. . .why do so many negatively-descriptive terms for men blame their mothers? And the rest are anatomical, and wouldn’t make it past Momma.

    Jodey is not a nice guy, and should never be in charge of anything.

  2. These a-holes would be clamoring to be THE one to nail Jesus to the cross.

  3. The Repubs’ God is a deity who is incredibly tolerant of money sins–you know, like wrecking the world’s economy from sheer greed or taking food away from children so the rich can get tax cuts–but horribly stern over sexual sins, which is basically anything sexual that women or gays do.

    Funny. I though Jesus was the opposite. He was kinder to sinning women than to sinning moneylenders.

  4. Old Fart says:

    2 Thessalonians 3 isn’t a passage I’ve heard in any services I’ve attended. Now doing unto others…

  5. Rastybob says:

    Just another christian in name only. That has never read Mathew. Bless his heart.

  6. Please just keep them in Texas. We have our own crazy governor here in New Mexico. She vetoed a bill that would make discrimination in state government illegal.

  7. The context of the quote, I believe, is Paul speaking to believers who thought Christ’s return was imminent, and many of whom were sitting on their arses waiting for Jesus and contributing nothing to the community. A bit like the congressdork in question, in a way.

    Charlatans and the buybull are old, old friends.

  8. I’m not a Christian, but I know the Bible better than many who wave it around. Usually the harder they wave it, the less they’ve read it. Seems to me that if there’s an apparent conflict, they ought to go with what Jesus said over what Paul (who never met Jesus or read the gospels which hadn’t been written yet) said.

  9. My bible says he gets a needle in the eye administered by a camel.

  10. maryelle says:

    Mr. Arrogant is KKKristian cult which teaches that using Bible verses to shaft the poor, sick and liberal is the purpose for which it was written. These are the chosen ones who will inhabit the lowest circle of hell.

  11. I actually have a bible that says, quoting the Lord, “whatsoever you do for the least of these you do for me.” Enough of that work dictate or you don’t eat jazz! The Brits tried that on the Irish during the potato famine. Yeah, they created a pittance for welfare for the Irish, claimable only by the male head of the family and then made sure to take so damn much out of that pittance that there wasn’t a damn thing left! Thats in my family history. All I can tell those damn snobs is suck it!

  12. Not taking time to look it up, but I know there’s something in the Bible about Satan being able to quote scripture for his own purposes.

    “You can safely assume that you’ve created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” – Anne Lamott (she attributes this quote to “my priest friend Tom”)

  13. @Dice


    Paul wrote letters to the church Thessaloniki, Greece to aid them in dealing with their internal struggles. As Dice notes above This quote likely refers to members of that church eating more than their share of the food cache held in common and providing little or nor physical work toward the common goals. Paul’s letter was aimed at second century Greeks not 21st century Americans.

    To take this quote and to intentionally misapply it to any other situation outside of a religious commune is the epitome of disingenuous. It also makes a compelling argument that the spouter of the quote has only a superficial and immature knowledge of both the New Testament and of Christianity. Even the fundys, the evangelicals, who are wrong about most everything, should be able to get this one right, merely by reading the salutation of the letter, “Paul, Silas[a] and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:”

  14. Tilphousia says:

    Things like Jodey do not believe in a God. They only believe in greed, hate, and more hate. Don’t think Jesus will recognize them at all. And well, there’s that pesky phrase that the rich have their reward on earth. Those they persecute will have eternity whilst the persecuted have an eternity of suffering. But soulless beings like Jodey will continue to blather away with out of context bible verses used to ‘prove’ their superiority. Hey, Jodey, “what so ever you do to the least of my children, you do to me”.

  15. Suck it Jodey.

  16. AlanInAustin ... says:

    Matthew 19:21

    Jesus told him, “If you want to be perfect, go and sell all your possessions and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.”

    So maybe there should be a law as to the maximum wealth someone should have? Oh wait — we’re not a Christian nation, are we?

  17. AlanInAustin ... says:


    “The Washington Post quietly rewrote a story about a Congressman using the Bible to bash poor people Friday, after a writer at the Federalist published a systematic break down of the piece that exposed major holes and mistakes in the story.”

