Preach It, Sid!

April 26, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

As you’ve probably guessed Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller is quickly becoming a favorite here at the beauty salon.

Not only is he a crook, a quintessential Good Ole Boy, and Ted Nugent crazy, he’s sadly obsessed with children’s school lunches.

Miller_Sid_2014_8583596_ver1.0_640_480His first act of office was to free the cupcakes, where he said that Texas would once again allow cupcakes in public schools.

Now he wants to return all the deep fryers to public school cafeterias because FREEDOM.

You think I’m joking, don’t you?

I would not joke about freedom.

Actual, real, not doctored quote from Sid Miller.

“I have proposed a new rule to allow school districts to install deep fat fryers and sell beverages like diet soda. I believe each school district – not the state or federal government – should decide what foods are offered to students… If a school district doesn’t agree with any of these changes, then the district doesn’t have to implement them. That’s the beauty here. It’s not about French fries; it’s about freedom.”

He’s completely serious, y’all.  He is the freekin’ King of Caca Del Toro.

I will bet you my best pair of pink boots that his brother-in-law is in the deep fryer business.  And his college roommate sells lard.

Thanks to Craig for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Preach It, Sid!”

  1. Mark Schlemmer says:

    This guy undoubtedly has the physique, heart, and brain of a man who has had his belly up to the counter for more fried food than the Good Lord intended. How do y’all Texans put up with this level of awful?

  2. James Edwards says:

    Mark, my answer to all this is to leave!

  3. Yep, 200 years ago they didn’t have diet soda and they may have had fried food and cupcakes, but they bought their lunch to school or went home to eat. Schools had nothing to do with the nutritional needs of students.

    They also didn’t have an epidemic of childhood obesity, diabetes and heart disease in children.

    And doesn’t the Commissioner of agriculture have more to do for the farmers? Don’t they have more pressing needs then making sure kids get cupcakes???

  4. Texas Expat in CA says:

    Yeah, why is the Texas Ag Commissioner involved in school lunches? Isn’t this a health issue, in which medical experts should be consulted?

  5. maryelle says:

    You are what you eat, Sid, and you are one huge fried lard-a$$, wearing a fake cowboy hat.

  6. It’s also a dig at the First Lady, who is stomping on freedom, in the guise of wanting kids to eat more fruits and vegetables.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    FRENCH fries?

  8. Instead of reinstating all the money cut from public school funding, now they can just deep fry their school vouchers. Yum.

  9. Right on, Cheryl. He’s more than happy to kill some kids to prove how much he hates Obama.

  10. Sandridge says:

    “I believe each school district – not the state or federal government – should decide what foods are offered to students…”

    On the other hand, if it involves ‘guns, god, gay’s, or graft’, the current State of Texas is going to stomp all over any “local control”. Take that, you proles.

  11. who votes for these a-holes?

  12. The Agriculture Commissioner decides what foods Texas kids get to eat at school because it’s all about money. Health concerns don’t come into it, Texas Expat. I didn’t know they grow potatoes in Texas, but somebody somewhere is going to make money out of those kids, even if they all end up weighing 300 pounds and dying of heart attacks at age 26.

  13. So this guy is all for freedom and choice. I wonder if that also applies to gay marriage and women’s contraceptive options.

  14. Sandridge says:

    yellowdoggranny says:
    April 26, 2015 at 10:56 am

    who votes for these a-holes?

    Wellll, Granny, if you live in Texas, about 50-95% of your neighbors actually get out and vote for them, without fail.
    Of course, a huge number of actual and potential Democrats don’t even bother to get out vote against them, so the Rassholes win almost every time.

    When I was a bit younger it always amazed me how the Rethugs would round up and get hordes of old geezers and geezerettes to the polls from this vast ranchland area, most of them probably seldom leaving the ol’ homeplace for anything else.
    It’s paid off for them, my county went from a Democratic stronghold to 70-80% Rethug in a decade or two, despite an assumed ‘natural attrition’.

    And the Rethug margin among the Hispanic demographic, what should be a natural Democratic cohort, is trending up and up; from maybe 8% to above 40%+ now. The damned Dems seem to be ‘asleep at the wheel’.
    I’m no longer an optimist, we’re on our way to “Hell in a Handbasket”…careening down a mountainous two lane highway with drunken crazies driving the clown car.

    (and now I’m pretty much a geezer too, now, also)

  15. I’m sure you can trust him, though. He’s wearing a white hat.

  16. Sandridge, as far as the GOP rounding up old folks to vote…. A friend said that some nice people came to her mother’s nursing home in Rhode Island to help the old folks fill out their absentee ballots. Funny how a lot of those ballots turned out to be voting Republican when they were supposedly filled out by life-long Democrats.

  17. Marge Wood says:

    You can go register old folks to vote in “rehab centers” (formerly known as old folks’ homes) but you cannot, CANNOT

  18. Marge Wood says:

    sorry, oops. You CANNOT help one of the folks in there VOTE if you don’t live with him or her or are a personal care taker of the voter. You cannot help more than one person fill out a mail-in ballot. And if you help someone register to vote in that place, and you make one teensy mistake, like the wrong number on the return address etc, the voter registrar’s office will call you personally and ask why were you doing that anyway. That’s in Travis County, Texas anyway.

  19. Marge Wood says:

    Also, back to Ag Dept, does anyone here have personal experience in a Texas public school using the Michelle Obama suggested menu (like, they have to to get Fed funds of some sort)?

  20. daChipster says:

    “It’s not about French Fries. It’s about Freedom.”

    Quick, somebody, make that a T-shirt!

  21. Well, its this way. Seems as if a whole lot of kids across the country cannot stand the sight of fruits and vegetables no matter how they are cooked. This stuff gets trashed right quick. Now before there is a great clucking of tongues, you might actually want to see what these cooked veggies look like on a cafeteria tray and then taste them. My mama never cooked green vegetables until they looked like they died 3 times and were dug up twice. Thats the sticking point. Looks. Taste. Kids who aren’t gonna damn eat anything healthy no matter who is after them. So wackos like Sid move in and fill the vacuum. My school lunches invariably consisted of a hot dog and a little carton of whole milk. Later on we were allowed to have potato chips. Lots of kids carried their own lunches. I wonder how many of them still do that? It was common to have meatloaf sandwiches, an apple, and an oatmeal/raisin cookie. The kids bought the little bitty box of milk. Didn’t have a deep fryer anywhere in the school and didn’t miss it.

  22. I read somewhere that children are eating a larger share of their fruits and veg. Seriously. I’m not making that up. But it would have more heft if I could remember Where I read it. Rats. I just turned 62 this month so I’m officially a senior citizen. That must be it.

  23. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I wonder if he would allow school districts to regulate cracking under the school yards. Let the school district decide!

  24. Ralph Wiggam says:

    So who gets to decide about fracking under the school yard? The district or he legislature.

  25. Sandridge says:

    Rhea and Marge W,
    These geezer wranglers looked to be talibangelical church people (we used to call most of that type “hardshell Baptists”, but you know the look, all spiffed up w/Sunday meetin’ garb, on a Tuesday).
    They certainly ran an efficient assistance and transportation effort for anybody needing it (no public transport here, not too many old folks places either).
    As far as ‘influencing the vote’, who knows; the preachers probably already had them in the bag. I didn’t see any actual ‘filling out the ballot’ stuff, but the gzr wranglers hovered real close by, ready to ‘help’.
    And some of our polling places were just 10’x20′ sheds basically, or VFD’s, at the courthouse or schools in town (only a few towns anyway).
    The county is as big (sq miles) as Rhode Island, but pop. was only ~20-25K, spread out, biggest town was ~6K if that, back then. It’s all changed with the Eagle Ford now (pop. up to ~35-40K). New everything too: HEB, Wally, McD’s, Bill Miller’s, Holiday Inn, La Quinta, etc. Can’t hardly recognize the place anymore. Kids are long gone, couldn’t wait to get out (the thumpers were busy infiltrating, and they didn’t like it), I’m transitioning to the Coast (it’s actually RW-worse there).

  26. Sandridge says:

    Ralph Wiggam,

    Back in the ’80’s(?), in a little Kenedy County town called Sarita (pop ~200, the only town, think Kenedy/King/Armstrong/Yturria ranches) there was a well dug behind the elementary school (this was before much fraccing).

    Yep, it blew out, took part of the schoolyard.

    It burned for a week or two, until Fred Adair came down and put it out (IIRC). Mighty impressive sight, and noisy as Hell.
    It made for a helluva show, as it was only a couple hundred yards from Hwy 77 (and I was commuting by it almost every day).

    Y’all visit it sometime, it’s a unique South Texas place fersure.

  27. maryelle says:

    It’s not about freedom, it’s about Big Agri and their lobby paying Big Bucks to politicians like ole big a$$ Sid and lots of other Repugs to keep our kids addicted to sugar, fat and fast food.

  28. Sandridge says:

    Let me add this about one of my fav places: (from the Wiki link) “Sarita has been ranked the most politically liberal town in Texas.[2]”.

    And from the Sarita school district Wiki: “Of the nine Texas counties having only one school apiece, the population of Sarita Elementary School was the smallest.[1]”.
    What it doesn’t say (I think it did before) is that the per pupil expenditure at Sarita Elementary is probably the highest in the nation, certainly the highest in Texas.
    It was about $24,000+ per pupil/per year before.
    Made possible of course by very low tax rates on vast cattle, oil and gas properties, and just a few students.

  29. function (a$$_hat) {
    var allHat = no_head;
    var aboveEars = 0;
    var sidMiller = aboveEars + allHat;
    return true;

  30. Ellen Childress says:

    A couple of questions. Have any of you dined at your local elementary school cafeteria lately? Do any of you remember what food in your school cafeteria was like in the ’50’s and 60’s? Did any of you have a mother or aunt who worked in your school cafeteria? Do you remember vegetables like collards with great seasoning, butter beans, roasted chicken, green beans, real cheese, real butter, rolls or cornbread, and real desserts like fruit pies and cake?
    As a member of our school’s SBDM team, I do pop into the cafeteria at lunchtime once in a while and talk to the kids as well. It’s not a very palatable picture. Most of the time, there is a choice between eating the lunch offered or having a peanut butter sandwich. If a child is smart, he or she will opt for the sandwich and apple every time. I have seldom seen so much unappetizing gunk on a food tray being passed off as a healthy meal! So, while I do not like anything about Sid Miller, I will happily vote for cupcakes in school . . . . and chocolate milk and fresh fruit and all that expensive commercial kitchen equipment being used instead of plopping a tray of precooked, prepackaged, predigested mystery stuff in front of a kid and calling it lunch ! Most of it ends up in the trash . . . . . and with more than 40 countries represented in my local school ( lots of refugees), we probably see more than most schools do of kids who just won’t eat it. And I really don’t blame them. I wouldn’t eat it either !

  31. Fracking under a school yard? As shiver inducing a that is, listen to this. An archdiocese in Pennsylvania permitted fracking under one of its cemeteries! No kidding!

  32. I’ve done gone cross-eyed. I can’t keep track of when these bozoos want local control and when they want to lord it over the locals. The best I can tell they are all for local control when they agree with the locals. When the locals do something they don’t like then they can’t have that.

  33. daChipster says:

    Dice: You didn’t declare your function name or type, as a$$_hat is your parameter.

    Should be more like

    boolean is_an_a$$_hat (str x)

    and defined as

    If all_hat(x) and no_cattle(x)
    Then Return True
    Else Return False;

    And your call would be

    IF is_an_a$$_hat(“Sid Miller”)
    Then TX_A$$_HAT_ct++;

    But you better have defined TX_A$$_HAT_ct as a large integer, there seem to be a lot of ’em.

  34. daChipster: Thanx, I live in WI and we’re new at this Red State Idiocy thing. I’ll get there. Sadly, I’ll get there.

  35. There is more waste in school cafeterias than I care to think about. I can’t bear to go in one and look at all the food thrown away. The waste of food and money is raping taxpayers. Maybe, the kids should bring their own food from home. At least they may eat it!
