PP: 2 — Evil OH GOP AG: 0

February 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The anti-Choice forces in America really screwed the pooch when they decided to mess with Planned Parenthood, this time.   What were they thinking when they decided to take on Cecile Richards?  Did they think Ann Richards’ daughter learned NOTHING at her mama’s knee?

Mike DeWine is a twisted leprechaun of a man, devoid of even the most basic feelings of shame, inklings of logic, blushings of truth or beatings of a warm heart. So being a Republican lawyer/politician was not much of a stretch for him.  He was swept into office as Ohio Attorney General in that disastrous 2010 after a long career in the revolving door that is Ohio GOP Politics – US House, Lt Governor, US Senate, Attorney General.  If we follow the playbook, he should be running for Governor in about 10 minutes.

Now there is a rumor running about that the diminutive DeWine is actually an escapee of Oz. I want to assure you that there is NO WAY this could possibly be true.

Here is an evil flying monkey.ht_mike_dewine_ll_120217_mn


And here is Mike DeWine.evil-flying-monkey

Clearly, you can see the difference: one is an evil minion flying around attacking people with brains, heart and courage and yanking young women into danger at the behest of his betters.  The other is a fictional monkey – and taller.

Anyway, when the GOP Fetal-Industrial Complex took umbrage with the absolutely false baby-part-selling videos, Planned Parenthood found itself the target of flying monkeys across Redstate America. But investigation after investigation cleared PP of all wrongdoing and in your own Texas, – yay, TEXAS! – actually ended up having to indict someone that they were hoping to lionize.

Here in Ohio as well, the snacilbupeR got out their sporks and started digging, literally, through garbage, because although PP was NOT selling body parts, it turned out they were doing something MUCH WORSE! They were par-boiling them in steam them dumping them in a landfill…in KENTUCKY!

Suddenly, gruff billy goats could cross any bridge in Ohio without fear of molestation, as the concern trolls left their natural habitats and flocked to Columbus in order to pass immediate strongly-worded anti-Woman bills to Fedex to Governor Kasich’s desk in New Hampshire.

Except, not only is the characterization of the sterilization and disposal methods of medical waste by Planned Parenthood COMPLETELY FALSE, it turns out that the State of Ohio disposes of their fetal remains in exactly the same way.

This is going to be another blow to the already-melting campaign of Carly Fiorina.



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0 Comments to “PP: 2 — Evil OH GOP AG: 0”

  1. So where’d ya score that pitchur of Snarly in the very green eye makeup? Was it autographed? Enquiring minds want to no!

  2. Primo, h/t for making the truth very entertaining!

  3. That Other Jean says:

    Amazing, isn’t it? No matter how deep the hole the snacilbupeR pols have gotten themselves into, they never stop digging.

  4. Marcia in CO says:

    @TOJ … hopefully, they will dig long enough and deep enough and be able to go to Won Hung Low’s in China for lunch.

    The Republican’s are IDIOTS and, like JJ, I truly, TRULY dislike them!!

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Cecile Richards for President; President of the United States. Her smack down of that little punter from Bang ’em Young U was classic. 2020 folks. Senator Sanders hasn’t indicated his VP choice, but either Cecile Richards or Wendy Davis would be great.

  6. PKM, do you have a link to CR’s smack down?

  7. e platypus onion says:

    I thought manly wingnut men ate their own raw,not cooked.

  8. Eeeesh! I knew DeWine when he was in the Senate. A hit he was not. He keeps running for office cuz he is addicted to campaigning. Otherwise, he has nothing to offer.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Tony, this is the full hearing from C-SPAN: http://www.c-span.org/video/?328410-1/planned-parenthood-president-cecile-richards-testimony-taxpayer-funding

    A search of “Cecile Richards slams Jason Chaffetz” will result in the more delicious tidbits. This was his graph with the distorted numbers: http://r.fod4.com/s=w600,pd1/o=80/http://p.fod4.com/p/media/9de1751966/XjcqTV6aT8CPku3PixbS_CQFCpBOWsAArnS9.jpg

  10. 1smartcanerican says:

    These GOP idiots need to be removed from office next time round and replaced by thinking Americans which rules out any other GOP applicant. They do no think; they are told what to do by others who do not have America’s best interest at heart.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    They’ve done NOTHING WRONG and need to be stopped!!

    Yep. That pretty much sums up this nutter. Sigh.

  12. His next gig could be as a movie Nazi.

  13. It is very insulting to the witch and her flying monkey by comparing their simple naughtiness to the true stupidity bigoted evil of the rePUKEians!

  14. Excellent example of practice versus policy. Every rite-wing org has a policy, but the practice is different. Practice, you sway? Yeah behavior always trumps the crap they write to play C-Y-A.

  15. H/t PKM.

  16. Marge Wood says:

    They’ll be sorry they asked.

  17. Chloe Bear says:

    DeWine is an evil vindictive little man with a serious personality disorder. One of the happiest days of my life was when Sherrod Brown beat him for the U.S. Senate Sherrod currently holds.

  18. My favorite fantasy is that there will be a monumental wave of Democrats swept into office replacing the RKlan detritus which passes for government. Please God.

  19. charles r. phillips says:

    maryelle, that’s a longshot at best. However, if our candidate’s coattails are long enough, we should be able to hamstring much of their nonsense.
