
April 04, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have friends who ask me why I am so involved with politics.  My general answer is that everything is political.

And I have proof.

Every week, PBS lists Five Important Stories That Don’t Have Anything To Do With Politics.  Let’s look at this week.

1. Arkansas plans to execute eight men in 11 days

You think that’s not political?  The only way to stop that from happening is through politics. And, the only reason it happens is politics.

2. The comalike condition that takes hold of refugee children

Syria.  Political.

3. South Africa’s black youth grapple with access to higher education

The result of apartheid.  Political.

4. Manatees aren’t endangered anymore

Thought you had me, huh?  Nope.

The Save the Manatee Club told CNN that the government should update its manatee recovery plan. And with a record number of manatees killed by boats in Florida last year, the Center for Biological Diversity says there needs to be a greater emphasis on enforcement and education.

5. D.C. institutions acquire a photo album that (slightly) expands the history of two African American trailblazers

Somewhere in South Carolina, someone is saying this is made up and will run for the state legislature on that fact alone.

There ya have it.


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0 Comments to “Politics”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    When I was a kid we had Saturday manatees at the local theater. They weren’t endangered then. What happened? 🙂

  2. JJ, I completely agree. However, my uterus should not be. It’s just those horny old snacilbupeR congressperverts can’t help thinking about lady parts. Eeuuuwwwww.

  3. I learned years ago from Billy Carr that if I buy a pound of coffee, I’m participating in politics. She was right.

  4. Laurel Beckett says:

    Every single one of these is critical, in its own way.
    1) I wrote to Gov Hutchison and asked if he had delayed the start of his execution blitz until the day after Easter because he thought that was what Jesus would like. And suggested that if he is so darn eager to kill people, he should just put on his big-boy pants and go over and strap people down and pull the switch himself. Eight times. Twice a day.
    2) A couple of my students have been helping a Syrian refugee family. Five kids, 10 and under. They wake up screaming at night – nightmares – still. I sent a bunch of stuff over to help furnish apartment, books for kids, and so on. A little stuffed teddy bear that, when you squeeze it gently, says “I love you!” in a squeaky little voice. For a little while, at least, the youngest ones were enchanted and laughing in delight.

    I teach in a medical school and do research – chronic diseases of aging (dementia, cancer, and so on.) Public health, medical care, teaching, and research are all on the chopping block now. Politics. Because rich people having to pay a little more in taxes is worse for the country than 5 million people with Alzheimer’s. Yep.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    ;D I’m an Eisenhower Republican. j/k Only know about Ike from what is available in books and film. So please, carefully lay down those pitchforks. However, as a Green, Progressive Independent who votes with the Democrats in elections to assure the win, I do advocate that we adopt the Eisenhower era tax codes as a beginning toward negotiating with the snacilbupeR. Every snacilbupeR wants tax cuts, then has the audacity to ask how we intend to pay for things, including their wars and bloated military expenditures, waste & fraud.

    The answer is simple: without a tax base there is no balanced budget or debt without ceiling or national debt or whatever version of voodoo economics that the latest gang of crooks in Congress is selling.

    Let’s return to Ike’s percentages for 5-10 years. Pay for Dubya’s 2 off budget wars, neglected infrastructure repairs & improvements, education; basically whatever else we need to not become a substandard nation with beyond cruel austerity measure tax cuts.

    “There are days” … days in which bombing a few limousine size holes into the streets of Dee Cee seems like a good idea. Along with a written notice to members of Congress, their lobbyist sponsors and the media: “no, there will be no repairs, until the other 99.9% of America is repaired.”

  6. As an ordained clergyman whenever I celebrate the Lord’s Supper I make mention of the homeless, the hungry, the poor and the prisoners. I once had a parishioner criticize me suggesting I was always bringing politics into the Lord’s Supper. I responded, “To celebrate the Lord’s Supper and NOT mention the poor is ALSO a political statement!”

  7. 4. Manatees aren’t endangered

    Protecting manatees might be in Trump’s own best interest, should he ever take a dip dressed in a dark one piece swimming outfit. With Trump’s posture he might display a striking resemblance to the manatee once he’s out bobbing around in the inter-coastal waterway. You couldn’t blame a drunk motor boater for confusing the two…

  8. e platypus onion says:

    See if Slipstream can corral a few walrusses and send them to Florida and then explain to them there are earthly riches of clams under the greens on Drumpf’s golf courses. Best of all no Inuit hunters or polar bears.

  9. slipstream says:

    epo, it is obvious you have never attempted to motivate a walrus. Trying to put a 2000 pound walrus with 12 inch tusks into a corral is more than simply a waste of time; it rapidly becomes a major hazard to life and limb.

    Walrusses are, however, unable to resist a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich. All I need to do is toss PBJs off the back of my boat, one by one, for thousands of miles . . . hmm, maybe go through the Panama Canal . . . number of sandwiches X walrusses desired X sandwiches consumed X walrus X day . . . rowing at walrus speed . . . okay, the walrus herd should be there by about April 2019.

  10. South Africa, kids who can’t get a higher education = apartheid. We have it in our own country. Its called red lining. Its very often invisible and hard to prove in court and it just keeps rolling along as a result. It would be my dominant theme if a 77 y.o. Irish granny every ran for office.

  11. e platypus onion says:

    Slip wins the internet and the Nobel prize in mathematics for the day. 🙂

  12. austinhatlady says:

    second that idea. Drew a smile and a chuckle.
